Xiaoyao Pills Guipi Pills Guizhi Fuling Pills… The 20 most familiar Chinese patent medicines have amazing new effects

Speaking of commonly used Chinese patent medicines, such as Xiaoyao Pills, Jianpi Pills, Zhibai Dihuang Pills, etc. “Little Guard”, everyone is also very clear about its traditional medicinal effects, which can be said to be applied freely.

But with the accumulation of clinical drug experience and the deepening of modern research, these classic “old medicines” have a new look! Facts have proved that in addition to traditional applications, these Chinese patent medicines have some unexpected magical effects! Let’s watch together…


Xiaoyao Pills

Xiaoyao Pills used to be used to treat the symptoms of dry mouth and throat, fatigue, loss of appetite, distending pain in both flanks caused by liver stagnation and blood deficiency, liver and spleen disharmony. In recent years, it has been found that there are many new uses of this product through scientific research and clinical trials.


This product has a good blood lipid lowering effect, and the course of treatment is short, the effect is quick, long-term use has no toxic side effects, and blood lipids will not rebound after stopping the drug. The method is 3 times a day, 6 grams each time, 15 days as a course of treatment.

Treatment of chronic hepatitis

this product It has the effect of normalizing the accumulation of glycogen in liver cells and inhibiting the inflammatory response; it has the effect of inhibiting the occurrence of fatty liver and fibrosis; the effect of anti-hepatocyte necrosis is remarkable, and it is a good medicine for the treatment of chronic hepatitis.

Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers

This product can promote the secretion of digestion at night, increase appetite; it has the functions of analgesia and relieving spasm; it has the functions of soothing the liver and relieving depression, alleviating acute pain and relieving pain, so it has a good effect on gastric and duodenal ulcers. The method is 3 times a day, 9 grams each time, 30 days as a course of treatment, and take it until recovery.


Zhibai Dihuang Wan

Knowledge Bai Di Huang Wan is composed of 8 traditional Chinese medicines, such as Rehmannia glutinosa, Cornus, Huai Yam, Anemarrhena, Paeonol, Poria, Alisma, and Treat, and has the functions of nourishing yin and reducing fire. In the past, it was often used for symptoms such as Gu steaming fever, nocturnal emission, night sweats, sore throat and so on caused by yin deficiency and fire. In recent years, through scientific research and clinical trial observation, it is found that this product has many new uses.

Treatment of solitary benign thyroid nodules

< span>Some people observed and treated 46 cases of single benign thyroid nodules with this product, and the total effective rate was 91.3%. The method is to take this product orally, 9 grams each time, 3 times a day, or its concentrated pills, 8 capsules each time, 3 times a day, 90 days as a course of treatment.

Treatment of nocturnal emission

Some people use this 45 cases of nocturnal emission were treated with the product, and the total effective rate was 93.3%. The method is to take this product orally, 9 grams each time, once in the morning and once in the evening, and 20 days is a course of treatment. At the same time, some people use this product to treat male infertility and non-ejaculation and other diseases, and the effect is very good.

Diabetes Treatment

Someone uses this The product was used to treat 36 cases of diabetes mellitus due to deficiency of yin and fire, and the total effective rate was 94.4%. The method is to take 9 grams each time, 1 time each morning and evening, or 8 concentrated pills each time, 1 time each day in the morning and 1 time in the evening, take it with warm water, 8 capsules each time, 1 time each day in the morning and evening, with warm water Take it with boiled water, 30 days is a course of treatment.

In addition. Some people also use this product to treat senile xerosclerosis, nephrotic syndrome, acute urinary tract infection, intractable night sweats, etc., and all have received satisfactory results.


Jianpi Pills

Jianpi Wan (cake) is a traditional Chinese medicine with a long history. In the past, it was mainly used for abdominal distention, loss of appetite, loose stool and diarrhea caused by weak spleen and stomach. In recent years, scientific research and clinical trials have shown that this product has many new uses.

Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers

Some people use this prescription to excite the center, promote the secretion of digestive juice, increase appetite, and anti-ulcer, and have received a good effect in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. The method is 3 times a day, 9 grams (1 pill) each time, taken with warm boiled water, half a month for one course of treatment.

