Xi’an will not “close the city”! Don’t panic! The press conference answers why it is controlled for 4 days

As of 24:00 on April 15, a total of 43 local positive cases have been reported in Xi’an, and 2 have been cured and discharged. At the meeting, Zhang Fenghu, deputy director of the Office of Xi’an Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters and deputy secretary-general of the municipal government, introduced the relevant situation. From 0 to 24:00 on April 15, 1 new local confirmed case and 1 asymptomatic infection were added in Xi’an, all of which were found from the centralized quarantine personnel. The relevant situation and trajectory of the case were subsequently announced through the media. Since the discovery of imported positive infected persons from outside the province on April 2, Xi’an City has adhered to the precise prevention and control of divisions and levels, and has continuously increased the control of personnel returning from areas with high epidemics, and has strengthened the management of key industries and key groups internally. Comprehensive use of methods such as accurate flow investigation and large-scale nucleic acid screening to ensure that the epidemic is dealt with quickly. As of 24:00 on April 15, a total of 43 local positive cases have been reported, 2 have been cured and discharged, and 41 are now being treated in the hospital, and their condition is stable.

Xi’an will not be “closed city”, don’t panic!

At present, the prevention and control measures taken by Xi’an are correct and effective, but the risk of the spread of the epidemic still exists. In order to consolidate the results of prevention and control and further reduce the risk of cross-infection, yesterday, the Xi’an Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters issued a notice that from 0:00 today to 24:00 on the 19th, temporary social control measures will be implemented throughout the city for 4 days. After the announcement was issued, some citizens interpreted it as Xi’an “closing the city”, and some citizens were worried that they would not be able to buy food or see a doctor after the implementation of stricter control, resulting in a certain degree of panic and anxiety. Implementing temporary social control measures does not mean closing the city. Xi’an is currently not “closed”, nor will it be “closed”; while tightening social control measures, we have made careful arrangements to ensure the normal production and life of citizens , please don’t panic.

Xi’an: Implementing temporary social control is the most direct and effective measure to stop the spread of the epidemic!

Zhang Fenghu said that the adoption of temporary social control is a necessary arrangement to completely cut off the chain of transmission and eliminate risks as soon as possible according to the characteristics of the spread of the epidemic. This outbreak is a highly contagious Omicron mutant strain with short intergenerational transmission interval, strong infectivity, and rapid transmission. Community transmission has already occurred. We should further strengthen social control measures, reduce personnel flow, and strengthen Risk screening is the most direct and effective measure to stop the spread of the epidemic. In addition, the social cases found in this epidemic are mainly freight and logistics practitioners. Due to their high mobility, they are closely related to our daily life, and the possibility of human-to-human and material-to-human transmission exists at the same time. Regional static management measures adopted in the early stage. , it is difficult to ensure effective coverage of all potential risk sources, so Xi’an City decided to implement temporary social control throughout the city.

A 4-day temporary social control is implemented, because the incubation period of the mutated virus of Omicron is mostly 3-7 days

The consideration of implementing only a 4-day temporary social control is mainly because the incubation period of the Omicron mutant virus is mostly 3-7 days. The last social case reported so far was discovered on April 13 and diagnosed on April 14. In order to seize the 4-day window period, we will strive to achieve the greatest prevention and control effect at the least cost, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development. After comprehensive research and judgment, we decided to implement the temporary social control measures until 24:00 on April 19.

Catering companies suspend dine-in! The city’s public transportation maintains basic capacity, and residents’ daily life-related supermarkets are open for business as usual

Zhang Fenghu said that the main purpose of implementing temporary social management and control is to reduce social mobility, slow down the pace of life, stop gathering activities, and reduce social mobility without affecting the normal production and living order of the society. There is less contact between foreign people and objects, and potential risk sources can be quickly identified to reduce the risk of cross-infection. The implementation of temporary social control does not mean that people are not allowed to go out, and they do not shut down all kinds of places, let alone the city, but insist on not going out unless it is necessary, and try to reduce the scope of personal activities to the place of residence and work unit. Large-scale commercial complexes, leisure and entertainment venues, cultural activity venues and other densely populated places have taken measures to suspend their opening to minimize the flow and gathering of people while ensuring the normal life of citizens. During this period, the normalized epidemic prevention and control measures will be strictly implemented, communities (villages) can still enter and exit in an orderly manner, enterprises and institutions will continue to operate normally, the city’s public transportation will still maintain basic capacity, and supermarkets, convenience stores, and farmers that are closely related to daily life. Markets, medical institutions, retail pharmacies, etc. are operating normally, and catering companies suspend dine-in but can provide take-out ordering services. In short, the core is to hope that the general public and friends, from the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control, are responsible for themselves and their families, minimize unnecessary going out and social activities, and reduce the chance and possibility of virus transmission.

Source/Qinwen APP