[World Asthma Day] Closing the gap for homogenous management of asthma

May 3, 2022

is the 24thWorld Asthma Day< /span>

This year’s international theme is

“Closing the Asthma Care Gap”

The Chinese theme is

“Bridging the gap and achieving a homogeneous management of asthma”< /strong>

aims to call people to action

identify and close gaps in asthma care

Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. One in 20 people suffers from asthma, and there are nearly 20 million asthma patients in China. Asthma is a global public health problem that has always attracted great attention, and it is also the most common chronic disease in childhood. Without active treatment, about 1/3-1/2 of childhood asthma can be delayed to adults, seriously affecting physical and mental health. .

The origin of World Asthma Day >

World AsthmaDay is launched by the World Health Organization to enhance people’s understanding of the current situation of asthma, and to enhance the prevention and treatment of the disease by patients and the public and management of commemorative events. On December 11, 1998, on the opening day of the Second World Asthma Conference held in Barcelona, ​​Spain, the Global Asthma Prevention Initiative Committee and the European Respiratory Society, on behalf of the World Health Organization, proposed to carry out World Asthma Day activities, which will be the first day of the World Asthma Day. A World Asthma Day.

Since 2000, World Asthma Day has been changed to the first Tuesday in May each year. World Asthma Day is organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) in conjunction with health care groups and asthma educators to raise global awareness of asthma and improve asthma care. Each year GINA chooses a theme, and World Asthma Day activities are initiated in each country by health care professionals, educators, and the public who want to help reduce the burden of asthma.

Knowing Asthma Correctly

The main symptoms of

Asthma is the second most common respiratory disease, and the main symptoms are reversible wheezing and dyspnea. Such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, etc., acute attacks are often accompanied by varying degrees of dyspnea. The duration of the attack varies from minutes to hours or even days.

Harm due to asthma exacerbations

1. Frequent asthma attacks Or status asthmaticus may lead to the decline of the patient’s lung function, and in the long run, it may even lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumothorax, and even secondary pulmonary heart disease, affecting the patient’s life expectancy.

2. Frequent asthma attacks will cause physical and mental pain to patients, which will seriously affect their daily study, work and life.

3. The cost of treatment for frequent exacerbations of asthma will increase the financial burden of patients.

4. Asthma exacerbations may lead to life-threatening conditions for timely and effective treatment, or when treatment is ineffective.

Misunderstandings in the treatment of asthma patients

There are often various misunderstandings in the public’s understanding of asthma, and there are many misunderstandings about asthma treatment. The misunderstanding of asthma hinders the effective control of asthma, and correcting the misconceptions of asthma effectively can make asthma sufferers truly benefit from disease management.

Myth 1: Asthma is a disease of children and adolescents, and with age, Asthma can go away on its own.

Myth 2: Asthma is an infectious disease.

Myth 3: People with asthma should not exercise.

Myth 4: Only by High doses of corticosteroids are required to effectively control asthma.

However, the fact is that asthma can occur at any age, including children, adolescents, adults, and even the elderly, and does not follow It heals itself with age. Except for respiratory infections, asthma is not contagious, but asthma has a certain genetic predisposition. Effective in asthma Controlled release, after the condition is stable, patients may be able to perform appropriate physical exercise. Most patients can control their asthma with the usual low-dose steroids, but only a few patients with severe asthma require high-dose steroids and other Multiple comprehensive treatments can effectively control asthma.

Prevention and treatment of acute asthma attacks >

1. Self-management is an important part of controlling asthma attacks.

2. Drug therapy is the core of asthma control.

Pay attention to the daily care of asthma

The public tends to ignore the daily care of asthma. Therefore, the theme of World Asthma Day 2022 is “Closing the gap in asthma care”. The theme aims to call on asthma patients and doctors around the world to take action, pay attention to the daily care of asthma, and realize the last link of the whole management of asthma standardized treatment.

1. Keep indoor and outdoor air circulation: The home environment of asthma patients should always maintain indoor and outdoor air circulation, keep ventilation and cool in summer, warm and sunny in winter. Avoid contact with special odor gases, and wear a mask when traveling.

2. Light diet: Asthma patients need to eat light and nutrient-rich diets, try to avoid spicy, irritating, cold, greasy and other diets that are easy to induce asthma attacks, and some patients with smoking and drinking habits as soon as possible. Abstinence is of great benefit to controlling the condition.