Treatment of chronic bacillary dysentery

Some people use this prescription to have a strong inhibitory effect on Shigella, and treat 26 cases of chronic bacillary dysentery. After 3 to 5 days of treatment, all the symptoms were cured, and symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, tenesmus, pus and blood in the stool disappeared. The method is to take 9 grams (1 pill) each time in the morning, noon and evening, with warm boiled water, and 1 week is a course of treatment.

treatment of chronic ulcerative colitis strong>

Some people use this product to enhance and regulate gastrointestinal function, strengthen the spleen and help digestion, It has antidiarrheal, antibacterial and analgesic effects, and has treated many cases of chronic ulcerative colitis, with a total effective rate of over 90%. The method is 3 times a day, 1 pill (9 grams) each time, taken with warm water, and 1 month is a course of treatment.

In addition, some people have used this product to treat gastroptosis, chronic atrophic gastritis and other diseases, and all received satisfactory results.


Yunnan Baiyao

It is mainly composed of Panax notoginseng, a specialty of Yunnan. Bleeding is even more magical. Therefore, it has become a special medicine for treating various bruises, redness and sores. In recent years, it has been clinically found that Yunnan Baiyao has other magical effects.

Cure Chilblain

Usage: Mix Yunnan Baiyao powder with 75% ethanol into a paste and apply to the affected area. If it has ruptured, sprinkle the medicinal powder on the ruptured area, cover the ulcer surface with medicinal powder as a degree, and then wrap it with sterile gauze, and sprinkle more medicinal powder on the larger area to avoid sticking to the gauze. Keep warm during treatment. Usually 2 to 3 times of medication to heal.


Usage:The same amount of Yunnan Baiyao powder, chloramphenicol and Vaseline were mixed into ointment, and the medicine was applied topically, once a day.

Treatment of chronic gastritis

chronic gastritis Internal medicine is a common disease with a high prevalence, and Yunnan Baiyao has a better treatment effect.

Usage:Adults take 0.2 grams orally each time, 6 times a day. It must be taken continuously. Even if the pain disappears, it is still necessary to insist on taking the medicine to consolidate the curative effect and prevent recurrence.

Cure Shingles

The disease is recurrent, severe, and painful to the patient.

Usage:Mix Yunnan Baiyao into a paste, apply it to the affected area, 3 to 5 times a day, and at the same time, take 0.3 g of Baiyao, 4 times a day, continue to use it for 1 to 3 days, and the pain is relieved, and it usually heals in 3 to 8 days. .


Guipi Pills

Guipi Pill is a commonly used Chinese patent medicine. It is composed of 12 traditional Chinese medicines, including Codonopsis, Atractylodes, Astragalus, Longan, Suanzaoren, Muxiang, Angelica, Polygala, Licorice, Poria, Jujube, and Ginger. It has the effect of invigorating the spleen and nourishing the heart, nourishing qi and nourishing blood. It is suitable for the symptoms of lack of food and tiredness, pale complexion, forgetfulness, insomnia, palpitations and various bleeding. In recent years, it has been confirmed by clinical practice and research that the drug has many better new uses.

Treatment of chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in children

< span>There are clinical reports that this prescription is used for the treatment of children with chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura with deficiency of both qi and blood, and has achieved remarkable results.

Usage:3 times a day, 9 grams each time, 1 month is a course of treatment, generally 1 to 2 courses of treatment can be cured or improved.

Treatment of sinus bradycardia and paroxysmal tachycardia

< span>Usage:3 times a day, 9 grams each time, 1 week is a course of treatment, usually two courses of treatment can improve or recover . After taking the medicine for 10 to 15 days in many patients, the symptoms were significantly relieved, and its anti-arrhythmic effect had obvious two-way regulating effect.

Treatment of menopausal syndrome

use Guipi Pills was used to treat 25 cases of menopausal syndrome in women with deficiency of qi and blood. Among them, 20 cases were cured (all symptoms disappeared), accounting for 80%, and 5 cases were improved (symptoms and signs were significantly relieved or partially disappeared), accounting for 20%. The medication time was at least 12 days and the most was 31 days, with an average of 18.5 days.

