Yingcheng held the “March 8” theme health salon activity


On the morning of March 7, Yingcheng Federation of Industry and Commerce organized female members to hold a “March 8” themed health salon event entitled “Meeting in Spring Health” in the city’s Yuyang Shuangchuang Park.

Members visited the city’s “Yuyang · Tongxinhui” health station and listened to a lecture on health and wellness knowledge given by a medical teacher. Through vivid and detailed cases, illustrated courseware, and simple explanations, the teacher systematically taught the importance and timeliness of the maintenance of different parts of the body in different seasons from five different dimensions: five seasons, five elements, five internal organs, five senses, and body. The members had in-depth interactions and exchanges with teachers on issues of interest to them.

The person in charge of the City Federation of Industry and Commerce would like to extend festive greetings to the participating members, and encourage everyone to enthusiastically participate in various activities of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, to deepen understanding, enhance understanding, and share friendship in the activities. Celebrating festivals, cheering for life, helping friendship, and contributing “half the sky” to the high-quality development of the city and the “National Top 100” county economy.

8:00 yesterday to today At 8 o’clock, 11 new local confirmed cases were added in Shaanxi, in three places

From 8:00 on March 7 to 8:00 on March 8, Shaanxi reported 11 new local confirmed cases (9 in Xi’an, 1 in Baoji, and 1 in Hanzhong). Since March 5, the province has reported a total of 17 local confirmed cases (15 in Xi’an, 1 in Baoji, and 1 in Hanzhong), and 17 are currently in hospital. This…

You can see a doctor and prescribe medicine at home! Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital Internet Hospital Online

You can see a doctor and prescribe medicine at home! Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital Internet Hospital is online

On March 7, a reporter from Red Star News learned from Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital that the Internet Hospital of Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital was officially launched. Patients can consult and consult online through their mobile phones. If necessary, doctors can directly prescribe medicines, and at the same time, they can apply for online delivery of medicines to their homes. In other words, patients can…

The woman thought she had stomach pains because of abdominal pain. After seeing the doctor, the doctor gave 2 critical illnesses. Family members: did everything that could save lives

Woman's abdominal pain thought it was a stomachache. After seeing the doctor, the doctor issued 2 critically ill sheets. Family members: Do whatever can save lives

The protagonist of this case is a 45-year-old female patient surnamed Zhang. One day ago, Ms. Zhang suddenly had abdominal pain, which was so severe that she could not work. Initially, left upper quadrant pain…

Urine There are always bubbles in the middle, is there a problem with your kidneys? 4 factors need to be considered in place

There is always foam in the urine, is there something wrong with my kidneys? 4 factors need to be considered

“Doctor, I have kidney disease.” An uncle, who looked around 65 years old, walked into the doctor’s consultation room with a serious face and heavy steps. It is understood that the uncle’s surname is Su. When he got up this morning, Uncle Su went to the toilet sleepily to urinate. After urinating, he found that there was a layer of bubbles in the urine in the toilet, and he was scared…

Qingdao on March 7th 0 21 new confirmed cases of local new coronary pneumonia by 19:00

Qingdao added 21 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia from 0:00 to 19:00 on March 7

According to the Qingdao Municipal Health and Health Commission, from 0:00 to 19:00 on March 7, Qingdao added 21 new confirmed cases of local new coronary pneumonia, of which 19 were in Laixi (referred to as cases 137-155). ), 2 cases in Huangdao District; 111 new cases of asymptomatic infections, including 109 cases in Laixi City and 2 cases in Huangdao District. Currently,…

Aier famous doctor|Xu Yumin: the trust of patients is the direction and motivation of their efforts

Aier famous doctor | Xu Yumin: patientThe trust of the readers is the direction and motivation of their own efforts

As soon as Tao Chunyan, a reporter from Qilu Evening News and Qilu One Point, walked into Dr. Xu Yumin’s clinic, the reporter from Qilu Evening News and Qilu One Point was attracted by the enlarged eyes on the computer screen. There are more electronic devices in the doctor’s office and Xu Yumin’s office. She told reporters that these are all for better service…

A must-see for pregnant mothers !What should I do if I need medical treatment in the “three districts”?

On the 8th, Shenzhen held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control. Lin Hancheng, the second-level inspector of the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission and the spokesperson of the Municipal New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, said that critically ill pregnant women in the closed and controlled areas should be transferred to the nearest medical institution for treatment, and any medical institution shall not refusal. The Municipal Health and Health Commission refers…

Let the masses enjoy provincial-level high-quality medical services at their doorstep< /h2>

A few days ago, Ms. Chen, a citizen of Yingtan, was admitted to Yingtan City People’s Hospital due to nausea, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. She was diagnosed with acute respiratory failure, cardiac insufficiency, and pulmonary infection, and was considered to be severe myocarditis. After remote consultation with Gong Yuanqi, director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University (referred to as the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University), Nan…

A total of 584,109 samples were sampled in the second round of nucleic acid testing in Laixi, Shandong, and 62 positive cases were detected

