You can lie down! This thing that many sisters are working hard to do may really be useless!

Picture: Huang Jie | Written by: Floating Cannon | Editor-in-Chief: Floating Cannon

Hello sisters, today is your floating cannon~

Do you have such a group of “professionalists” around you:

It’s so annoying~ Why can’t I get fat no matter what I eat? !

Hey, when will I be able to gain 90 pounds…

I lost 2 pounds after overeating for half a month!

I used to try to keep my eyes from rolling up to the sky whenever I heard this kind of remark. However, Floating Cannon recently watched a documentary that refreshed the three views, only to realize that it was not Versailles, but really not fat!

Lean people overeating for 4 weeks, what happens?

In the past, 99.9% of the research on obesity has focused on obese people, but until now, we have not fully understood the reasons for human obesity, and the obesity rate in the world continues to rise. soaring.

So, Fredrik Nystrom, a scientist from Sweden, decided to unravel the mysteries of obesity by studying thin people. The BBC made this interesting experiment into a documentary – Why Are Thin People Not Fat?

First, scientists recruited 10 thin volunteers, all of whom were naturally thin and did not usually diet to keep their figure in shape.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

The mainstream view is that eating less and moving more can lose weight, so scientists asked these volunteers to “eat more and move less” to see if they would gain weight .

Scientists asked the 10 volunteers to eat twice their usual calorie intake every day for the next 4 weeks, and >Do not exercise of any kind and walk no more than 5,000 steps per day.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

After 4 weeks, see if any of these volunteers can gain 15% of their body weight.

The experiment started with difficulty, and it seemed like a lot of fun to eat and drink.

Some people’s bodies simply can’t “accept” that they have eaten so much, and once they eat too much, they start to vomit; Not enough calories to eat; some people are stretched to the point of being unable to, and they are painfully stuffed one bite after another, turning into a ruthless “drying machine”…

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

Thin people really suck!

The four-week trial ended quickly and, shockingly, not a single person gained 15% of their weight< /strong>! Only 9.5% gained the most weight.

So, where do all the calories they eat go? Scientists have discovered several reasons through precise measurements:

Basal metabolism greatly increased

Since eating a lot without moving, the body secretly increases basal metabolism to maintain balance, and many volunteers increased their basal metabolism during the experiment.

The most shocking is Martin Wong, an Asian boy. Although he has grown 4.5kg, his body shape has basically not changed, and the waist circumference has changed very little. After testing, scientists were surprised to find that , He’s all muscles!

These muscles greatly increased basal metabolism, and by the end of the trial, Martin Wong’s basal metabolism had increased by 30%!

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

Just like that, with no professional training and a constant diet of junk food, Martin Wong got stronger in four weeks. I won’t say who turned into lemon essence…

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

Increase in unconscious activity

The trial did specify that the volunteers should not exercise and walk no more than 5,000 steps per day. However, scientists analyzed that some volunteers’ unconscious activities increased, such as moving their hands, moving their feet, and twisting their heads, thus consuming more calories.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

Two volunteers ‘cheating’

Overeating is really hard for volunteers. Ben and Aisha are basically unable to complete this task. The body will not allow them to eat too many calories. Once If you eat too much, you will vomit.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

So, they didn’t meet the set calorie goal.

The shock of the Floating Cannon is not over: after the trial, the volunteers did not deliberately lose weight, just resumed their normal diet, and their weight returned within a month AS IS!

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

It turns out that “thin people are hard to fat” is true! Their bodies try to maintain a stable weight through a variety of adjustments.

So, what kind of person can have such a “smart” body? Why is my body only “addicted” when it sees delicious food?

“Fat and Thin”

There are many factors that affect people’s fatness and thinness. Several answers are given in the documentary, most of which are “destined by heaven”:

Some people’s bodies are “good” at storing energy

Nowadays, many people view fat as a “bad thing.”

But fat is actually the body’s “emergency energy store”, which contains a lot of calories. When the body is hungry, fat can burn for energy and help us survive the famine.