Usage:Take Guipi Pill 3 times a day, 9 grams each time, half a month is a course of treatment, usually 1-2 courses of treatment can be cured .


< span>Guizhi Fuling Pills

gui Zhi Fu Ling Pill is a commonly used Chinese patent medicine. It has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing stasis and relieving mass. It is suitable for women who have mass in the lower abdomen, abdominal pain and cramps, or women with menstrual difficulties, abdominal pain after menstruation, dystocia, afterbirth. Those with persistent lochia after childbirth and abdominal pain refusing to press. In recent years, it has been confirmed by clinical practice and research that there are many better new uses of this prescription:

Treatment of thrombophlebitis< /p>

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this disease is caused by stagnation of qi and blood and obstruction of collaterals. In accordance with the tenet of the ancient saying that “the passage of the pulse and the passage of the qi and blood is the line”, the Guizhi Fuling Capsule, which promotes blood circulation, removes stasis, and relieves the mass, is used to treat thrombophlebitis, and the curative effect is remarkable.

Usage:3 capsules each time, 3 times a day, with warm water after meals.

Treatment of dysmenorrhea

Using cinnamon sticks 46 patients with dysmenorrhea were treated with Fuling Pills, and the total effective rate was 97.8%. The 45 cured cases were followed up for 1 to 2 years, and no recurrence was found.

Usage: Guizhi Fuling Pills, 6 capsules each time, 3 times a day, with warm water after meals. It is a course of treatment from 5 days before menstruation to menstrual net. Among the 46 cases of clinical observation, 20 cases were cured in 2 courses of treatment, 18 cases were cured in 3 courses of treatment, and 7 cases were cured in 4 courses of treatment. 1 case of invalid.

Treatment of menopausal syndrome

appears Dizziness, tinnitus, hot sweating, palpitations, insomnia, irritability, menstrual disorders and other symptoms. Guizhi Fuling capsules were used to treat 59 patients with menopausal syndrome, and the effect was quite good.

Usage:Guizhi Fuling Capsules, 3 capsules each time, once in the morning, noon and evening, with warm water after meals, until symptoms disappear Withdrawal.


How to use various common proprietary Chinese medicines

(non-traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, please consult a Chinese medicine practitioner, and use syndrome differentiation)

  • Section 1 Sub-Health

phlegm-dampness :Xiangsha Liujunzi Pills

Heart and Spleen Deficiency: Guipi Pills

Liver Qi stagnation: Xiaoyao Pills

Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency: Nourishing Liver and Kidney Pills, Liuwei Dihuang Pills

Qi deficiency: Yongsheng He Ejiao

Yin deficiency: Liuwei Dihuang Wan

Yang deficiency:Shenrong Sanbian Pill Qiang Yang Bao Shen Pill< /span>

  • The second section gets angry

Stomach Fire:Dashan Hawthorn Granules Kuanzhong Shunqi Pills Qingwei Huanglian Pills Kuaiwei Shugan Pills

Liver Fire:Xie Qing Wan p>

Breast Lumps: Nucleus Elimination

Lung Fire:Qingre Dihuang Pill, Lung Suppression Pills

  • 3rd period frozen shoulder

Chanhuoluo Pills

  • Lower back pain in the fourth quarter

Dispersing Cold and Huoluo Pills

  • Section 5 Stroke and Sequelae

Central Meridian: Zaozuo Pills, Sanfeng Huoluo Pills

Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency: Zhibai Dihuang Pills

Zang Fu Yang Shutdown: Angong Niuhuang Pill, Zhibao Dan

Zang-Fu Yin Shutdown: Suhexiang Pills< /span>

Sequelae of Stroke: Huayu Pills

  • Section VI Vertigo

Liver Yang Hyperactivity: Xiegan Anshen Pills

Depletion of the kidney meridian: Shenrong Sanbian Pill, Liuwei Dihuang Pill< /span>

Qi and blood loss: Yongshenghe Ejiao, Ten Quan Da Bu Wan, Nei Bu Yang Rong Pill, Shen Gui Lu Antler Pill

