“World” Says New Words | Discover the hidden health coup in the word “smell the chicken and dance”

“World” says new words when idioms meet Chinese medicine

The ancient style prevails, and the national tide rises one after another. When idioms meet traditional Chinese medicine, what kind of sparks will they collide? In order to promote the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine culture, Dr. Hu said the series of traditional Chinese medicine specially launched the “World” column, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine theory, to re-excavate the value and connotation of traditional Chinese medicine idioms, and to share the stories behind the idioms and health preservation methods, so that readers can feel different. The same Chinese medicine culture.

Smell the chicken and dance

Interpretation: The original meaning is to get up and dance the sword when you hear the rooster crows. Later, it is a metaphor for people who are aspiring to serve the country and rise up in time.


movement generates yang

It is said that life lies in movement. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, ” “Smell the Chicken and Dance” shows a way of keeping healthy – morning exercise.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that movement generates yang, especially in spring. Reasonable exercise can help to raise yang and resist virus invasion. Getting up in the morning and exercising in the morning is beneficial to improve the blood circulation of the body, thereby promoting metabolism and maintaining the vitality of the body for the day.

However, although morning exercise is good, it is necessary to choose the right time and the right way to achieve “movement generates yang”. Many people follow the example of “smell the chicken and dance” and advance the wake-up time to about 4 o’clock. In fact, it’s not always better to wake up earlier.

Especially in winter, don’t blindly get up early for morning exercise. This is because the temperature in winter is cold, and the outdoor temperature is low when you get up in the morning, and the coldness is stagnant, which can easily lead to vasoconstriction. risk of disease.

As for the time to get up and go to bed, “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” believes that “in the third month of spring, this is called the development of life, the heaven and the earth are born, all things are prosperous, and the night sleeps. Get up early and walk in the garden…” In summer, you will never get tired of the sun; in autumn, you must be happy with chickens; in winter, you must wait for the sun.


Don’t do ineffective morning exercises

Morning exercises are good, but you should also pay attention to moderation. The so-called “excessive yang is death.” Daily morning exercise advocates moderate exercise for the purpose of restoring the body’s functional level. It is not appropriate to pursue the effect of “sweating profusely”. The amount of exercise in the morning exercise can restore calmness, heart rate, and breathing rate within half an hour. It is better to return to the level before the morning exercise, and it is better to reach the level of just sweating or a small amount of sweating.

People can choose Taijiquan and Baduanjin for morning exercise. Both of these methods emphasize relaxing muscles, tightening muscles and regulating breath. It also has certain preventive and therapeutic effects on various chronic diseases.


Mainly through the adjustment of breathing, physical activity and consciousness adjustment, it pays attention to guiding stretching and breathing exercise, softening muscles and bones, nourishing Qi Strong, has the functions of activating qi and activating blood, and coordinating the internal organs.


It is dominated by the waist, leading the top gong and qi sinking into the dantian, which is to exercise the Ren, Du, and Chong The important method of the meridian and the meridian; winding movement, vigorously running through the limbs, not moving at all, moving the three yin and yang meridians of the hand and the three yin and yang meridians of the foot, so that the qi and blood flow through the meridians and each other, so as to clear the meridians and activate the meridians, strengthen the body and strengthen the body. The effect of balancing yin and yang, activating qi and eliminating ruffians.

If you are out of breath, lethargic, weak and dizzy after exercise, it means that the amount of exercise in the morning exercise is too large and needs to be adjusted in time.

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