Xiangshan Links Resources to Create a High-Quality “Medical Union” Island Residents Enjoy High-Quality Health Services

Zhejiang Daily News In Xiangshan, a gradually declining medical data has attracted more and more attention: in the past three years, the number of transferred patients in the county has dropped by 15.1% every year. In an island county where medical resources were relatively scarce and transportation was relatively inconvenient, how could medical services at the “home door” benefit the local people?

A few days ago, the reporter followed Uncle Wang from Shipu Town, Xiangshan to the Red Cross Taiwan Compatriot Hospital in Xiangshan County. This is his 60th time into the hospital for postoperative chemotherapy for colon cancer. He told reporters that after completing the operation in Ningbo Municipal Hospital a few years ago, he needs to receive regular chemotherapy treatment. Now, after he chooses the medical service of “staying out of town”, he not only saves more than 4 hours of driving to and from Ningbo city each time, but also saves a transportation cost.

The premise of “staying out of town” is that ordinary people can enjoy the same medical services as urban hospitals. The reporter learned that since 2019, Ningbo Huamei Hospital of UCAS and Xiangshan Red Cross Taiwan Compatriot Hospital have established a trust-based urban “medical alliance”. Use the homogenized chemotherapy plan in large hospitals to help patients complete follow-up treatment. “For patients with specific treatment needs, the treatment plan can also be dynamically adjusted through chain-based remote guidance.” Zheng Yijun, president of the Taiwan Compatriot Hospital, told reporters.

For a long time, some hospitals in Xiangshan have been in the dilemma of lacking doctors and skills, and many examinations and operations cannot be carried out, which makes the masses, especially the island residents, have to “seek a distance” to see a doctor. In recent years, Xiangshan County has linked high-quality resources in the reform of the medical and health system to create a high-quality “medical alliance”, so that ordinary people can enjoy tangible and tangible benefits. In the past three years, Xiangshan has built 3 compact urban “medical consortia” and 2 cooperative hospitals of medical colleges, with the county-level and grass-roots consultation rates reaching 92% and 67.4% respectively.

The superior hospital brings advanced concepts and advanced management models to realize the homogeneous management of Xiangshan “Medical Consortium”. In the past three years, the average cost of outpatient and emergency department and the average cost of hospitalization in Xiangshan County has achieved a steady decline, and the proportion of medical service revenue has reached 32.3%, an increase of 3.85 percentage points. The comprehensive reform evaluation of county-level public hospitals ranks first in Ningbo City.