< span>Phlegm dampness resistance: Erchen Pills

  • Section VII Constipation

Dryness and heat: Sofeng Shunqi Pill, Tongyou Runzao Pill

Qi stagnation: Kuanzhong Shunqi Pill, Wide Chest Shuqi Huazhi Pills

Xu Mi< /strong>: donkey-hide gelatin, honey

Qi deficiency Luck: Ma Ren Runchang Pills

Yin-cold stagnation:Banliuwan

  • Section 8 diarrhea

Cold, damp and hot: Four Shomaru

Eating Disorder: Dashan Hawthorn Granules, Betel Nut Sixiao Pills, Jiawei Baohe Pills

Liver Qi and Spleen: Kuaiwei Shugan Pill, Shuyu Jiubao Pill, Seasoning Shugan Pill

< span>Deficiency of the spleen and stomach: Tonic Zisheng Pills, Ginseng Guilizhong Pills

Deficiency of Kidney-Yang: Nutmeg Sishen Pill, Sishen Pill< /span>

  • Section IX Esophageal Disease

< strong>Phlegm and Qi Crossing: Erchen Pills

< span>Blood Stasis: Jiuqi Niantong Pills

Jinku Hot Junction:Sofeng Shunqi Pills< /span>

Qi deficiency and Yang deficiency: ginseng gui lizhong pill, gold Kuishenqi Pills

  • Section 10 Abdominal Pain

deficiency cold syndrome span>: Ginseng Guilizhong Pill Tonic Zisheng Pill

Qi stagnation: Shuyu Jiubao Pills

Blood Stasis Syndrome: Jiuqi Niantong Pills

Eatosis: Dashan Hawthorn Granules, Jiawei Baohe Pills

  • Section 11 Stomach Pain

< span>Qi stagnation and stomach pain: Kuaiwei Shugan Pill Liangfu Pill

Blood Stasis Stomach Pain: Jiuqi Niantong Pills

< p data-track="205">Stomach stagnation: Jiawei Baohe Pills, Dashan Hawthorn Granules span>

deficiency and stomach pain: Ginseng Zhong Pills, Tonic Zisheng Pills

Yin deficiency and stomach pain: Tonic Tribulus Terrestris Pills

epigastric pain : Sofeng Shunqi Pills

  • Section 12 Vomiting

Exogenous pathogens against the stomach: Huoxiangzhengqi Water

Diet stagnation:Dashan Hawthorn, Jiawei Baohe Pills span>

phlegm-drinking resistance: Erchen Pills

Liver qi invading stomach : Kuaiwei Shugan Pills

Insufficiency of stomach yin: Tonic Tribulus Terrestris Pills,

< span>Deficiency of the spleen and stomach: Tonic Zisheng Pills, Ginseng Lizhong

  • Irregular Menstrual Period 13 span>

Liver Qi stagnation: Kunshun Pill

blood deficiency< span>:Ningkun Yangxue Pill

Qi does not absorb blood : Shengui Lu Antler Pills, Neibu Yang Rong Pills

Blood Heat Interference: Qingre Cooling Blood Oral Liquid

  • Fourteenth Myocarditis strong>

Yingxin Dan span>

  • Fifteen Dysmenorrhea

Qi stagnation and blood stasis:Tiaojing Yiling Capsules

yang Deficiency Inner Cold: Ginseng Lizhong Pills

Weak Qi and Blood: Shengui Lu Antler Pill, Neibu Yangrong Pill

Liver and kidney deficiency: Kunshun Pill, Liuwei Dihuang Pill< /span>

  • Section 16 Cough

Wind-cold attacks the lungs: Shensu Pills, Shensu Xuanfei Pills

Wind-heat invading the lung:Cough Loquat Dew, Ansou Huatan Pills

Dryness and heat damage the lungs: Qiuli moistening lung cream, Qingredihuang pills

