Yesterday, 969 local cases in the city were discharged, and 19,800 were released from centralized isolation and medical observation.

The city epidemic held today (April 16) morning At the press conference on prevention and control work, Wu Ganyu, the first-level inspector of the Municipal Health Commission, announced: On April 15, 3,590 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 19,923 local asymptomatic infections were added in our city. By. Among the 3,590 local confirmed cases, 2,311 were found in closed-loop isolation and control, 357 were found in nucleic acid screening of relevant risk groups, and 922 were asymptomatic infected patients. Among the 19,923 local asymptomatic infections, 19,428 were found in closed-loop isolation and control, and 495 were found in nucleic acid screening of relevant risk groups.

At present, 13 severe patients are being treated in the hospital, including 11 males, 2 females, and 1 case of 33 years old. The remaining 12 cases are all elderly, the youngest is 70 years old and the oldest is 93 years old. They all have serious underlying diseases and high risk factors such as advanced age, and none of them have received the new coronary pneumonia virus vaccine.

As of 9:00 a.m. on April 16: A total of 327,964 close contacts in Shanghai have been investigated for this epidemic. Among them, 277,971 nucleic acid test results were negative, and the rest are being tested.

A total of 124,738 close contacts in Shanghai have been investigated, and control has been implemented, of which 124,412 The human nucleic acid test result is negative, and the rest are being tested.

Yesterday, 969 local cases in the city were discharged from hospital and 19,800 cases were released from centralized isolation and medical observation. Will return to the place of residence for health monitoring.

We must adhere to the general policy of “dynamic clearing” without hesitation, and make every effort to promote social clearing of the epidemic Zero tackling, and further implement the work of ensuring people’s livelihood, such as medical treatment and dispensing, which are related to people’s well-being. Yesterday, we issued the “Notice on Further Ensuring the City’s Medical Service Guarantee During the Epidemic Prevention and Control Period”, to clear the blocking points and break through, and do everything possible to ensure the urgently needed medical service needs of the masses during the epidemic.

Source: Shanghai Release

Editor: Gu Xiaoyi