You must have 1-3 of the 5 major mistakes in taking antihypertensive drugs, pay attention

Currently, there are more than 200 million hypertensive patients in China. Many people have high blood pressure, and many people have taken antihypertensive drugs. We should be aware of the following five misconceptions about taking blood pressure medication.

1. Take medicine by feeling without measuring blood pressure

Some patients think their blood pressure is normal and stop taking their medication when they feel comfortable, but this is wrong. Blood pressure levels are sometimes not necessarily related to the severity of symptoms. High blood pressure must be measured with a sphygmomanometer, not by feeling. People with high blood pressure need to measure their blood pressure regularly, every two or three days or weekly, and use medications based on their blood pressure levels. Remember, don’t measure blood pressure by feeling.

2. If you think your blood pressure is normal, stop taking the medicine

After a period of time, many patients believe their high blood pressure has been cured and do not need to take their medication again. In fact, this approach is very wrong. Hypertension cannot be completely cured, it can only be controlled with treatment. Therefore, even if blood pressure is temporarily controlled, we should always pay attention to measuring blood pressure and adjust medication according to the situation under the guidance of a doctor.

3. It is believed that the faster the blood pressure drops, the lower the blood pressure the better

Some patients believe that when blood pressure rises, they should lower it for a shorter period of time. This is a wrong idea. In general, rapid blood pressure reduction is required unless high blood pressure rises sharply and enters a dangerous state. Conventional treatment of hypertension requires slow blood pressure reduction. In general, it is ideal to take the medication after 4-12 weeks.

4. Self-treatment

After suffering from high blood pressure, some people do not take the medicine as recommended by the doctor, but listen to advertisements or use the medicine recommended by the pharmacy clerk, or listen to rumors and buy it after seeing others using the medicine. Furthermore, they blindly assume that the more expensive the drug, the better the effect. These practices are wrong and dangerous.

Due to the wide variety of antihypertensive drugs, each drug has different antihypertensive mechanisms, and its indications, side effects and contraindications are also different. It is right to follow the advice of your doctor.

5. Only take medicine, do not change bad habits

< span>Some people with high blood pressure think they just need to take medication to treat their high blood pressure. But in fact, taking medicine is only a symptom, not a cure. Medication plus good lifestyle habits can do more with less.

In general, antihypertensive drugs have relatively few side effects and are safer to take, but taking the medicines as directed by your doctor is the most appropriate way.

After the onset of hypertension, most patients require medication, especially for essential hypertension. Medications should be used together. After the drug takes effect, the blood pressure will stabilize and the effects will be reduced. However, the use of antihypertensive drugs should be appropriate to ensure their own safety and improve the condition at the same time. However, some people are concerned about side effects from long-term use. Is there such a situation?

So-called drugs are divided into three types of poisons. All medicines have side effects. Long-term use and overdose can cause bodily harm, and blood pressure medication is no exception. Different types of antihypertensive drugs work differently. Therefore, the contraindications should be understood in detail during the medication process. Of course, the specific drug use, dosage and duration should be clear. Only rational drug use can reduce the impact on the body.

What are the specific negative impacts?

1. Increased frequency of urination

antihypertensive drugs Long-term use of the drug does have negative effects. The cause of frequent urination in some people is also due to the effects of medication. Because the development of hypertension may require the use of tablet antihypertensive drugs to improve the condition, and the amount of urine will increase significantly after the use of such drugs. Some people always have to get up at night to go to the toilet, which reduces sleep quality. Therefore, the dosage of the drug should be adjusted according to the urination situation. Of course, long-term use of diuretics also has this effect.

2.Low blood pressure

Blood pressure drugs have side effects. Many people who take medication regularly may suffer from low blood pressure. Initially it was high blood pressure. During the development of the disease, chest tightness, headache and numbness of the limbs are common symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate with drugs to improve the disease. However, some people will take blood pressure medication. If they take too many medications, their blood pressure may drop significantly. It can be seen that to avoid the impact of this situation, it is necessary to master the correct medication skills, especially to control the dose reasonably.

3. Heart rate variability

Keeping healthy people The heartbeat is normal, 60 to 100 beats per minute, not too fast or too slow. However, some heart rate changes were due to long-term use, especially calcium channel blockers. Adverse reactions can occur after using these drugs. Some people experience bradycardia, nausea and vomiting, and decreased appetite due to the effects of the drug. Therefore, the appropriate drug should be selected to treat the disease according to the response of the body.

4. Easy to constipation

High blood pressure patients need Cooperate with treatment. Of course, constipation may occur after drug use. Difficulty having bowel movements, which may affect bowel function. At this time, it is necessary to promote fecal excretion by developing various good habits, such as adding more water, strengthening physical exercise and getting enough dietary fiber. These methods can make the bowel movement fully, speed up the peristalsis, and slowly improve the constipation.

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