phlegm and dampness in the lungs :Erchen Pills

phlegm and heat in the lungs< /span>: Qingjin Zhishou Watermelon Cream span>

lung qi deficiency : Qingfei Zhisou Pills

lung yin depletion span>:Dingchuan Zhisou Pills

< ul>

  • section XVII hyperplasia
  • Milk Core Digestion

    • Section 18 Acute Mastitis strong>

    Huoxue Jiedu Pills span>

    • Section Nineteen Excessive Eye Use

    Qi Ju Dihuang Pills

    • < span>Twentieth Section Kidney Stones

    Shilintong Granules< /span>

    • Section 21 Angina

    Xinkening Capsules

    Guanxinan Oral Liquid

    Tongmai Oral Liquid

    • Section 22 Insomnia

    Liver stagnation transforms into fire : Xiegan Anshen Pills

    Internal disturbance of phlegm-heat: Niuhuang Qingxin Pills

    < span>Deficiency of the heart and spleen:Yangxue Anshen Pills

    Yin Deficiency and Fire Prosperity: Yangxin Anshen Pill

    Heart and kidney disparity: Kong Sheng Zhenzhong Pill

    • Twenty Three palpitations

    Palpitations Insufficient certificate: Anshen Buxin Pill

    Yin Deficiency and Fire Prosperity Syndrome: Yangxue Anshen Pills

    Insufficiency of Heart Yang: Yingxin Dan

    Heart-blood stasis syndrome: Xinkening Capsule, Guanxinan Oral Liquid< /span>

    • Section 24 Hypertension

    Phlegm and blood stasis, wind-phlegm disturbance, blood stasis blocking collaterals: Yufeng Ningxin Tablet

    Yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, liver yang hyperactivity, kidney yin deficiency: Jiuqiang Naoliqing, Niuhuang Jiangya Wan, Qiju Dihuang Wan span>

    Deficiency of Kidney Yang: Ginseng Sanbian Pill, Qiangyang Baoshen Pill, Jinkui Shenqi Pill

    Qi Blood deficiency: Yongsheng He Ejiao, Shiquan Dabu Pills

    • 25th fracture

    Bone-setting:Rebirth Yidan

    Promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and reducing swelling: Diode Pills

    • Section 26 Hemorrhoids

    < p data-track="283">Diyu Huaijiao Wan Ruyi Gold Powder

    • Section 27 Children’s Cold

    Wind Chill:Erganqing Oral Liquid

    < p data-track="287">Wind heat: Xiaoer Qingjie Granules

    • Second Eighteen Adult Colds

    Wind Heat: Qingremao Granules Lingqiao Jiedu Granules Ansou Huatan Pills

    Wind-cold: Shensu Xuanfei Pill Shensu Pill p>

    • Section 29 Asthma

    cold Asthma: Tracheitis Pills

    Heat Syndrome Asthma:Dingchuan Zhisou Pills

    Long-term asthma: Elderly cough and asthma capsules

    • Section 30 Fever in Children< /strong>

    Wind Chill:Erganqing Oral Liquid

    Wind Heat< /span>: Xiaoer Qingjie Granules

    Lire Syndrome: Xiaoer Qingrening Granules

    • Section 31 Tuberculosis

    Lifei Tablets

    • Heat Stroke in Section 32< /span>

    Emergency treatment for heatstroke< /span>: Zhibao Dan, Zixue Dan, Angong Niuhuang Wan