A doctor in Scotland did a study in which she successfully fasted a 450 lb (204kg) man for a year and two weeks! Drinking only water and supplementing vitamins, the man lost 275 pounds (124kg) after the fast.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

Over the long history of humankind, years of lack of food have reduced the number of thin people, while those better at storing energy have survived.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

Unfortunately, the advantages of the past have become disadvantages of the present, and in today’s food-filled world, we no longer need to go hungry for long. People who are good at storing energy become more prone to obesity.

However, it can also be found from this that it is not necessary to humiliate the body of fat people. They are not losers, but evolutionary survivors.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

The body has its own “set weight”

Dr. Ruby Leibel found that the average person’s weight will remain stable for a long time, from the age of 20 to 50, 60 years old, the average person will weigh about 10kg.

This is because the body has a normal weight it “thinks” and will try to keep us there.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

Like Ben and Aisha in the experiment, in order to prevent themselves from gaining too much weight, the body activates a “defense mechanism”, reminding them with a high sense of fullness that if they continue to eat, will vomit.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

This setting is good news for thin people, but a bit cruel for fat people. If obese people want to lose weight, it’s equally difficult. Your body will continue to “sabotage” your weight loss plan, making it difficult to stick to it.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

In short, the body is like an invisible hand that secretly interferes with our weight.Normal weight” is too far.

So what determines this “normal weight”? When will it be decided?

It’s likely decided before we’re even born! When we were still in our mother’s womb, our adult size was “designed”.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

The age, weight, and nutritional status of the mother’s pregnancy affect our Weight Settings. Offspring of older, obese and diabetic pregnant women were more likely to be obese.

Of course, there are many other contributing factors, such as environmental pollution.

Some people are naturally less prone to eating

How many people have a misunderstanding of fat people, thinking that they have less self-control and gain weight because they can’t control eating too much.

Professor Jane Wardle found that some people do turn off the switch to food after they are full, while some people are still interested in food. But it doesn’t depend on self-control! It’s behavior patterns and genes in early childhood.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

This behavioral pattern is established around the age of 4 to 5. If you often eat snacks when you are full, you are likely to grow up. so.

Also, studies have found that people who have a variant of the FTO gene in their body are heavier. Because such people are less sensitive to satiety signals, they are more likely to eat more, and are more likely to be attracted to foods high in sugar and calories.

Therefore, some “lucky geese” don’t have to resist the temptation of delicious food, they don’t even think about it. And some people continue to eat when they are full, not because they have no self-control, but some “natural” factors affecting them.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

Fat cells cannot be removed

Are there any sisters like me, who pinch their flesh from time to time, thinking how good it would be if it disappeared~ But the reality is so cruel, the amount of fat will not decrease by itself .

As we grow, fat cells slowly get bigger (at this point it’s too late to lose weight, fat cells shrink), and once it reaches its limit, the body decides to make new fat cells , these fat cells that have been produced will not disappear, they will remain in the body and store energy for us day and night.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

As a result, when you grow too fat and have more fat cells, weight loss becomes more difficult. What everyone often says is “it’s okay to be fat when you are young, but you will naturally lose weight when you grow up”, but it does not exist…

Unintentional virus infection

This factor is the most shocking thing about the floating gun!

Dr. Nikhil Dhurandhar stumbled across a virus called SMAN-1 that infected poultry with fat. So is obesity in humans just inadvertently infected with this virus?

The doctor followed up with a series of experiments and found that obesity is indeed positively correlated with viral infection! Obese people are 3 times more likely to be infected with the virus than non-obese people! And infected people weighed significantly more than non-infected people.

This virus enters the human body and can cause colds, coughs, keratitis, conjunctivitis, or diarrhea, and at the same time replicate in adipose tissue, causing an increase in the number of fat cells and obesity.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

However, be aware that avoiding contact with obese people does not help to prevent infection, as the virus is short-lived and has many causes of obesity , is difficult to identify at all.

So what do we do?

Hey… Seeing this, did some sisters start to get discouraged, since “fat and thin are destined”, then I’m destined to lose weight? No! Let’s look at the problem from a different angle. Here are 5 suggestions that can help you:

Do you really need to lose weight?

