You may have heat stroke with these signs

In summer, heat stroke is often caused by conditions such as high temperature, high humidity and low wind speed. According to the severity, heatstroke can be divided into threatened heatstroke, mild heatstroke and severe heatstroke.

If you have been in a high temperature and humid environment for a long time, if the following two conditions occur, you may have suffered from heat stroke and need to rest in time:

Threatened heat stroke

(Already have mild heatstroke symptoms and may not realize it)

At this time, there is often a lot of sweating, dizziness, dizziness, weakness, nausea, palpitation, shortness of breath, difficulty concentrating, and disorientation (not being able to tell the correct time and place) and people), the body temperature is usually less than 37.5 ℃.

After leaving the high temperature environment and entering a cool and ventilated environment, it will return to normal in a short time.

Image source: Tu Wo Creative

Mild heatstroke

(Already have obvious symptoms of heatstroke)

In addition to symptoms of aura, early circulatory disturbances include flushing or pallor, restlessness or apathy, nausea and vomiting, profuse sweating, clammy skin, weak pulse , blood pressure drop, heart rate and other manifestations.

At this time, the body temperature may be above 38°C, and the body temperature usually returns to normal after rest.

When these milder symptoms of heatstroke occur, in addition to resting in a cool and ventilated environment, you can also drink some refreshing beverages containing salt, such as those listed in the ingredient list. Sports drinks that contain elements such as “sodium” and “potassium”.


Dr. Clove Health Encyclopedia Team

Review Specialist

Xu Lingjie Emergency Department Attending Physician


Planning: Enmao | Producer: BruceLi

Typesetting: Spring/Summer

Cover image source: Dr. Lilac Content Team