Wonderland not to be missed in Xinjiang: Yaochi where the Queen Mother of the West lives, Tianchi inlaid under Bogda Peak

There are many scenic spots called Tianchi in China. People like to call it Tianchi for any body of water on the top of the mountain. There are not many famous and desirable ones. There are actually only two most famous places. One is Changbai Mountain Tianchi in the northeast and the other is Tianshan Tianchi in the northwest. Both Tianchi are national AAAAA-level tourist attractions. In contrast, Each has its own characteristics. Changbai Mountain Tianchi is a volcanic lake and the deepest lake in my country, while Tianshan Tianchi is a moraine lake and a world natural heritage.

< span>I have been to these two lakes many times, and they are both places I like very much. In contrast, Tianshan Tianchi is actually more interesting, because Changbai Mountain Tianchi is very naughty, and you may not be able to see Tianchi when you go there. (I remember a Jilin friend told me a couplet. The first couplet is: Changbai Mountain, it often rains, and it rains often; the second couplet is: Changbai Mountain, often white, often white. Why, because Changbai Mountain has a More than 200 days of rainy and foggy weather), even if you see Tianchi, you can only look at it from a distance. Anyway, you can’t go down, and the wind on the top of the mountain is very strong, and many hats will be blown away.

< span>Tianshan Tianchi is different. You can see Tianchi in all seasons of the year. Even if the weather is bad, you can enjoy Tianchi from different angles. You can walk on the banks of Tianchi, take a boat in Tianchi, and board a horse. Yashan, viewed from the air, is incomparable to Tianchi in Changbai Mountain.

< span>Tianshan Tianchi was called “Yaochi” in ancient times. It is located on the north side of Bogda Peak in Tianshan Mountain. Although it is not far from Urumqi, it does not belong to Urumqi, but a scenic spot in Fukang City. According to legend, more than 3,000 years ago, Emperor Mu once The side of Tianchi and the Queen Mother of the West sang a happy banquet, leaving a story of the ages, which also made Tianchi win the reputation of “Yaochi”.

< span>According to the classics of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period “Lie Zi·King Mu of Zhou”: “Subin was seated at the Queen Mother of the West, and she was on the Yaochi. The Queen Mother of the West was Wang Yao, Wang Hezhi, and her speech was mourning. It was the place to watch the sun. Traveling thousands of miles in one day.” This sentence probably means that the place where the Queen Mother of the West lives is Yaochi. It is the Heavenly Court Beppu where the Queen Mother Yi maintains her health and rests, and it is called “Beautiful Cave Heaven”, which is also where the Jade Lake is located.

The Queen Mother of the West is a figure in ancient mythology. In people’s hearts, she is a kind and graceful goddess with a detached status. She lives in the holy place of Yaochi in Tianshan Mountain. The flowers bloom once in three thousand years. , The “Queen Mother Peach”, which bears fruit once every three thousand years, is said to be able to live forever if eaten.

< span>There are many records in history about the Queen Mother of the West. For example, in the “Han Wudi Neizhuan”, it is described that the Queen Mother of the West is so stunning that she once presented pan-peaches to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Wan, once invited King Mu of Zhou to have a banquet in Yaochi, but in the “Shan Hai Jing”, it is recorded that the Virgin of Yao Chi is like a human, with leopard tail and tiger teeth, howling loudly, long hair flying, bearing the mandate of heaven, in charge of human punishment , dedicated to spreading plague viruses and disasters.

< span>Faced with the records of the ancient books, in fact, we don’t need to go into it at all, we just need to know that this is the place where the Queen Mother of the West once lived, because when we see this beautiful fairyland-like lake and mountains, we have reason to believe these legends, Because it is so beautiful.

< span>In the face of such a beautiful scenery, there is also the legend of the Queen Mother of the West. From ancient times to the present, many scholars and writers have also left their famous articles here. For example, the famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin once wrote a poem “Yaochi”: “Yaochi Amu Qi The window is open, and the yellow bamboo song is moving and mourning. The Eight Horses travel 30,000 miles a day, why doesn’t King Mu come back again?”.

< span>During the Yuan Dynasty, Qiu Chuji, a Taoist Quanzhen sect in Changchun, was also passionate after climbing the Yaochi and Bogda Peaks of Tianshan Mountains, and wrote a song “Looking at Yin Mountain in the Southeast of Suluntai”: The three peaks rise in parallel to the clouds and the cold, and the four The wall is crossed by a pan around the stream. There are no heaven and man in the snow mountain world, and the glacial pond is unsightly. The depth of the rock can avoid the damage of swords and soldiers, and the water can nourish the crops and dry the crops. The north of the famous town is the first, and no one writes to the drawing.

< span>In history, Li Bai, Cen Shen, Ji Xiaolan, Shi Shanchang, etc. left poems about Tianshan Lake in Tianshan. In the 1970s, Guo Moruo, a contemporary great writer, also sang by the Tianchi, “Singing and dancing, welcoming guests by the water, clouds in the sky. Wait for the poems. A pond of thick ink fills the bottom of an inkstone, and ten thousand trees are long and straight.” The famous poem.

< p>The Tianchi Lake is surrounded by spruce and the snow-capped peaks reflect it. It is very spectacular and is now a famous summer resort. It has been rated as a world heritage site, a national 5A-level scenic spot, a national geological park, and one of the top ten lakes in China. It is a very iconic scenic spot in Xinjiang. Starting from Urumqi, the drive is 110 kilometers and it takes about 1.5 hours. It is good to climb the Ma Ya Mountain and overlook Tianchi from the air, as well as the Bogda Peak, the highest peak in the Tianshan Mountains.