3. Avoid allergens: Common allergens in patients with asthma include dog hair, cat hair, and pollen. Asthma patients should try to avoid contact with the above allergens.

4. Supplement water: Asthma patients are relatively dehydrated, they should drink more water, especially in acute asthma attack, in addition to drugs, they should add water;

5. Appropriate physical exercise: asthma patients should not stay in bed for a long time under the premise of physical tolerance, and can choose some suitable exercises, such as walking, tai chi, jogging, etc. That is to achieve the purpose of exercising, and at the same time can enhance the immunity and speed up the recovery of the disease.

6. Maintain a healthy mental state: Psychological stress, mental tension, and severe emotional fluctuations can all induce asthma attacks. Therefore, patients with bronchial asthma should correctly recognize their own disease, face the setbacks and difficulties in life with a positive attitude, maintain a good mood, and avoid aggravating the disease.

7. Exercise abdominal breathing: Exercising thoracic breathing for abdominal breathing can change the hypoxia state.

8. Dynamic monitoring of vital signs: Asthma patients and caregivers should monitor the patient’s basic vital signs, including changes in heart rate, pulse, blood pressure, etc. state.

Asthma is a complex chronic disease. In the course of treatment, patients and caregivers should pay attention to the standardized treatment and whole-process management of asthma. Unhealthy family care is an important reason for the increase in asthma patients. Can reduce the occurrence and attack of asthma. In terms of nursing, pay more attention to the adjustment of life and diet, and conduct appropriate exercise to enhance resistance. Controlling asthma requires the joint efforts of doctors and patients. Only with good cooperation can we finally overcome asthma and allow asthma patients to breathe smoothly and live freely.

<600>World Asthma Day

Asthma Prevention

—early detection

Asthma is genetic The prevalence of asthma in children of both parents with asthma is 50%, which is much higher than that in the general population, but there is no genetic family history, which cannot guarantee that children will not suffer from asthma, because repeated respiratory tract infections, climatic conditions Factors such as temperature, strenuous exercise, and emotions can all contribute to an asthma attack. In addition, the occurrence of asthma is related to allergies. People with allergic rhinitis and eczema also have a higher incidence of asthma. heavy pollution environment neutralization and mental stress should also be paid attention to.

—Early Diagnosis

If If you have symptoms, you should seek medical attention in time, improve relevant examinations, and carry out early diagnosis and early control. At present, the pediatric department of our hospital has relatively complete examinations that can effectively assist in the diagnosis of asthma, including serum allergen-specific IgE. Detection, skin dust mite prick test + desensitization treatment, pulmonary function test, bronchial relaxation or provocation test, nitric oxide breath test, early diagnosis is important to control the progress of asthma It can effectively avoid the recurrence of asthma and reduce the incidence of lung function damage.

—early treatment—< /strong>

Asthma requires systematic and standardized treatment. For each asthmatic child, we will establish an asthma file, formulate an individualized treatment plan for the child, and formulate an asthma action plan. Program to help parents manage themselves outside the hospital based on symptoms and peak expiratory flow (PEF).

The Chinese Children’s Asthma Action Plan divides the asthma control status into three areas: green, yellow and red according to the severity of symptoms. Each area has specific evaluation indicators for the convenience of parents. Make judgments, and corresponding prompts, including medication adjustment and whether to seek medical attention as soon as possible, just like a traffic light, so that parents of children can accurately grasp the child’s condition, detect “yellow warnings” in time, and relieve asthma attacks by adjusting drugs. , to avoid a “red hazard”.

China Childhood Asthma Action Plan CCAAP

< >—Early prevention

Asthma is not terrible. Correct understanding, early diagnosis, early treatment and daily prevention are all very important. In addition to cooperating with asthma patients In addition to standard medication and respiratory function monitoring, doctors should pay attention to the following points in daily life:


Away from allergens, do not grow flowering plants, do not keep pets, and regularly wash bed sheets, quilts, curtains and other household items.


Try to go to places where people gather as little as possible, and it is best to wear a mask when going out to protect against allergens s contact.


Respiratory tract infection, cold air stimulation and other factors can easily induce asthma attacks. Keep warm and prevent colds.


Avoid secondhand smoke; stay away from areas with severe air pollution, keep indoor air fresh, and ventilate regularly , clean the indoor dust.


The daily diet should be light, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less cold and spicy food.

Source: Basic Public Health Service Project Promotion Platform

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