Work together to achieve the goal of social zero as soon as possible

Source: People’s Daily

The closed control area implements “7-day closed management + 7-day home health monitoring”, and the control area implements “7-day home health monitoring” “people do not leave the community, and gatherings are strictly prohibited” , the prevention area implements “strengthening social control and strictly limiting the scale of people gathering”… A few days ago, according to the preliminary screening results and risk research and judgment, each district in Shanghai has delineated the first batch of “three districts” lists. Implementing differentiated prevention and control by zoning and classification, and carrying out stepped management is a concrete manifestation of adhering to “dynamic clearing” and an effective measure to implement precise prevention and control, which will provide strong support for the goal of social clearing as soon as possible.

At present, the number of infected people reported daily in Shanghai is still high, the epidemic situation is still severe and complex, and the prevention and control of the epidemic is at the most critical and critical stage. The more it is at this time, the more we must fully realize that “dynamic clearing” is the best plan for Shanghai to fight the epidemic. On the one hand, the virus strain prevalent in this round of epidemic in Shanghai is mainly Omicron BA.2, which is by no means a “big flu”. Compared with influenza, the Omicron variant spreads faster, is more insidious, is more likely to cause widespread transmission, and is more pathogenic than influenza. If there is any wavering in adhering to the general policy of “dynamic clearing”, once the time window for fighting the epidemic is missed and large-scale infections occur, the cost will be higher and the loss will be even greater. On the other hand, in the short term, due to the prevention and control of the epidemic, Shanghai’s economy, society, and people’s lives will indeed be affected, but in the long run, preventing the spread of the epidemic will result in the normal production and life of a wider range of people. It is a more relaxed and stable environment for economic and social development. It is for this reason that we must adhere to the general policy of “dynamic clearing” without hesitation, firm confidence to face difficulties, grit our teeth and continue to fight to achieve the goal of social clearing as soon as possible.

The more strenuous the epidemic prevention and control is, the more meticulous the protection of people’s livelihood will be. The warmer the people’s livelihood is, the stronger and more effective the prevention and control work will be. It can be said that solving the small matters of people’s livelihood is related to the overall situation of “dynamic clearing” and the realization of the goal of clearing the society. Keeping the normal production and life of the masses in a stable and orderly manner, doing a good job in the production and supply of daily necessities, and ensuring the medical needs of the masses are not only a must-answer in the fight against the epidemic, but also an inevitable requirement for “dynamic clearing”. In order to achieve the goal of clearing the society as soon as possible, we must do everything possible to strengthen the guarantee of living materials, continue to enrich the grass-roots prevention and control forces, do a good job of mass work carefully, and actively help solve problems.

In the fight against the epidemic, confidence is more important than gold. Practice has repeatedly proved that “dynamic clearing” is in line with my country’s reality, is the best choice to fight the epidemic, and is scientific and effective. It should also be noted that although the number of infected people reported in Shanghai is at a high level, according to the parameters of the exponential increase in the prevalence of the Omicron variant strain, there is no exponential upward trend, indicating that the prevention and control measures that have been taken have curbed The exponential upward momentum has been sustained. We firmly believe that with the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the obvious advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, the strong mobilization ability and solid comprehensive strength, the strong support from all parts of the country, the active actions of the cadres and the masses, and the broad Thanks to the selfless dedication of medical staff and volunteers, rich anti-epidemic experience and various scientific tools, Shanghai is fully capable of achieving “dynamic clearing”.

In Shanghai Xinguobo Fangcai Hospital, almost all the walls are filled with hand-painted paintings, as well as blessings from medical staff and testimonials from patients. “Thank you for coming to Shanghai to fight the epidemic together”, “Come on Shanghai”… Each message is about the great love of watching and helping each other, and the confidence to win the battle against the epidemic. With firm confidence to face difficulties, gritted teeth and continued to fight, strict and careful implementation of various prevention and control measures, we will surely win this tough battle as soon as possible! “People’s Daily” (April 2022) 12th 04 edition)