Worked overtime for 2 months and gained 10 pounds! The overworked murderer turned out to be it!

The last two months have been so busy that 996 has been upgraded to 007.

Working for 2 years, my salary has increased by 20%, my waist has grown by 20%, and my weight has increased in proportion to my salary.

According to this trend, won’t you be a CEO soon?

(Image source: soogif)

It’s scary to think about!

The busier you get, the fatter you get, too!

You just want to say one thing—

Working overtime to get fat

Boss, I’m filing for a work injury!

Source: Zhanku Hailuo

Being overworked and fat is really not your personal illusion.

Recently, a set of data released by a human resources service agency showed:

62.27% of white-collar workers believe that they are “overworked and fat”;

Among them, 27.36% thought they had gained more than 10 pounds.

69.81% of white-collar workers believe that they have the phenomenon of “overwork and fatigue”;

Among them, 50.94% consider themselves “old” over 3 years old.

CCTV has also conducted a survey showing that about 3 years of work is a high incidence period of “overwork and fat”, and more than 1/4 of the people’s weight has increased by 10 pounds compared with when they first joined the job.

The latest “China Economic Life Survey 2019-2020” shows that in the past year, the average leisure time of Chinese people per day was 2.42 hours, 25 minutes less than in 2018.

(Photo source: [email protected])

The top three busiest cities are Shijiazhuang, Zhengzhou and Xi’an.

Being busy and fat has become a pain in everyone’s heart.

What causes overwork and obesity?

Murderer 1: Sedentary

Most people are busy by sitting.

Or stick to the office chair and don’t get up once a day;

Or a group of people sit together in the conference room for a long time, not moving their mouths.

(Image source: soogif)

Sitting for long periods of time can slow down metabolism, slow down energy and fat consumption, and make it easier to store them in the body[1].

Excessive work hours can also leave you with little time to exercise. The physical activity time is correspondingly reduced, the energy consumption is reduced but the intake is the same, sitting and sitting will have big thick legs and a big belly…

Murderer 2: Eat it

Prolonged stress can lead to changes in appetite[2]. Especially girls, the more pressure they have, the more they want to eat.

That’s because the “stress hormone” cortisol promotes hunger and makes you look good, and you need to eat a lot to fill that emptiness.

Cortisol is like a little whip, which can make people respond quickly to attack or flee in dangerous situations [3].

But at the same time it is produced, it inhibits the production of insulin, preventing glucose (which can be converted into energy) from being stored so that the body can use it at any time.

Lack of glucose in the body cells calls the brain for help and sends out hunger signals[4].

That’s why this happens: I don’t seem to move much when I’m working, but I feel very hungry.

(Image source: soogif)

Potato chips, chocolate, milk tea, popcorn and other high-sugar, high-calorie snacks occupy the C position of “decompression food”, reducing the boredom and fatigue caused by long hours of work [5-6].

996’s most ruthless company, and possibly the most considerate – free dinner, drinks, potato chips, fruit, whatever you want.

It looks like a conspiracy now.

Murderer 3: Lack of Sleep

When you sleep, your body is not idle, regulating the secretion of various hormones, including leptin and ghrelin.

The former can suppress appetite and promote energy expenditure, while the latter stimulate appetite and reduce fat utilization[7].

Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can lead to a decrease in leptin and an increase in ghrelin, which increases appetite [8].

If you don’t sleep well at night, coffee will keep you alive during the day. But caffeine will stimulate the secretion of cortisol[9], making you fall into a “fat cycle”…

Overwork and obesity are not ordinary obesity, but one! kind! sick!

(Image source: soogif)

The company belongs to the boss, and the body belongs to you. To drive away labor and fat, remember the following 4 points:

1. Pay attention to the combination of work and rest

For every hour of work, take a 10-minute break.

You can do some simple exercises near the work station (see the picture below) to adjust your body and mind.

In short, don’t sit if you can stand, and don’t lie down if you can sit.

2. Normal three meals a day, less! eat! zero!Food!

If you really can’t keep your mouth shut or feel too hungry, replace it with some crude fiber fruit, low-fat yogurt, dried fruits and vegetables, and sugar-free drinks.

Remember, when eating dried fruit, remember to look at the sugar in the ingredient list! Contains! quantity!

Fruit can be eaten, but be careful! meaning! quantity! Don’t eat with half a watermelon.

3. Get rid of bad habits

I usually stay up all night and don’t sleep, but on weekends I slept like crazy, so good! Do not! it is good!

(Image source: soogif)

Adjust a reasonable routine, set a timetable for yourself every day, and try to ensure that you “go to sleep at the right time”.

4. Exercise properly

Exercise not only reduces weight, but also reduces stress and improves your mood.

Try to ensure 3-5 times a week, each time more than 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming.

If the time is not guaranteed, at least walk more after meals or ride a bike home. Don’t sit down and play games and watch dramas after eating.

Reviewer: Jin Hui| Director, Chief Physician, Department of Clinical Nutrition, Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University


[1]Pate RR, O’Neill J R, Lobelo F. The evolving definition of “sedentary”[J]. Exercise & Sport Sciences Reviews, 2008, 36(4):173)

[2]KOGTC, CHANJCN, CHANAWY, et al. Association between sleeping hours, working hours and obesity in Hong Kong Chinese: the “better health for better Hong Kong” health promotion campaign [J]. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, 2007, 31 (2): 254-260.

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