Yangqu County, Taiyuan City: Party members charge and play the strongest voice for prevention and control of Yangqu

In order to thoroughly investigate the potential population infected and block the chain of transmission of the epidemic in a timely manner, Yangqu County organized nucleic acid testing for all employees on April 15. So far, a total of 154,000 nucleic acid samples have been collected. More than one person-time, successfully completed the target task of the inspection and inspection.

The county’s 1,673 in-service party members, 2,584 rural party members, 823 sinking cadres, and 2,405 grassroots workers acted quickly and quickly. Gathered and rushed to the 174 nucleic acid detection and sampling points in the county with full enthusiasm and high fighting spirit to carry out work in an orderly manner.

“I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and support the Party’s program…” The sinking cadre of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision revisited the oath of joining the Party at the nucleic acid testing point in Chengdong Road community .

Party members and cadres of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, led by Deputy Secretary Zhou Zhongyi, participated in volunteer services in the Shencheng East Road community, from setting up tents to preparing supplies , From planning the queuing route, to information registration, two-code inspection, body temperature detection, nucleic acid sampling, and order maintenance, all party members and cadres do not pay attention to conditions, and resolutely do their due diligence not to offside, to help not to cause confusion, and to actively obey community work arrangements to take responsibility Interpret the original intention and practice the mission with actions.

“As an organizational cadre, I should take the lead and set an example. Compared with sitting in the office, being able to directly serve the masses in the community is more empowering for me. Personally experience the original mission of being a party member.” Jin Xin is the head of the Talent Work Unit of the Organization Department of the County Party Committee. Since the outbreak of the new round of the epidemic, he has actively organized and motivated all types of talents at all levels in the county to participate in the epidemic prevention and control work, and has been working overtime for many days in a row. The nucleic acid detection work for all staff started. He took the initiative to ask Ying, and immediately signed up to participate in the volunteer service in the Shenyang Dayun Road community. His wife, a medical staff member of the County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been at her post for several days without returning home since the outbreak. On April 15, he put his two young children in the care of his parents, wearing “battle armor” and fighting side by side with his wife. From 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, we insisted on not drinking water or going to the toilet, minimizing the stay time of residents, and completing nucleic acid tests for more than 440 residents.

Du Jianwen is the person in charge of the Second Organization Unit of the Organization Department of the County Party Committee. Currently, he has a tight schedule and heavy tasks to focus on party building and improve grassroots governance capabilities. He works overtime all night. At 6 o’clock in the morning, he turned into “Dabai”, sticking to the nucleic acid testing point in the Dayun Road community, assisting in scanning code temperature measurement, maintaining order, information registration, sanitation and killing, and taking the lead in carrying out epidemic prevention publicity and education to guide the majority of residents. Follow the epidemic prevention and control requirements to do individual and family epidemic prevention. At the end of the day, his voice was hoarse and his legs were weak, but he said with a smile, “As a party member, this is my bounden duty to contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic, without feeling tired, and feeling full of energy. .”

Party members and cadres of the Party Branch of the County Statistics Bureau stepped forward and acted bravely. The news of “I’m participating” flashed across the screen. Zhang Zhongyu, an old party member, quickly took the task and took the initiative to maintain order at the scene. He kept shouting and reminding everyone, “Please wear masks, keep a safe distance of 1 meter, and return immediately after the nucleic acid test, do not stay… …”, he said, “As a party member and cadre, we must focus on the overall situation and implement various prevention and control measures to ensure the health of the people.”

All cadres and workers of the County Women’s Federation, under the leadership of Party Secretary and Chairman Hou Zhifang, packed up and set off to Xinyang Square at 6:30 in the morning to participate in the county’s nucleic acid testing volunteer service. They guided the masses in an orderly manner at the nucleic acid testing site, and carefully checked the two During the sampling process, carefully check the information of the residents themselves and their family members, and carefully remember the information of the yellow-coded and red-coded personnel in the households and the maternity in the recovery period. , and the staff responsible for on-site sampling Do a good job in handover to ensure that no one is missed in the nucleic acid test.

County Letters and Calls Bureau Deputy Director Liu Jianguo went to the community to undertake the voluntary service of nucleic acid epidemic prevention and control for all staff. He put on protective clothing and took up disinfectant spray equipment to kill the community. These “big whites” guard other residents of the community with their actual actions.

The epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility. The county’s party members and cadres charged forward without turning back on the “epidemic”, practiced their original aspirations and missions, responsibilities and responsibilities, and contributed their wisdom and strength to building the “firewall” of the epidemic.

Source: Yangqu WeChat