    Shujue: Suhexiang Pills

    Summer dampness table: Huoxiangzhengqi Water, Sizheng Pill, Rendan

    Summer Heart: Niuhuang Qingxin Pill, Zhibaodan, Zixuedan span>

    Exhaustion of Qi and Yin: Shengmai Drink

    • Thirty-third menopause

    Lily Gengnianan Granules

    • Section 34 Psoriasis

    Gyin Pills

    • Section 35 Pink Eye

    Huanglian Shangqing Tablets Bright Eyes Tribulus Pills

    • < span>Section 36 Diabetes

    Quiet thirst and hypoglycemic capsules

    • Section 37 Infertility< /span>

    Menstrual adjustment and pregnancy promoting pill Wuzi Yanzong pill< /span>

    • < span>38th session of amenorrhea

    Tiaojing Yiling Granules Compound Motherwort Ointment

    • Section 39 Leucorrhea

    Spleen and Kidney Deficiency: Qianjin Zhidai Pill

    Damp Heat Bet: Two Miao Wan

    Liver Fire: Xieqing Pill, GentianxieLiver Pills

    • < span>Fortieth folliculitis

    Jiedu Liangxue Mixture Ruyi Jinhuang Powder

    • Section 41 The Way of Beauty in Traditional Chinese Medicine

    Nourishing blood: Ejiao

    laxative: to relax Runzao Pills

    • Section 42 Traditional Chinese Medicine for Acne

    Jiedu Liangxue Mixture Qingrejiedu Oral Liquid

    • Section 43 Chronic Pharyngitis< /span>

    Liyanling Tablets

      Section 44 Fatty Liver


      Liver and Stomach Discord:Kuiwei Shugan Pills, Seasoning Shugan Pills , Shugan Hewei Pill

      damp heat in the liver and gallbladder : Longdan Xiegan Pills

      Spleen deficiency and dampness: Shenqinbaizhu Pill, Liujunzi Pill, Pingwei Pill

      No obvious symptoms, but CT scan showed fatty liver: Tongren Qingzhi Tea

      • Section 45 Rheumatism

      Rheumatic joint wine

      • Forty-sixth chapter of infantile malnutrition

      Fei’er Wan Lan Ji Wan

      < /p>

      • Forty-seventh flat wart

      Liver stagnation and blood stasis: Danzhi Xiaoyao Pill, Liqi Huayu Oral Liquid p>

      Qi deficiency: Shenqin Baizhu Pill, Qingxue Nei Xiao Pill

      The Lung is Accumulating Heat : Jiedu Liangxue Mixture, Gardenia Golden Flower Pills

      blood Liver deficiency: Longdan Xiegan Pills, Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction

      • Section 48 TCM Freckle Removal

      Qi stagnation and blood stasis type:Liqi Huayu Oral Liquid

      Liver stagnation and internal heat type: Liqi Huayu Oral Liquid and Longdan Xiegan Pills

      Spleen deficiency damp-heat type: Liqi Huayu Oral Liquid, Shenqin Baizhu Pills p>

      Insufficiency of liver and kidney: Liuwei Dihuang Pill, Nourishing Liver and Kidney Pill

      Topical: Yangrong Freckle cream, pearl powder mask

      • Forty-ninth Dysentery

      Jiawei Xianglian Pills, Xieli Guchang Pills

      • Seizure 50

      Medical Epilepsy Pills

      • Section 51 Prostatitis

      deficiency of kidney and essence< /span>: Zhibai Dihuang Wan

      Qi stagnation and blood stasis:Qianlie Shule Capsules

      Virtual and solid : Long Shu Shu

      Tobacco and alcohol spicy: Longdan Xiegan Pills

      • Section 52 Osteoporosis

      Liver and kidney yin deficiency : Liuwei Dihuang Wan, Lily Gengnian’an Granules

      Spleen Qi Deficiency: Shenqinbaizhu Pills, Buzhong Yiqi Pills

      Kidney-Yang Deficiency: Shenrong Sanbian Pill Qiangyang Baoshen Pill

      • Fifty Three-Section Deficiency Syndrome

      Qi deficiency and blood deficiency: Ginseng Yangrong Pill, Buzhong Yiqi Pill, Yongsheng He Ejiao, Shengui Lu Antler Pill

      camp guard Discord: Sweat Stop Granules

      < strong>Xuhuo Nei Chi: Erzhi Pill, Zhibai Dihuang Pill

      Evil Heat Yu Steaming: Longdan Xiegan Pills, Simiao Pills< /span>

      • Section 54 Ulcerative Colitis

      < strong>Damp heat traps the spleen: Xiangsha Liujunzi Pills

      Weak spleen and stomach: Tonic Zisheng Pills, Pingwei Pills, Ginseng Guilizhong Pills span>

      Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency: Sishen Pill, Shiquan Dabu Pills

