Young dancer Suriman died of stomach cancer, these causes of stomach cancer should be avoided

She is like a shooting star, shining brightly across the sky. Although it is short-lived, it is unforgettable!

On March 12, the girl from Inner Mongolia who loved laughter and moved tens of millions of netizens, and the young dancer Su Riman, who used to be dazzling on the stage, died of stomach cancer at the age of 28. So sad.

Suriman was diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer 8 months ago and had multiple bone metastases. After 8 rounds of chemotherapy, she finally failed to overcome the disease. Although suffering from disease and chemotherapy side effects during his lifetime, Suriman was always optimistic and cheerful, and recorded his anti-cancer process on the video platform. Netizens called her “the most beautiful anti-cancer girl”. She once said in the video: The length of life is to obey the destiny, and the width of life is created by yourself.

In 2018, “Whose Youth Is Not Rebellious” actor Wang Miao died of stomach cancer at the age of 28. Why does the senile disease of stomach cancer frequently come to young people? The causes of gastric cancer are closely related to the following factors.

Genetic factors

Stomach cancer has obvious familial aggregation, and the risk of first-degree relatives of gastric cancer patients is 3 times higher than the general population on average. When the CDH1 mutation gene is carried in the family, the probability of familial gastric cancer is higher, accounting for 5-10% of all gastric cancer patients.

Bad eating habits

Bad eating habits include skipping breakfast; not eating on time; having a full meal or overeating; eating too fast or too hot food; often eating hard and rough food; often eating leftovers Leftovers; I like to eat marinated, fried and barbecued foods, and I eat too little fresh vegetables and fruits. The above-mentioned various bad eating habits can lead to mucosal damage in the upper gastrointestinal tract, and chronic gastritis and atypical hyperplasia can be caused by long-term effects.

No alcohol and tobacco

Various toxic substances in tobacco and ethanol in alcohol can directly stimulate the gastric mucosa, damage the gastric mucosal barrier, cause chronic inflammation, and gradually develop to atypical hyperplasia and cancer. Tobacco and alcohol stimulation are closely related to the occurrence of gastric cancer.

Helicobacter pylori infection

WHO lists Helicobacter pylori infection as a group I carcinogen for gastric antrum and/or gastric body cancer. Helicobacter pylori infection is closely associated with gastric mucosa-associated lymphoma.

Chronic stomach disease

Gastric adenomatous polyps and chronic atrophic gastritis are precancerous lesions. In addition, the remnant stomach after partial gastric resection may be accompanied by varying degrees of chronic inflammation and gastric mucosal intestinal epithelialization. Atypical hyperplasia or atypical hyperplasia may turn into cancer.

Mental factors

The occurrence of gastric cancer has a certain correlation with mental factors. Long-term anxiety, depression, depression, pessimism, sullenness, and poor communication with others, such C-type people are more likely to develop gastric cancer. Risk is elevated.

Compared with elderly gastric cancer, the most common pathological findings in young gastric cancer patients are poorly differentiated carcinoma and signet ring cell carcinoma, which have a high degree of malignancy and poor prognosis. The vast majority of early gastric cancers have no typical symptoms and are relatively occult. However, because young people seldom take the initiative to do endoscopy to screen for gastric cancer, once gastric cancer is found in young people, most of them are in the middle and late stages.

In short, people with a family history of gastric cancer, Helicobacter pylori-positive, over 40 years of age, long-term smoking and drinking, and people who usually have a particularly strong taste should undergo gastroscopic screening for early detection of gastric cancer. , Especially when there is unexplained abdominal pain, anorexia, weight loss, and fatigue, it may not only be the manifestation of chronic gastritis, and gastroscopy is the gold standard for detecting early gastric cancer.