Yin and Yang, the Root of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Part 2)

What exactly is yin and yang? In the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Canon, an overview is made: Yin and Yang are the way of heaven and earth, the principle of all things, the parents of change, the origin of life and death, and the house of the gods.

The law of yin and yang applies to everything in the universe, and everything has yin and yang.

In Chinese medicine, the physical body can be divided into yin and yang. The surface of the body is Yang, the body is Yin; the upper body is Yang, the lower body is Yin; the back is Yang, the abdomen is Yin; , so dirty is yin.

Why separate Yin and Yang? To better understand the disease.

Positive disease often comes quickly, but Go fast too. Yin disease develops slowly, and it is also slow to get rid of the disease.

For example: a cold Table, belongs to Yang disease, it comes quickly and can be cured quickly. Even if it is not cured, it can be cured by itself in 7 days. And some internal syndromes belong to yin diseases, such as cancer, which is accumulated over many years. It is not a day’s cold to freeze three feet. To cure cancer, you can only adjust it slowly. Biliary disease is easier to treat than liver disease, stomach disease is easier to treat than spleen disease, and colorectal disease is easier to treat than lung disease. This is a common rule.

In addition, TCM not only recognizes that< strong>tangible physical level, but also recognizing intangible functional level . This is one of the greatest realizations of Chinese medicine.

A living person and a recently dead person, The material composition is similar, but a living person and a dead person, is it the same? Obviously different. How is it different? The living have qi, while the dead have no qi. This qi is invisible and intangible, but it really exists. Qi is yang, matter is yin, with qi there is life, without qi, there is no life.

Traditional Chinese medicine classifies physical substances as Yin, the invisible function is classified as Yang.

So, we now understand, Why does Chinese medicine care so much about people’s yang qi? Yang qi can make you jump up and down the 30th floor without panting. Yang qi makes you have the energy to do whatever you want, and yang qi makes you more sunny and energetic. People live by yang energy.

In the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, there is another sentence:< /span>Yang transforms into Qi and Yin takes shape. In the body, yang qi and yang qi exist. span> in the form of existence, invisible to the naked eye, but real. The yin takes shape, and what belongs to the yin is finally presented as something tangible. The blood, body fluid, muscle fat, muscles and bones in the body belong to Yin.

If you still think it is difficult to understand, we will Let’s understand it naturally as “Yang transforms into Qi, Yin takes shape”: when night comes, there will be dewdrops on the grass, and when the sun rises, the dewdrops will be evaporated into water vapor. This is the formation of yin and the transformation of yang into qi. Because the cold at night is yin, and the sun during the day is yang. When winter comes, it will snow in many places. When the sun comes out, the snow will turn into water, and the water will turn into water vapor. This is the formation of yin and the transformation of yang into qi. Because the cold in winter is yin, and the sun in winter is yang.

Yang transforms into Qi and Yin takes shape. What’s the use of learning this sentence? So useful. Many women want to lose weight, do not eat this or that, but have they finally lost it? Many people grow meat by drinking a mouthful of cold water. Why? Yang transforms into qi, and yin takes shape. The flesh that grows is yin, and the flesh that grows is more yin. The reason why there is too much yin is because there is no yang qi in your body, and there is not enough yang qi to dissolve the excess “yin”.

It is now popular to lose weight and not eat the staple food, but only eat fruits. Do you know that food is the seed of life, and they all have strong hair growth ability, which can enhance your yang energy. However, you are drinking cold water and eating fruit, which hurts the yang qi of your body. It is not only as simple as growing flesh, but you will also grow tumors and even cancer.

Understand yin and yang in order to understand what TCM says. People often say: I have a deficiency of the kidneys, and I want to replenish the kidneys. What kind of medicine should I take? This question is still unanswerable. Because the kidney is also divided into yin and yang, there is a deficiency of kidney yin and a deficiency of kidney yang, which must be clarified.

Yin, which means tangible, Kidney governs water, which can be understood as kidney water, and kidney yin refers to kidney water. Insufficiency of kidney yin means insufficient kidney water. What will happen if there is insufficient water? If there is not enough water, there will be more fire. It’s like grilling squid on a sizzling plate, and the anger goes straight up. Therefore, people with kidney yin deficiency are prone to dryness and heat, and sleep hot and night sweats at night; when anger enters the mouth, the mouth is dry and the tongue is bitter; when the anger enters the eyes, the eyes are dry and red.

Yang, which refers to invisible energy , Kidney yang deficiency can be understood as insufficient energy, insufficient temperature and insufficient function in the kidney. People with kidney yang deficiency will experience cold feet, cold stomach, and white urine. The kidneys are also responsible for expelling waste water, so after the kidneys are not functioning properly, they cannot hold urine, so they will urinate frequently and at night.

So what? The idea is clear. The way is simple, the thinking of Chinese medicine is actually very simple. What Chinese medicine needs to do is to return to “one” and return to balance.

How can this be balanced? Since it is yin deficiency, add some in, like Liuwei Dihuang Pillsis to tonify kidney yin. Suppose you have only 3 parts of kidney yin and 5 parts of kidney yang, then I will add 2 parts to kidney yin, so that kidney yin and kidney yang will be the same, yin and yang will be balanced, and the external symptoms of dryness and heat will disappear. Since it is Yang deficiency, add some energy into it, and use Shen Qi Pill to invigorate the kidney yang. Suppose the original kidney yin has 5 parts, and the kidney yang has only 3 parts, and add 2 parts of the kidney yang, so that the yin and yang have returned to the balance, and the external symptoms of fear of cold are gone.

Let’s go back and think about things like yin and yang Is it mysterious? It is not mysterious at all, it is very real, it is the high crystallization of wisdom, and it is the truth of the universe.

Traditional Chinese medicine is to look at human beings from the height of the universe. Only high can see far. The object of TCM conditioning is “people”, and TCM treats sick people. It is a real “people-oriented” knowledge.

Traditional Chinese medicine treats people as a whole. Chinese medicine treats people as a living being, and Chinese medicine treats people and nature as a whole.

In fact, the root of all problems is actually ” It is caused by the imbalance between yin and yang, and what we have to do is to return to the balance and “unity”.