You may not eat meat in April, but also eat this dish, which is especially good for the liver, detoxification and laxative, and enhances immunity

Spring is a season of high incidence of influenza and certain infectious diseases. Therefore, if you want to be healthy in spring, you must eat more healthy seasonal vegetables. This garlic sprout is one of them.

Garlic sprouts are the flower stems of garlic. Garlic sprouts contain capsaicin. Its bactericidal ability can reach 1/10 of penicillin, and it has a good killing effect on pathogenic bacteria and parasites. It can prevent influenza, prevent wound infection, treat infectious diseases and deworm the effect.

Garlic sprouts are also called green garlic in some places. From the perspective of nutritional content, garlic sprouts are much better than garlic in many aspects. In particular, the vitamin C content has been greatly improved, garlic is 7 mg per 100 grams, and garlic sprouts are 2.2 times that!

In addition, carotene, chlorophyll, dietary Fiber, etc. are also better than garlic, so don’t miss it when you encounter it in March! Buy a few pounds for your health.

to ask What are the benefits of eating garlic sprouts?

What are the benefits of eating garlic sprouts? Chinese medicine believes that the efficacy and role of eating garlic sprouts are as follows: protect cardiovascular, Garlic sprouts contain some thiamine and capsaicin, as well as some natural active enzymes These substances can directly act on the human cardiovascular system, improve the elasticity of blood vessels, promote blood circulation, and enhance the anticoagulant ability of the human body. It has a good preventive effect on the high incidence of thrombosis and arteriosclerosis in humans;

Protect the liver, After some nutrients contained in garlic sprouts are absorbed by the human body, they can induce the activity of detoxification enzymes in liver cells, which can significantly improve the detoxification function of the liver. In addition, garlic sprouts can also prevent the synthesis of nitrosamines in the human body, which can prevent cancer cells from becoming cancerous. It can protect the liver and play some anti-cancer effects at the same time;

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Prevention of influenza, Compendium of Materia Medica records that garlic sprouts can dispel cold and disperse swelling. Pain, killing poison gas, strengthening the spleen and stomach, etc. The natural capsaicin and thiamine contained in garlic sprouts are natural antiviral ingredients, which can inhibit the activity of influenza virus in the human body and prevent the human body from being infected by the virus. In addition to inhibiting the activity of influenza virus, garlic sprouts can also eliminate a variety of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the human intestine, so preventing enteritis and dysentery is also a great benefit for people to eat garlic sprouts.

Improve the body’s ability to resist diseases, Garlic sprouts are rich in plant protein, a variety of amino acids and vitamins, which are important for the body’s immune function, and also Important substances that constitute immunoglobulins in the human body. After the human body absorbs them, the body’s immune function will improve.

I like to eat garlic sprouts, and I prefer garlic sprouts to roast pork . Many people like eggs with garlic sprouts. Eggs are rich in protein, which can enhance people’s physique and improve the body’s immunity to diseases. In addition, eggs contain substances that can promote brain development and can help enhance memory in children and the elderly. Pairing eggs and garlic sprouts together not only has more comprehensive nutritional effects, but also has a more fragrant taste, which makes people appetite.

Today, I would like to share with you a delicacy made of garlic sprouts. It is fried pork blood with garlic sprouts. In April, I would rather not eat meat, but also eat this dish. It is especially good for the liver, expelling toxins, protecting the liver and nourishing blood.

Fried garlic sprouts Pig blood

Stir-fried pork blood with garlic sprouts is a home-cooked dish, which is very popular among people. Garlic sprouts and pig blood are both common foods in daily life, and they are cheap. Now pork is more expensive. The effect of moisturizing, frying with garlic sprouts can also clear away heat and detoxify. The method of frying pig’s blood with garlic sprouts is very simple, and it can be placed on a plate in a few minutes.

When we make this stir-fried pork blood with garlic sprouts, we first prepare the main ingredients. Take, a piece of pig blood, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of salt, a little chicken essence, appropriate amount of garlic, ginger, and a little bean paste.

1, first of all, clean the yellow leaves and old roots on the garlic seedlings, rinse them in clean water several times, drain the water, cut them into segments and put them on a plate .

2, then, put the pig blood in the Soak in water, rinse and cut into cubes and set aside. Wash garlic and ginger and cut into granules.

3, at this time, inside the hot pot Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil, add garlic, ginger, and bean paste to sauté until fragrant, then pour the pig blood into the pot and continue to stir fry for a few times.

4, finally, pour the garlic sprouts into the pot, stir fry the two ingredients quickly, add the seasoning Go in, fry until the ingredients are tasty and ready to serve.

This recipe for stir-fried pork blood with garlic sprouts Isn’t it very simple, garlic sprouts are rich in capsaicin, which can stimulate the digestive system, and is also very good for the intestines, which is beneficial to one’s own health. In summer, the liver should also be protected, and eating more garlic sprouts is especially good for the liver. Protects blood vessels and helps strengthen your own immune system.

In addition, garlic sprouts are rich in crude fiber, which helps to prevent constipation and bad breath, and also accelerates intestinal peristalsis. The taste can also stimulate nutrition. Pig blood is rich in iron, which helps to replenish blood and iron. People with anemia eat more, which has the effect of relieving anemia.

Many people in life feel that the taste of garlic is too great , can only be discouraged. And spring garlic seedlings are in season, and the fragrance is delicious and beneficial! It can prevent enteritis and help with loss of appetite. Experts say that it also has a certain protective effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, and you can buy more and eat!