World Sleep Day, how can you sleep until dawn? Do these 3 things to help you challenge deep sleep

Sleep, it seems very simple, isn’t it just lying in bed and going to sleep? In fact, many people have already experienced problems with their sleep quality. Lying in bed, looks like sleeping, may toss and turn and can’t fall asleep. Some people seem to be asleep, but they sleep very lightly, and they can’t fall asleep with a little trouble. Poor sleep quality has seriously affected our health.

I was busy with work and study during the day, and my body was already tired when I went to bed at night. This is the time when the body needs rest the most. The quality of sleep is good, the tired body will feel relaxed, and sleep can also play a role in relieving fatigue. The poor quality of sleep not only makes people listless the next day, but also has no energy to deal with busy work and study. And physical health will also be seriously affected, weakened immunity, more prone to various problems. How to improve the quality of your sleep is already a problem that the whole society needs to face.

Do not play with the phone before going to bed at night

The phone is already It has become an important tool that cannot be left at work. Many units have various WeChat groups, and publish notifications in the group. Even if you go out shopping, you have to scan the code with your mobile phone to pay. The convenience brought by mobile phones has affected all aspects of life. Some people have even become accustomed to playing with their phones before going to bed at night, reading news or novels, or looking through the circle of friends. Playing with mobile phones will affect the quality of sleep, and it will also make people addicted to mobile phones, unable to calm down to lie down and rest.

One hour before going to bed at night, set the phone to vibrate or mute, and put the phone in the living room. You can lie in bed and read a book or do yoga, calm down and fall asleep peacefully.

Bubble feet at night

Every day, our double Feet support our body for movement. As the farthest place from the heart, the feet often have problems with peripheral circulation disorders. In winter, many people will also feel cold feet. If you exercise more every day, the load on your feet is also heavier. At the end of the day, both feet will also feel sore. Especially for people who work standing up, sometimes thick calluses are formed on the soles of the feet.

Soaking your feet before going to bed at night can promote blood circulation, relieve foot fatigue, and prevent people from being too tired to affect sleep. When soaking your feet, pay attention to the temperature of the water. The water temperature should be kept slightly hot, and the time of soaking the feet should not be too long, just about 20 minutes.

Eat less dinner

A day for office workers The three meals are usually served for breakfast, and at noon in the cafeteria of the company or for takeout, and in the evening, when the whole family returns home, there is time to cook. At this time, dinner becomes the most hearty meal of the day, and you eat more. Eating too much dinner, and the time between dinner and bedtime is short, will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and affect the quality of sleep.

Dinner must be eaten, but it should be light and small. At the same time, it is best to have dinner at least two hours away from bedtime. For example, if you finish your meal at seven o’clock in the evening, you can’t go to bed more than nine o’clock at the earliest. The quality of sleep is closely related to physical health. Eating a little digestible food for dinner is more conducive to sleep health.