World Sleep Day: Does snoring affect your appearance?

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporter Xue Renzheng

Correspondent Jiang Yun

March 21 World Sleep Day , this year’s theme is: “Good Sleep Health Peers”.

I believe that snoring is no stranger to everyone. Many people think that snoring is a sign of sound sleep. In fact, “snoring to sleep” is a disease. Snoring is caused by the collapse and blockage of the airway caused by the decrease of upper airway tension. . Ouyang Shaoji, chief physician of the Department of Otolaryngology, Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University, reminded that we should pay attention to the harm of snoring to sleep and health.

The principle of snoring

Sleep has a “sleep cycle” p>

Human brain activity during sleep is not in a static state, but presents a series of cyclical changes of active regulation, and various physiological functions of the body also show regular changes with the depth of sleep.

Modern medicine divides sleep into two stages according to changes in EEG, eye movement and muscle tone during sleep.

(1) Non-REM period: It is characterized by a slowdown in systemic metabolism, the total metabolic rate is reduced by 10% to 25% compared with the resting state before sleep, cerebral blood flow decreases, and neuronal activity in most brain regions Decreased, circulatory, respiratory and sympathetic nervous system activities decreased, showing smooth breathing, slow heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature, and muscle tone decreased (still maintain a certain posture), no obvious eye movement. The sleep depth is divided into light sleep, moderate sleep, and deep sleep.

(2) Rapid eye movement period: characterized by EEG manifestations similar to those in the awake period, increased cerebral metabolism and cerebral blood flow, and increased neuronal activity in most brain regions, but this period is the lowest in systemic muscle tone .

Non-REM period and REM period alternately occur during nighttime sleep, each alternate is a cycle, 4-6 cycles per night. There is more deep sleep in the pre-sleep stage, less deep sleep in the later stage and more REM sleep, and then we wake up refreshed! This is our sleep cycle and a healthy night’s sleep.

Children’s snoring affects the face and is difficult to recover

Snoring is likely to occur during the period when our muscle tone is decreased, that is, the period of deep sleep and rapid eye movement, when snoring The collapse and blockage of the upper airway lead to obstruction of breathing and lack of oxygen. The brain has a micro-arousal and enters a light sleep period. Repeatedly, deep sleep and rapid eye movement sleep are taken away, but deep sleep and rapid eye movement sleep affect our brain function and Physical and mental adjustment is extremely important. Mild snoring may only cause a micro-arousal in the brain but not the whole body, and sleep is quietly taken away without awareness! However, with the aggravation of the disease, the patient may wake up many times during the night sleep, manifesting as an increase in the number of nocturia.

Snoring can occur in both children and adults, which not only affects sleep, but may also cause damage to multiple organs such as the heart and brain due to lack of oxygen. In addition, children’s sleep snoring and mouth breathing can lead to prominent upper dentition, thicker upper lip, and lack of facial expression, which is medically called “adenoid face”.