According to Qingdao Daily, on the morning of March 8, Qingdao, Shandong held a press conference to introduce the situation of epidemic prevention and control. From 0:00 to 24:00 on March 7, Lacey City added 27 new confirmed cases of local new coronary pneumonia and 127 asymptomatic infections. The specific information has been released in 3 times on the official website of the Municipal Health Commission…

Shaanxi added 5 local confirmed cases yesterday, all in Xi’an City

This article is reproduced from [CCTV News Client]; from 0-24:00 on March 7, Shaanxi reported 5 new local confirmed cases, all in Xi’an. Since March 5, a total of 7 local confirmed cases (all in Xi’an) have been reported in Shaanxi Province. (Headquarters reporter Tan Haimei)…

(service · life) “Her” festival, give her this “frozen age” recipe

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 8 (Reporter Tian Xiaohang) What is the secret to keeping your face young? Is it that the more money you spend, the younger you will be? On the occasion of “March 8th” International Women’s Day, Wang Xiaojun, Director of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, reminded beauty-loving women that plastic and cosmetic surgery is not a panacea.

Kidney bad urine prophet! If there are 3 major abnormalities in the body, kidney cancer may have been quietly “latent”

Kidney bad urine prophet! If there are 3 major abnormalities in the body, kidney cancer may be quietly

March 10, 2022 is the 17th World Kidney Day. The theme of this year’s World Kidney Day is “Everyone Cares About Kidney Health – I Love My Kidney, Knowledge Strengthens Kidney”. Chronic kidney disease has become one of the major diseases that threaten human health. Data show that the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in Chinese adults is as high as 10.8%…

Early Spring Alert to Respiratory and Digestive Infectious Diseases

Yuyao News Network News In early spring, the temperature gradually rose. Recently, the reporter learned from experts from the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention that the recent times are cold and warm, and bacteria and viruses grow rapidly in a warm and humid environment. The general public should pay attention to preventing respiratory and gastrointestinal infectious diseases during this period, especially influenza, chickenpox and infection…

Dalian Women and Children’s Medical Center (Group) Sending a healthy gift to adult female outpatient clinic today without registration fee

(Dalian News Media Group reporter Zhang Lixia) Today is the 112th International Women’s Day. The reporter learned from the Dalian Municipal Health Commission that in recent years, the city’s maternal and child health service system has become more complete, the maternal and child health service projects have been continuously improved, the connotation of maternal and child health services has continued to expand, and the comprehensive prevention and control capabilities of birth defects have been stable…

Beijing added 1 new local confirmed case, and held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control at 4 p.m.

Beijing added 1 new local confirmed case, and held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control at 4 pm

From 00:00 to 24:00 on March 7, Beijing added 1 new local confirmed case, no new suspected case or asymptomatic infection; 21 new imported confirmed cases and 17 no Symptomatic infection, no new suspected cases. 5 cases were cured and discharged. At 16:00 on March 8, Beijing plans to hold the new crown epidemic prevention and control…

Kunming released the travel trajectories of the 3 positive cases are all Out-of-province returning college students

Kunming released the itinerary of the 3 positive cases, all of them returning to colleges and universities outside the province

The picture shows the press conference held on the same day by Chen Jingshe (Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Kunming announced that the itinerary of the three positive cases were all students returning to colleges and universities from outside the province China News Network Kunming, March 8 (Chen Jing) The press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Kunming was held on the 8th. The reporters from the conference…

The earlier the younger, the better. Girls aged 9 to 14 should be vaccinated first

On March 7, the reporter learned from the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital that in order to protect women’s health and reduce the incidence of cervical cancer in women, our city will launch a bivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for school-age girls this year. Free vaccinations will be organized by the school at that time, for new students entering the first grade of junior high school from September this year, who have not been vaccinated against HPV…

Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 2 new local confirmed cases are from isolation control personnel

Inner Mongolia Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 2 new local confirmed cases are from isolation control personnel

The reporter learned from the press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia held on the morning of March 8, as of 24:00 on March 7, 2022, Hohhot has reported a total of local new crown pneumonia. There are 420 confirmed cases. March 7, 2022, 0:00-24:00, Hohhot New…

@weihai citizens, quickly check this epidemic prevention guide< /a>

@Weihai citizens, check this epidemic prevention guide quickly

The warm spring has arrived and the epidemic is still continuing. Everyone must do a good job in epidemic prevention. It is really good to be good! The dry air in spring is the season for respiratory infectious diseases. Doing personal protection and practicing a healthy and civilized lifestyle can prevent and control the new coronavirus while also resisting influenza and other respiratory infectious diseases…

Meishan intraocular lens medical consumables ushered in a big price reduction for cataract patients Reduce burden

Sichuan Online News (Chen Jiaxin Meishan Channel Fang Xu) On March 8, the reporter learned from the Meishan Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau that a few days ago, the results of the selection of high-value intraocular lens medical consumables organized by the provincial alliance were in Meishan. successfully implemented. The landing of intraocular lens medical consumables will further reduce the medical burden of cataract surgery patients…