Yingtan No. 3 Middle School launched a publicity campaign on the theme of Chinese Student Nutrition Day

Dajiang Net/Dajiang News Client News Ai Qing reported: May 20, 2022 is the 33rd China Student Nutrition Day, this year’s The theme is “Knowing nutrition, knowing how to exercise, preventing obesity, and promoting health”. In order to strengthen students’ physique, improve learning efficiency, and enhance teachers and students’ attention to health education, Yingtan No.

Adolescents are at an important stage of physical development. Balanced nutrition affects young people’s intelligence, normal physical development and even lifelong health. Cultivate healthy eating habits and a good life way to benefit them for life. During the visit, the students were very serious, and had a further understanding of healthy knowledge such as choosing food reasonably, exercising, and ensuring adequate sleep, which was conducive to the implementation of the “five management” policy and the popularization of nutritional knowledge.

With the launch of the National Nutrition Week activities, the widespread dissemination of nutrition and health knowledge has made more and more people pay attention to health. A good physique is the foundation of learning. Students should establish the awareness of being the first responsible person for health, strengthen exercise in daily life, have a balanced diet, thrive and live happily.