      Stomach Disharmony< /strong>: Kuaiwei Shugan Pills

      Mixed heat and cold: Xieli Guchang Pills

      blood stasis intestinal collaterals span>: Jiuqi Niantong Pills

      < ul>

    • Section 55 Urinary Tract Infection li>

    Damp heat of bladder: Distinguish Wulin Pills

    Damp heat in the liver and gallbladder: gentian Xiegan Pills

    • Section 56 Hyperlipidemia

    Spleen deficiency and dampness: Shen Qin Bai Zhu Pills

    Insufficient Qi and Blood: Shengui Lu Antler Pills, Yongsheng He Ejiao< /span>

    Phlegm dampness middle resistance: 2 Chen Wan Tongren Clear Fat Tea

    • Fifth Seventeen Tonsillitis

    External invasion of wind and heat: throat syndrome pills

    < span>Stomach Fire: Qingwei Huanglian Pill, Laryngeal Pill

    Lung and kidney yin deficiency: Houzheng Pill Zhibai Dihuang Pill

    weak temper: Shenqinbaizhu pills, throat Zheng Wan

    • < span>Section 58 Male Infertility

    Deficiency of kidney essence: Liuwei Dihuang Pill, Wuzi Yanzong Pill

    Liver Qi stagnation: Shugan Pill, Xiaoyao Pill

    Fallout: Qiangyang Baoshen Pill, Shenrong Sanbian Pill

    Kidney Yin deficiency: Liuwei Dihuang Pills, Jiawei Dihuang Pills

    Qi stagnation and blood stasis: Wujin Pills

    phlegm Wet Inside: Xiangsha Liujun Pills

    • Section 59 Eczema

    Heat is more important than moisture: gentian diarrhea Liver Pills

    wet over heat strong>: Shenling Baizhu Pills

    blood dryness : Blood Poison Pills for Skin Diseases

    • Section 60 Heart Disease li>

    Insufficiency of Heart Blood:Soothes and Buxin Pills

    Insufficient Heart Qi: Yingxin Dan

    Yin and Qi:Qianxin Dan< /span>

    • < span>Sixty-one dark circles

    < br/>

    Deficiency of the kidney meridian in women: Yongshenghe Ejiao, Jiawei Qing’e Pills

    Male Kidney Meridian Deficiency: Qiangyang Baoshen Pills

    • Section 62 Dementia

    Liver yang hyperactivity: Qiju Dihuang Wan< /span>

    Deficiency of kidney essence:Refer to Rong Sanbian Pills

    phlegm dampness Mengshu : Sioux Pills< /span>

    • Section 63 Allergies

    Spleen and Qi: Guipi Pill, Shenling Baizhu Pill

    Invigorating the Kidney and Gushen: Ginseng Sanbian Pills

    Harmony Camp Guard: Fangfengtongshengwan< /span>

    Spleen and Kidney Tonic: Tonic Tribulus Pills

    • < span>Section 64 Cataract

    Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency: Qiju Dihuang Pill, Liuwei Dihuang Pill p>

    Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency: Sishen Pills

    Qi and blood deficiency: Yongshenghe Ejiao , Ginseng Deer Antler Pills span>

    Spleen deficiency and damp heat: Shenling Baizhu Wan, Muxiangshun Air Pill

    • < span>Section 65 of Presbycusis

    Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency: Qiju Dihuang Pills

    < p data-track="463">Deficiency of Heart and Spleen: Shenling Baizhu Pill, Guipi Pill, Buzhong Yiqi Pills

    Qi and blood deficiency: Yongshenghe Ejiao, Shiquan Dabuwan

    < span>Inhibition of phlegm and turbidity: Tongren Qingzhi Tea, Erchen Pills

    Damp heat in the liver and gallbladder:Longdan Xiegan Pills

    < p data-track="467">

    • Section 66 Female Ovulation Disorders span>

    Amenorrhea: Pills for menstruation and pregnancy

    Liver and kidney yin deficiency : Qiju Dihuang Pill, Liuwei Dihuang Pill

    Kidney People with Yang deficiency: Neibuyangrong Pill, Ankun Zanyu Pill

    Yang deficiency and fat people: Jinkui Shenqi Pill

    • Section 67 Tumors

    Inhibits the spread of cancer cells, helps cancer Treatment: Xihuang Pills

    I did not expect commonly used There are so many new uses for proprietary Chinese medicines. If you don’t know it, you will lose a lot~