World Bipolar Disorder Day: Emotionally ‘two-faced’? This mental illness cannot be underestimated

In life, there will inevitably be moments of emotions and mood swings.

However, sometimes I find myself feeling like a roller coaster, sometimes feeling low and low like depression, and sometimes elated and high like mania.

Then, apparently this psychological abnormality may be “bipolar disorder.”

This mental illness known as “genius disease” is so cruel in reality

Each year March 30 is World Bipolar Disorder Day, which is also the birthday of Vincent van Gogh, who suffered from bipolar disorder.

Not only Van Gogh, but many famous figures throughout history have also been victims of this mental illness, such as Hemingway, Churchill, Lincoln and the poet Haizi .

According to World Health Organization statistics, the global average incidence of bipolar disorder is 2%-3%, and it can be as high as 5%-7% in some countries or regions, most of which occur in adults .

In my country, bipolar patients account for 1%-1.5% of all mental disorders.

What kind of mental illness is bipolar disorder?

Unlike depression, bipolar disorder is more focused on the alternating, mixed occurrence of two emotional states.

As it is said on the Internet: If depression is like a black dog, then the mind of the bipolar patient is not only a black dog, but also a raging fire dragon.

This kind of mental illness should not be underestimated. The patient’s emotions are difficult to control, and the spirit will always be in a state of hyperactivity and mania. If the hall has not been effectively treated for a long time, some extremes may occur. the behavior of.

Unfortunately, due to the clinical manifestations of bipolar disorder, it is often misdiagnosed or missed clinically.

Nearly 70% of patients have been misdiagnosed with other mental disorders, such as depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorder, etc.

In addition to missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis, patients may also have a stigma about the disease, which may lead to reluctance or ignorance of treatment, resulting in a progressive aggravation of the disease.

What kind of mental illness is this mental illness? How can we differentiate?

Don’t worry, a picture tells:

The mental disorder known as “genius disease” has nothing to do with IQ

Some people believe that people with bipolar disorder are often gifted and have a strong romantic overtone.

At the onset of the disease, these patients can burst into a lot of creativity and work energy while being manic, but in fact these are just outsiders who are detached from reality. fantasy.

Bipolar sufferers do experience a marked increase in the speed of thought and association during manic episodes and indeed stimulate creative motivation, but these episodes do damage the brain to a certain extent.

In addition, when most patients have an attack, due to their rapid thinking ability, they are often extremely error-prone in doing things, and difficult to persevere, subjective experience is chaotic, and they are excessively physical. Overdraft can also have bad effects on the body.

Therefore, the reality of romantic fantasies about this disease is so cruel, after all, there are very few “geniuses” who can really show their talents.

If Van Gogh hadn’t suffered from this so-called “genius disease”, perhaps he could have lived a different life and left more outstanding works in art.