I have to say that the “A4 waist”, “girl group legs” and “right-angled shoulders” that come out once in a while… It’s really easy to make people anxious!

Under the coercion of anxiety, “weight loss” seems to have become the slogan of the vast majority of girls. But before losing weight, we need to think seriously, do we really need to lose weight?

What am I trying to lose weight for? Is it to make the body healthier? Is it to dress better? Is it to cater to public aesthetics? Or an obsession with weight numbers?

If you’re sure you really want to lose weight, losing weight will make you healthier, happier, and more confident, yes!

But if you just want to satisfy the aesthetics of others, losing weight makes you live in forbearance and sadness every day, and even causes overeating from time to time, then you may be able to let go of your obsession with losing weight. .

Are you trying to control weight or body fat?

I believe that many of my friends are like me. When I see a lady with a vest line and tight arms on Douyin, don’t mention how envious she is. After that, she started to lose weight intermittently for a while. , I wish I could be like that.

But unfortunately, after tossing for a long time, I lost a few pounds on the scale at most, but my body did not get better, and my body was still soft and fat.

If you are like me, your weight is already within the normal range, but you want to be in better shape, then you need reasonable exercise to gain muscle and lose fat, don’t worry about weight anymore Numbers up!

▲ Image source: Although this girl has become heavier on the Internet, she has gained through fitness better body

Don’t lose weight quickly

Don’t believe any way of losing weight that claims to be able to lose weight quickly without dieting or exercise, it is an IQ tax! Of course, don’t try to lose weight by various diets and crazy exercise, because it is not only unhealthy, but also super easy to rebound!

Scientists in the documentary gave us some advice: Although it is difficult to lose a dozen pounds all at once, we can take it slowly, Loose weight a little bit, it will be healthier It will also be easier to maintain.

▲Image source: Documentary screenshot

Maybe many friends think that to lose weight, just starve for a few days to reach the goal~

However, weight loss is not a one-time thing, it requires fundamentally changing your unhealthy living habits, step by step. From eating less snacks to healthy eating, from reducing sedentary time to moderate exercise, from staying up late every day to regular work and rest.

As your lifestyle habits improve, your weight will gradually become healthier.

Seek medical advice if necessary

If you are really overweight and seriously affect your health, it is recommended to seek medical help in time, of course, it must be a professional doctor in a regular hospital.

Through a series of diagnoses, doctors will give more professional advice, and may prescribe weight loss drugs or perform surgery if necessary.

More discoveries are on the way

Until today, scientists continue to study the mechanisms and solutions of obesity, and many new and healthy ways to lose weight are born:

The latest research from Union Hospital found that eating within 8 hours a day and skipping dinner can effectively reduce weight and fat;

Studies have found that non-essential amino acids such as collagen can suppress appetite and promote exercise;

Studies find that transplanting the gut flora of lean people can improve the health of obese people;

Hopefully one day everyone will be free from obesity!

▲Image source: giphy

Alright~ That’s it for today’s Hall 6!

Floating Cannon will introduce this documentary to you, hoping to relieve your body anxiety, after all, “fat and thin are destined to be”, being fat does not mean that you are not self-disciplined, nor does it mean that you are unsuccessful , we don’t have to be skinny to be beautiful. Since God arranged this body for us, it must be worthy of your love!

Finally, everyone is welcome to share the article with friends who are suffering from body anxiety or struggling to lose weight, lie down together, ah no, let’s recognize obesity together The truth~

I love the world.


[1]Xie Z, Sun Y, Ye Y, et al. Randomized controlled trial for time-restricted eating in healthy volunteers without obesity[J]. Nat Commun. 2022;13(1 ):1003.

[2]Viskaitis et al.Ingested non-essential amino acids recruit brain orexin cells to suppress eating in mice[J]. Current Biology (2022).

[3]Mocanu, V., Zhang, Z., Deehan, E.C. et al. Fecal microbial transplantation and fiber supplementation in patients with severe obesity and metabolic syndrome: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial[J]. Nat Med (2021).