Yongzhou Kexin Cancer Hospital held the 5.12 International Nurses Day Commendation Conference

The conference site.

Red Net Moment News May 16th (correspondent Lv Ting) Recently, Yongzhou Kexin Cancer Hospital ( Yongzhou Tianhong Hospital) held the May 12 International Nurses Day Commendation Conference with the theme of “Caring for the Nursing Team and Protecting the People’s Health”.

At the meeting, Vice President Zeng Yeping read out the “Notice on the Commendation of “May 12″ International Nurses Day in 2022”, Won the “Excellent Head Nurse” Li Mei, “Excellent Nurses” Jiang Xiuxiu, Hu Jing, Zhou Yanling, Hu Qiaoling, Chen Yuping, Chen Qiuyun 7 advanced individuals were commended, and the leaders of the hospital committee issued certificates to the winners.

Zhou Yanling, the representative of outstanding nurses, delivered a speech. She expressed the nurses’ love and dedication to their work in simple language. She said that she will continue to perform her duties with dedication and dedication in her work position, enhance the awareness of nursing quality, improve the level of nursing management, strive to provide patients with better nursing services, and actively contribute to the protection of people’s health.

Finally, Chairman and CEO Wen Dan delivered a speech. First of all, she extended festive greetings and high respect to the nursing staff of the hospital, and affirmed the positive contributions made by the nursing team of the hospital. Wen Dan said that some of the core positions in the hospital are currently created from the nursing team. He hoped that everyone should follow the example and put forward three requirements and hopes: first, be diligent in learning, and learn from the excellent people around them that they are hardworking, humble and dedicated. Quality; second, be willing to pay, strengthen the connection with the patient’s soul, achieve proactive behavior, touching service, and pass on good memories to patients; third, strengthen the operation and management ability, resolutely implement the hospital’s various decisions, in order to make Yongzhou Kexin Cancer Hospital is striving to become a benchmark for private hospitals in Yongzhou.

Source: Red Net

Author: Lu Ting

Editor: Zhou Man intern Yi Ruihua

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Link to this article:https://health.rednet.cn/content/2022/05/16/11256497.html


[Source: Red Net]

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