Worry! Hundreds of children have high fever after swimming! Someone tested positive for the virus

This article is reproduced from: Guangming.com

The reporter learned from Shawan District, Leshan City, Sichuan: On the evening of July 24, the Shawan District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau received a report that some students were in Shawan District in Shawan District. The Xingyuedong Swimming Pool in the Bay Area developed symptoms such as fever after swimming. Staff from the Shawan District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau and the Shawan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention rushed to the scene to conduct a detailed investigation. The water quality samples were sent for inspection, and the swimming pool was ordered to suspend business immediately for investigation.

On July 25, Shawan District was quickly established by Shawan District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Shawan District Health and Health Bureau, Shawan District Market Supervision Bureau, Shawan District Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau and other relevant departments Formed a special work class to jointly carry out investigation and processing. A green channel was opened in the Shawan District People’s Hospital to diagnose and treat patients and take samples for inspection. As of 21:00 on July 25, 2 patients tested positive for adenovirus and their condition was stable. It was initially judged that this was a disease caused by adenovirus.

Parents reported:

After swimming lessons, children had a high fever and cough.

During the summer vacation, many children went to the swimming pool to learn to swim, or swim in the swimming pool. Cool off and play. Ms. Liu from Shawan District, Leshan City signed up a swimming training class for her 7-year-old son Haohao, 1080 yuan per 12 class hours.

“I didn’t expect that Haohao fell ill after only 4 lessons.” Ms. Liu said that on July 20, Haohao came home from swimming lessons and suffered from headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, and low-grade fever. Waiting for the symptoms, “I thought he caught a cold with the air conditioner the night before. It may be a common cold and fever.”

Ms. Liu took Haohao to the hospital to see a doctor. Day, the child repeatedly high fever, once appeared 40 ℃ high fever. On the evening of July 24, when Ms. Liu communicated with the parents of children who were learning to swim in the same swimming pool, she discovered that Haohao’s situation was not an isolated case, and many children also had similar symptoms.

Data map of the swimming pool involved

Many parents said that before that, some students had asked for leave due to symptoms such as fever, However, the swimming pool did not attract great attention, nor did it notify the parents of the students in time, resulting in more and more students being infected.

Some children tested positive for adenovirus

Similar situation has also occurred in another place recently

According to the cover news It was previously reported that not long ago, many parents in Shifang City, Deyang, Sichuan Province reported that their children had a high fever for several consecutive days, and some children’s throat swab samples tested positive for respiratory adenovirus nucleic acid. It is worth noting that many parents reported that the common trajectory of their children all pointed to a local swimming pool, which was suspected to be caused by water quality problems in the swimming pool.

The swimming pool involved. Photo provided by the interviewee

At 11:00 pm on July 21, Shifang City issued a situation report saying that several parents reported that their children had fever and other symptoms after swimming in the Ribo Swimming Pool, and it was suspected that it was a swimming pool. due to water quality problems. At present, the swimming pool involved has been closed.

The child had a fever for several consecutive days, and the test result was positive for adenovirus.

What is an adenovirus?

What are the symptoms of infection?

On the afternoon of July 25, the official WeChat account of Shawan CDC issued a document showing that adenovirus is not a new type of virus, but a common virus that causes respiratory infections in children. Adenovirus is highly contagious. Although everyone may be infected, it is most common in children under 5 years old, and infants and young children between 6 months and 2 years old are particularly susceptible to infection. The average incubation period of infection is 3 to 8 days.

Respiratory droplet transmission is the main transmission mode of adenovirus, followed by contact transmission and fecal-oral transmission. If adenovirus contaminates swimming pools, it can also be spread through contact or ingestion of contaminated water, causing “pool fever” or “pink eye.”

Common clinical symptoms include fever, cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, conjunctivitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. Patients with urinary tract infection may experience symptoms such as hematuria, frequent urination, urgency, and difficulty urinating. Adenovirus infection is a self-limiting disease, and there is currently no specific medicine, mostly symptomatic treatment.

How to avoid adenovirus infection by swimming in summer?

In the case of high temperature, the environment of the swimming pool is very easy to cause bacteria to multiply. In summer, you should check whether the swimming pool has sanitary licenses, water quality announcements and other materials; check whether there are wounds on your body before swimming, and avoid swimming in Swimming with wounds; do not swim in public swimming pools when symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough, and diarrhea occur; wash your body with running water and soap before and after swimming, and wash your perineum carefully; wear swimming goggles and a swimming cap when swimming. Avoid eye contact with pool water; try not to swallow pool water while swimming.

Comprehensive | Cover News, CCTV News, Shawan Disease Control