Xinhua International Review: NATO playing the “China card” is despicable and sinister – the third of a series of comments in response to NATO’s smearing

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 10th. Title: NATO playing the “China card” is despicable and sinister – the third of a series of comments in response to NATO’s smearing

Xinhua News Agency reporter Han Bing< /p>

NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg recently made groundless accusations and wanton smears of China over the Ukraine issue, and even falsely claimed that China refused to condemn Russia as a so-called “serious challenge”. His erroneous remarks distort the objective and fair position that China has always upheld, ignore China’s constructive efforts to resolve the crisis, and attempt to create public opinion for the United States and NATO to further suppress China by confounding right and wrong. This bullying routine, intertwined with smearing and repression, once again exposed the despicable and sinister nature of the US, which dominates NATO, using any means to safeguard its hegemony and self-interest.

March 31, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg speaks at a press conference in Brussels, Belgium. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Huansong

Since the conflict broke out, China has adhered to the right and wrong, insisted on independence, and abide by objectivity and fairness. Regarding the root cause of the problem, China has comprehensively considered the historical latitude and longitude and the complex status quo, and profoundly pointed out that it is the unrestricted eastward expansion of NATO led by the United States that has pushed the contradiction between Russia and Ukraine to the crater step by step. On issues of principle, China has consistently and unequivocally maintained that sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity should be respected at all times, and there should be no exceptions, let alone double standards. Faced with a complex situation, China emphasizes that all countries have the right to decide their own foreign policies independently and should not be forced to choose sides. Dissenting opinions should not be either enemy or friend, or black or white. China’s just position has resonated with the international community, especially the vast number of developing countries. Algerian Foreign Minister Ramallah said that China’s proposition is based on international fairness and justice and focuses on promoting peace, stability and security.

On the Ukrainian issue, China has remained calm and rational, actively encouraged peace talks, and played a constructive role for all to see. China’s voice is deafening, “We must show political courage under any circumstances, create space for peace and leave room for political settlement.” China’s plan is balanced and takes into account the immediate priorities – promoting dialogue and negotiation, cessation of fire and fighting as soon as possible, and avoiding civilian casualties, and taking a long-term perspective – abandoning the Cold War mentality, not engaging in group confrontation, and truly forming a balanced, effective and sustainable regional security Architecture. China has acted in a solid and responsible manner, put forward a six-point initiative on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, and provided multiple batches of emergency humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. British political commentator Carlos Martinez said that as a responsible power, China’s constructive role on the Ukraine issue was “admirable”.

April 5, at the UN headquarters in New York, Zhang Jun (front row, center), Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, speaks at the Security Council Ukraine It is the urgent expectation of the international community and the strong desire of the Chinese side to expound China’s position and proposition on the current situation in Ukraine at the public meeting on the situation. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie E

The U.S. and NATO have repeatedly made outrageous remarks against China on the Ukraine issue, confounding black and white, with sinister intentions behind them. The first is to try to cover up the disgraceful role he played in the situation in Russia and Ukraine by blaming China and divert people’s attention from seeing the truth. In fact, the United States is both the initiator of the Ukraine issue and the driving force behind the current situation in Russia and Ukraine. It continued to exaggerate the tense atmosphere and seriously interfered with the political settlement process of the Ukraine issue. The second is an attempt to smear China and exaggerate the so-called “China threat” to create space for further suppression of China. The NATO summit to be held in June this year is likely to come up with a new strategic concept for Taipei. Judging from NATO’s official public statements on many occasions, targeting China is an important direction for the adjustment of this strategic concept. Now “splashing dirty water” on China is NATO’s pre-creation of an atmosphere of public opinion in order to rationalize its strategic adjustment. The third is to try to create and escalate contradictions by putting pressure on China, and lead the world into camp conflict and confrontation with the wrong way, which will help the United States to take advantage of this opportunity and maintain its hegemony.

People should see clearly that Stoltenberg’s erroneous remarks represent the interests of American hegemony. By provoking conflict and confrontation and inciting the world’s “new cold war”, only the hegemony of the United States has benefited, and all countries around the world, including its allies, have been hurt. This Ukraine issue is a true portrayal: after the conflict, energy prices in Europe soared, food prices in the Middle East rose, and global economic growth was under pressure, while the United States took the opportunity to expand natural gas exports to Europe and provide Ukraine with a large amount of weapons and equipment, the representative of the US military-industrial complex. Even popping champagne to celebrate the emergence of new business opportunities. The strategic intention of the United States to incite a crisis and “cut leeks” in the world deserves the world’s high vigilance.

China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of the international order. On the Ukraine issue, China’s position is consistent with the wishes of most countries in the world, and China does not accept any pressure or coercion. Time will prove that China’s proposition is on the right side of history. The United States and NATO should deeply reflect on their own responsibilities and take practical actions to ease the situation and solve problems. The insidious calculations behind those playing the “China card” are doomed to fail.