Xie Fangde has a very touching poem. The first sentence of the opening chapter directly hits people’s hearts and is full of infinite sorrow.

The literati in the late Southern Song Dynasty was actually more literate than any other era. It was even more painful. During this period, the social contradictions were sharp, and the Southern Song Dynasty did not do anything. It was precisely because of this inaction that those literati suffered endlessly. There is no such opportunity. In the end, the Southern Song Dynasty was also destroyed by the Yuan Dynasty, and countless literati began to live in seclusion in various places.

Xie Fangde is such a literati who actively participated in the fight against the northern invasion in his youth, but Later, after the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty, he chose to live in seclusion in Wuyi Mountain, not to escape reality, but to seek spiritual comfort. Therefore, during this period, he was in great pain and lived in Wuyi Mountain for ten years, which was very important for the poet. It is a kind of torture. For this reason, he also wrote a very touching poem “In the Wuyi Mountains”. In this poem, he wrote the helplessness of life and the most real perception of reality. It is to tell the world that he is in great pain, but he is powerless.

“Wuyi Mountain”

Song Dynasty: Xie Fangde

Ten years without a dream to return home, independent Qingfeng Yeshuiya.

The sky and the earth are lonely and the mountains and the rain rest. How long does it take to cultivate to get plum blossoms?

Maybe many people are not very familiar with this poem. After all, this poem is not very famous, but although it is very unpopular, it is also a rare masterpiece. The whole poem is poignant and beautiful, and it is also well written. Very sad, every sentence is full of infinite sadness, it is really heart-wrenching to read. Xie Fangde incorporated all the blows and grievances he suffered in his life into his works, which made this poem full of poetry and infinite sadness. Such works are also worthy of our careful attention. Read carefully.

Xie Fangde, courtesy name Junzhi, No. Dieshan, was a famous poet and writer in the Southern Song Dynasty , a thinker; his “In the Wuyi Mountains” creates a lofty artistic conception throughout, and also expresses his inner sorrow and the pain of missing his hometown with a very delicate brushstroke. , thus making this poem a rare classic, so reading this kind of work can arouse our emotional resonance and move us the most, especially those who are also wandering in a foreign land. The work must be deeply felt.

The first two sentences are the famous sentences of the ages, and I have written all the helplessness in my heart. Missing my hometown, “Ten years without a dream to return home, independent Qingfeng Wildshuiya.” It has been ten years since I lived in seclusion in Wuyi Mountain, and I have never even had a dream of returning home in these ten years. , At this moment, I am alone on this green peak, facing the boundless wild water. The short two sentences are a touching description of the grief in the bones and the longing for the hometown.

The third and fourth sentences are even more touching and also more sad, “The world is lonely and the mountains and the rain rest, how long does it take to cultivate to get plum blossoms?” , Although far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, but miss the hometown all the time, how many years of hardships does a person have to go through? Can we truly cultivate the character of plum blossoms? The last sentence is even more ingenious, replacing the pain of missing with plum blossoms, and at the same time highlighting his noble character.

Xie Fangde’s poems are fresh and refined. It is very interesting to write, and such a work is naturally worth reading carefully. This song “In the Wuyi Mountains” has delicate emotions throughout, and is full of sorrows, which also makes us feel the helplessness of the poet. In fact, for him, he misses his hometown all the time, but his hometown has long since become a memory, and he can never go back. , a person will die of old age in Wuyi Mountain.