Workplace | 5 mistakes to avoid if you want to win customer word of mouth

There is a lot of work to be done to maintain a good reputation, attract customers, and enhance brand loyalty and corporate image. Unfortunately, with just the slightest mistake, all efforts can be ruined. How do you know if you are making these mistakes?

Avoid these 5 mistakes

If you think All customers are the same, then you are wrong. Market research and customer segmentation are extremely important. Having said that, the vast majority of customers across all industries cannot tolerate the following situations. So, avoid these 5 mistakes and you can save your brand image and give customers what they need.

Slow customer service

If you have an urgent problem and you call the company and they make you wait 10 or 15 minutes on the phone line for an answer, is there anything that makes you more angry? Sadly, this has become the norm in many industries. And it doesn’t stop there. Emails go unanswered, return requests aren’t processed, and promises aren’t delivered.

Unresponsive customer service leaves customers frustrated, angry, and even emotional. If this happens many times, the result may damage the brand image, which will lead to a lot of negative word of mouth. If you want to avoid these negative impacts, focus on improving the way you serve your customers.

Lack of multiple payment options

Lack of multiple payment options The choice of payment methods is also a very simple thing that frustrates some customers. Everyone has their own preferred payment methods, from cash to virtual currencies, and in order to keep customers happy, it is a good idea to adopt flexible payment methods.

The grounds and facilities are not clean

Customers expect your business to be clean and safe. If you expose them to something unclean or unsafe, they may back off and associate your business with something less satisfying.

For brick-and-mortar businesses, it is important to consider parking lots, sidewalks, and landscaping. While the average customer doesn’t pay much attention to the cleanliness of these places, the lack of cleanliness can leave a negative impression. The same goes for the bathroom, which should be carefully checked and kept clean every day.

Coupon not honored

When you offer a coupon, deal or sale, cash it out. When a customer asks for a money-back guarantee, don’t resist. Since the company has a return policy, the rules should be followed.

There is nothing more frustrating for customers than a brand that says one thing and does another . While you may lose some money for keeping your promise, it’s the right thing to do; even if you’re technically right and the customer is wrong, it’s not worth fighting over the small details. Accept it and learn to move fast.

Promotions are too frequent

you Love answering sales calls and getting a bunch of spam? Do you like spam in your mailbox? the answer is negative. So why would your customers love to receive regular sales messages from your company? Just a hint: they don’t like it.

“Customers are people, not fish. Don’t ‘bait’ or ‘bait’ them – attract them, listen to them, serve them,” Forbes contributor Mike Kate said. “This isn’t just an argument in words – it’s a philosophical shift in thought, and a practical shift in action.”

Focus on what matters

It’s interesting that what you think is important doesn’t always really matter to your customers thing. It’s important that you take the time to research common pain points and focus on what’s really impacting your target market’s perception of your brand.