Women have an optimal age for childbearing, what about men? How old are you?

“How old are you this year?”

“37 years old, not pregnant.”

“I have irregular periods, and the treatment elsewhere said that the ovarian function is declining. Doctor, please help me…”

“The ovarian function is indeed decreased compared to the 27-year-old. Because menopause occurs at the age of 49. But before that, the ovarian function is It will continue to decline, which means that fertility is declining.”

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There is a medically optimal age for childbearing

It is undeniable that from a medical point of view, there is indeed an optimal age for childbearing:

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After women have menstruation, the gonadal axis gradually matures.

usually 23-30 years old

strong>It is known as the best childbearing age. This period is physiologically strong and vigorous, making the best preparations for childbirth. Whether it is the mother’s own pregnancy and childbirth complications, or the abnormal or poor prognosis of the fetus, are at their lowest risk periods;

30-35 years is the next best reproductive age;

Women over 35 years old are considered advanced maternal age by obstetricians and will face more unknown risks .

So what is the optimal age for men to have children? What factors affect male fertility?

A paper study in BMJ reveals dad age effects on pregnancy.

As you can see from this table, as dads get older, babies have higher rates of preterm birth, epilepsy, and low birth weight.

But it does not mean that the younger the father is, the better. For fathers under the age of 25, the probability of giving birth to a child with an Apgar score of <8 in 5 minutes is significantly higher.

Therefore, taking all factors into consideration, medically speaking, the most suitable age for men to have children is between 25-34 years old.

OneUnder normal circumstances, men can have sperm all their lives, which means they have the ability to have children all their lives. However, as the age increases, “senior birth husbands” will also have various problems. After the age of 35, testicular function and androgen levels will decline like sperm.

Is it too late to give birth?

In my communication with patients, I can feel the anxiety of women: “Although I am not ready to have children, is it too late? ?”

even if I miss The best age for childbearing, don’t panic. Although there will be risks of decreased fertility, increased spontaneous abortion rates, and decreased live birth rates, it is not infertile. First of all, we need to pay attention to the major issues of fertility, and learn more about the impact of age on fertility. If you want a child, you should not only look at the age, but also measure your psychological maturity.

Before pregnancy, most It is good that both of them have a pre-pregnancy examination, and then they should also get rid of bad habits that are not conducive to the growth and development of sperm and eggs, such as staying up late for a long time. Understand the problems that may be encountered in pregnancy, and then follow the doctor’s advice carefully, pay attention to standardize the obstetric examination after pregnancy, find and alleviate the adverse factors in time, and give birth to a “healthy baby”.

After all, having a child is a matter of two people and should work together~

I’m Lao Lu, follow me in the upper right corner

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