Yellowed rice is “poisonous rice”, which is not only harmful but also carcinogenic? You might as well keep 4 points in mind when eating rice

“Yellow rice, don’t eat it!”

Aunt Zhao’s rice was just finished, and she was about to go to the supermarket to buy a bag when she suddenly received a push message on her phone. The experts inside said that the yellowing of rice is due to mold and infection of aflatoxin, which can induce liver cancer.

After reading the expert’s words, Aunt Zhao was taken aback. When she usually buys rice, she always chooses the yellowish one. She thinks that the rice that is too white is added with messy additives and waxed, right? Poor health. Now she was worried and didn’t know what kind of rice to buy.

I. Will yellowed rice induce liver cancer? real or fake?

Aflatoxin has strong mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic properties, and it can induce the occurrence of various cancers, especially the liver has a strong destructive effect . When the intake of aflatoxin reaches a certain dose, it can even induce the occurrence of primary liver cancer.

Zhengzhou Central Hospital Zhang Shijing said that yellowing of rice is not necessarily due to moldy infection with aflatoxin, and the “yellowing” of rice that is really infected with aflatoxin is characteristic Yes, 1. Mainly related to the variety

Some of the rice itself is yellowish in color, because the processing is not fine enough, and the color of rice similar to brown rice is “light yellow”. There are also new varieties of rice, such as “golden rice” containing carotene, which are naturally yellowish.

2. Improper storage will result in mildew infection of aflatoxin

During the storage process of rice, as long as the temperature and humidity are suitable, Generally does not cause mildew and spoilage. The moisture content in rice is relatively high, and improper storage can easily lead to mold contamination such as Penicillium, Penicillium yellow-green mold, Aspergillus flavus, and then these molds will grow under suitable conditions, causing the rice to turn yellow. This kind of rice is also called “” yellow to rice”.

Yellow rice grains are dull and dull, with yellow or white grooves on the surface, and the whole is very brittle and easy to break. There will be a a musty smell, the viscosity is very small after cooking, and there is no original aroma of the rice, it will obviously feel musty and the taste is very rough.

Simply put, not all “yellow” rice is harmful to the body. We must learn to identify rumors and not step into misunderstandings. In addition to the fact that yellow rice can cause cancer, there are many rumors about rice, follow Xiao Ai to see them one by one. Second, debunk those rumors about rice! 1. Rice is not nutritious and is the worst staple food?

The main components of rice are water, protein, fat, carbohydrates and potassium, etc. Taking 100g of rice as an example, it contains about 346 kcal of energy. , 112mg potassium, 77.2g carbohydrates, 13.3g water.

Rice contains a lot of nutrients, but due to its fine processing, many vitamins, minerals, lipids and dietary fibers are removed, The result is relatively single nutrition, but it is not no value.

2. Overnight meals are poisonous like snakes. Will secondary heating cause cancer?

Some people say that rice will breed a lot of bacteria after being stored overnight. Even if it is heated again, it is difficult to remove the toxins in it, and there is a risk of cancer after eating. Is this true?

Rice may indeed breed bacteria during storage, but all foods are also susceptible to bacteria if exposed to the air, such as Bacillus, but these bacteria are generally not It will cause cancer, and it may cause diarrhea at most. We cannot blindly associate the secondary heating of rice with cancer.

3. Eating rice to raise blood sugar will cause diabetes?

White rice is indeed a high-glycemic food, with a glycemic index of 83. In a study published in the international journal Diabetes Care, researchers analyzed the rice intake of 132,373 subjects from 2005 to 2020 and found that high intake of rice and An increased risk of diabetes was significantly associated, most strongly in Southeast Asian countries, but not in China. Because Chinese people eat different types of rice, cook differently, and there are ethnic differences.

Some “black pots” about rice should be removed in time. What you really need to pay attention to when eating rice in your life are these four points. Have you done it right?

Third, what should we really pay attention to when eating rice? 1. Make the rice a little lighter

Eat less fried rice, sausages, or bibimbap with high-fat and salty dishes, otherwise it will be unfavorable for blood pressure control and prevention of cardiovascular accidents .

2. Make the rice a little more mixed

When cooking rice, you can use some coarse grains, such as brown rice, black rice, germ rice Wait together. Note that coarse grain rice can be soaked overnight in advance to avoid undercooking with the rice.

3. Make the rice a little bit more colorful

You can add some richly colored rice when cooking everyday. “Ingredients”, such as peas, carrots, corn kernels, etc., provide a variety of nutrients for the body while being beautiful.

4. Control the consumption

The daily intake of staple food is recommended to be controlled between 300~500g, as long as Starchy foods can be counted in this weight. Once you find rice in your lifeMoldy and spoiled rice must be discarded in time, but some rice that is yellow in itself can be eaten with confidence, and attention should be paid to identification. There is no junk food, only the way of eating junk. The same is true for rice. Don’t stay away from rice because of rumors. References: [1] Zhang Shijing. Does yellowed rice necessarily contain aflatoxin? [J]. Diet Science, 2020(03): 10-11.

[2] “[Life Tips] ] Eating rice pays attention to four principles”. Yuci District People’s Hospital. 2017-05-04

[3] “Eating rice can cause diabetes? 》.Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine.2020-11-02