Women with clean menstrual periods for 3 days and women with clean periods for 7 days, which age is faster? or different from what you think

Women menstruate because of the cooperation of two organs, the uterus and ovaries.

The ovaries produce eggs and estrogen, and as women reach puberty, the ovaries mature and estrogen secretion becomes more and more The more, start ovulating regularly every month.

As the ovaries change, the uterus is affected, the lining of the Enlarged, edema occurs, and if conception is not successful during ovulation, endometrial cells die, and fragments of the endometrial lining are then expelled from the uterus, causing bleeding, which is the origin of a woman’s menstruation.

Many women regard menstruation as a burden. In fact, menstruating on time every month can bring many benefits to women.

What are the benefits of menstruation for women?

1. It is easier to lose weight during menstruation, and it will not be long no matter how much you eat We are fat, so eating nutritious food during menstruation will not make us accumulate fat, but at this time we can’t eat cold, spicy, irritating food, we can do some soothing yoga, which can have a better weight loss effect.

2. Menstrual period can promote women’s hematopoietic function, exercise their circulatory system and hematopoietic system, so generally In other words, women can tolerate blood loss better than men because the body can quickly create fresh blood to replace the lost blood.

3. It can avoid excessive iron in the body and damage the body. If the body accumulates too much iron, It will cause the metabolism of iron disorders, resulting in diseases of the skin, heart, joints and other parts.

One of the ways to treat iron excess is to regularly expel a certain amount of blood from the body. The blood in the body is excreted during menstruation, so just for metabolism.

4. During menstruation, our skin metabolism is accelerated, which can excrete toxins from the body, making our skin smooth, At this time, we should pay attention to rest, go to bed early and get up early, drink more water, and the effect will be better.

Women with a clean period for 3 days or a clean period for 7 days, which age faster?

There is also such a situation in life, there are many women who will experience menstruation 3 days later Clean, and some women need 7 days to clean, so which of the two different situations is healthier? Which ages faster?

The periodic shedding of the endometrium in women will cause menstruation. If the endometrium is thicker, the menstrual flow will be more. , resulting in a relatively long shedding phenomenon, generally takes 7 days to be thoroughly cleaned.

On the contrary, if a woman has a thinner endometrium, the shedding time will be shorter, resulting in Menstrual flow is also relatively small, and it only takes about three days to clear up, which is also one of the factors affecting the difference in menstrual flow.

The hormones released by women’s bodies continue to stimulate menstruation. If there is a period of vacation, it means that the body has begun to slow down Aging affects the time of menstruation. If a woman has a menstrual period of 7 days, it means that her hormone secretion is very normal, and her physical condition is still relatively young to a certain extent.

If a woman’s personal leave ends for three days, it means that the follicles mature relatively slowly, the menstrual blood cannot be smoothly discharged from the body, or the occurrence of premature phenomenon of termination.

Compared to females, the vacation ends in 7 days, they can secrete estrogen normally, mature normal follicles, and the vacation period is relatively normal, so their aging rate is slower.

However, human aging is affected by many factors, women with clean menstruation for 3 days and menstrual clean for 7 days There is no significant difference in the aging speed of women in different days. As long as a person’s menstruation can maintain a regular and stable state, it will not have much impact on aging.

Reading Extension – How to Calculate “Ovulation”?

Every woman has her own menstrual cycle, most of which are 28 days The cycle is calculated as 28 days, that is, from the day of the last menstrual period to the 14th day, which is usually the time of ovulation, which is the ovulation period.

If you have intercourse at this time, it is easy to get pregnant, that is to say, about the 10th to 14th day of the menstrual cycle It is easy to get pregnant if you have intercourse within a few days.

If it is a 30-day cycle, how does it count?

is to push back 14 days from the day of menstruation, that is to say, if it is a 30-day cycle, Ovulation is about to occur on the 16th day, so it is very easy to get pregnant during intercourse at this time.
