Xihuachi Town, Heshui County: Promote the “non-grain” rectification of cultivated land and make every effort to protect the people’s “grain bags”

Cultivated land is the cornerstone of food security and the foundation for the prosperity of all industries. In order to increase the area of ​​grain planting and improve the enthusiasm of farmers to grow grain, Xihuachi Town, Heshui County actively carried out the “non-grain” rectification work, linked up and down, and all staff worked hard to protect the people’s “grain bags”.

In 2017, Zhang Mingxia, a villager in Lijiazhuangzi Village, Xihuachi Town, planted acacia trees on all 7.3 mu of farmland in her family. Not only did she not get any income for many years, but she also needed to invest a lot of labor and material resources every year. The maintenance of trees takes a lot of economic pressure. This year, when she learned that the village was carrying out the “non-grain” remediation of cultivated land, she, as the first group of people to respond positively, hoped to return her “good fields” to “grain fields”.

“I plan to re-plant food in these areas. Besides eating, I can also sell it for money. It should be much more profitable than planting.” Zhang Mingxia said.

In view of the large differences, complex situations and various reasons for the problem of “non-grain” of cultivated land, Xihuachi Town has vigorously promoted various methods such as household publicity, policy explanation, and mobilization of the masses according to different situations. Encourage and guide the masses to “return forests to fields”, adjust and optimize functional areas for grain production, and make fields a “rich land” for the villagers, which not only keeps the people’s “grain bags” but also “money bags”.

Chang Wenxiang, deputy mayor of Xihuachi Town, said: “Xihuachi Town takes the remediation of non-grain cultivated land as the current key work, and through the “One Village Ten Thousand Trees” project , plan to afforestation more than 300 mu of barren hills, transplant some seedlings. In addition, by contacting customers, help the masses to sell part, and then actively mobilize the masses to vacate their own land.”

As of now, Xihua has Chi Town has vacated 284.7 mu of seedling forests and more than 380,000 seedlings. It has made every effort to promote the “non-grain” improvement of cultivated land and stabilize the sown area of ​​grain.

Reporter Guo Jinjian Yang Yingjin

Director: Tang Hongbin
Producer: Wang Tingbin and Qiu Jingjing
Editor: Li Dina
Editor: Zhao Xiang