Women’s Secrets Men Don’t Know

1. My sister’s natural defense barrier

The small Y lips on both sides of the outer Y are often closed and closed, and the front and rear walls of the Y channel will be tight again together, they form a natural defensive barrier.

2. Y tract will also “skin”

Under the influence of estrogen, Y tract epithelial cells will Cyclical changes and shedding occur, which is a natural metabolism.

3. ​​The pH of channel Y is between pH 3.8 and 4.5

Due to the action of normal bacteria, this The pH inside will be maintained between pH 3.8 and 4.5, and most pathogenic bacteria that are adapted to survive in an alkaline environment cannot grow and reproduce here.

4. “Holy Hand of Clean Y” – leucorrhea

Due to the existence of leucorrhea, foreign pathogens cannot survive in the private parts, thus protecting the private parts security. In medicine, it is called the self-cleaning function of the private parts. This self-cleaning function actually benefits from a large number of beneficial bacteria in the private parts, Y. This bacterium converts glycogen contained in keratinized epithelial cells into lactic acid, thereby inhibiting the invasion of harmful bacteria into the vagina.

6. The private parts secrete 1.55 grams of liquid every 8 hours

Beverly Whipple said: If Y is outside the lips Turning is obvious, the secretion of mucus will be more. The color of the discharge is variable. In most cases, genital discharge is white and turns slightly yellow when it dries. If the discharge turns green when wet, or if you feel burning and itching in the private area, the discharge smells fishy, ​​and you need to do your best.

7: Under sexual stimulation, the Y tract will “get longer”

Under normal conditions, the average length of the female private parts is 8.5 cm – 12 cm. After sexual stimulation, the private parts will deform and double in size. Adequate foreplay can further expand the volume of the private parts and enhance sexual pleasure.

8. Appropriate “exercise” is healthier

A regular sex life can not only make women younger, but also make women feel younger. The private parts are healthier because sex works the muscles of the private parts to keep them tight. In addition, the more mucus secreted due to excitement before sex, the less likely it is to cause harm to the private parts during sex.

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