Xuecheng District People’s Hospital conducts training for members of the new coronary pneumonia treatment echelon

Zhang Zun, correspondent of Dazhong.com·Poster, correspondent Chu Fubing, reported from Zaozhuang

On the afternoon of March 11, Xuecheng District People’s Hospital carried out new crown pneumonia treatment in the conference room on the sixth floor of the office building Training on medical treatment and personal protection knowledge for echelon members. A total of 74 medical staff from the hospital’s new crown pneumonia treatment echelon participated in the training. The training meeting was presided over by Chu Fubing, chief of the medical department.

At the meeting, Ruan Chunxiang, director of the hospital infection office, gave a briefing on how to properly put on and take off protective clothing, hand hygiene and other protective knowledge During the training, Xu Lei, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, explained the “New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Trial Version 8 Revised Edition)”, and also focused on the early identification of new coronary pneumonia. Chu Fubing emphasized that it is necessary to fully understand the severity and complexity of the current epidemic prevention and control situation, resolutely overcome paralysis, and make preparations for medical treatment.

Through this training, the emergency response ability of hospital medical staff to deal with the new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control has been further improved, and the The awareness of hospital infection prevention and control has provided strong support for the normalization of the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic.