Women drink eight glasses of water a day, almost blind? Such people should pay attention, this habit is best to get rid of…

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Expert of this article: Li Zongou, Master of Ophthalmology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University

Review of this article: Lu Jianmin, chief physician, deputy director of the Department of Ophthalmology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University

All said that people need to drink 8 times a day A glass of water is good for the body. It is true that a normal person needs to drink at least 1500ml-1700ml of water a day, but no matter how you drink , as long as the amount reaches it? Recently, a woman almost “drinked” her eyes because of the incorrect way of drinking water. The woman insisted on drinking eight glasses of water a day, and one morning she drank 1000ml of water in a short period of time, which resulted in acute angle-closure glaucoma.

Screenshot of WeiboIt is important to drink water, but how to drink it is also important, and the wrong one may cause other diseases. What is acute angle-closure glaucoma in this woman? What does it have to do with drinking water? Let’s see together.

What is acute angle-closure glaucoma?

Acute angle-closure glaucoma is a type of acute angle-closure glaucoma characterized by sudden closure of the chamber angle and a sharp increase in intraocular pressure, accompanied by eye pain, headache, and sudden vision loss Decreased and other symptoms and histopathological changes in the anterior segment of the anterior segment are more common in people over the age of 50, and are more common in women.

Gallery copyright image, reproduced without authorization, normal eye pressure The stability of physiological intraocular pressure is maintained by the dynamic balance of intraocular aqueous humor production and output. For eyes with the anatomical features of a shallow anterior chamber and a narrow angle, once the peripheral iris contacts the trabecular meshwork, the angle of the chamber will be suddenly closed, the drainage system of the aqueous humor will be blocked, and the intraocular pressure will rise sharply, which will eventually lead to Acute angle-closure glaucoma.

Why does drinking water cause acute angle-closure glaucoma?

Drinking large amounts of water in a short period of time will dilute the blood, resulting in a decrease in plasma osmotic pressure and an increase in the rate at which the ciliary body produces aqueous humor. People with normal eye structure will speed up the metabolism and increase the rate of aqueous humor outflow, thereby maintaining the intraocular pressure within the normal range. However, if there are anatomical structures such as shallow anterior chamber and narrow angle of the chamber, excessive aqueous humor is too late to be discharged, which may lead to increased intraocular pressure and induce acute angle-closure glaucoma. In addition to drinking a lot of water in a short period of time may cause acute angle-closure glaucoma, in a dark environment, in order to see things clearly, the human eye will let more light enter the eye, The pupil is enlarged and the peripheral iris thickens. Therefore, long-time viewing of screens such as mobile phones and computers in a room with low light is also the main cause of acute angle-closure glaucoma.

Gallery copyright width<600"> span>In addition, emotional agitation, prolonged fatigue or pain, and systemic or topical use of anticholinergic drugs can cause mydriasis and induce acute angle-closure glaucoma attacks

Which are High-risk groups?

Angle-closure glaucoma is genetically predisposed, with variant anatomy including a shallower anterior chamber , narrower angle, shorter axial length, smaller cornea, etc. Therefore, non-myopia people are at high risk of acute angle-closure glaucoma, and with the aggravation of senile cataract, the lens Increased thickness, resulting in a shallower front, increased pupillary block, and an increased risk of angle-closure glaucoma. In addition, people who are not nearsighted also generally have presbyopia earlier. Combined with the epidemiological characteristics of angle-closure glaucoma, it is recommended that people over 50 years old who are not myopic, especially women, regularly go to the ophthalmology clinic for ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) to clarify the angle of the chamber.

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How should glaucoma patients drink water correctly?

The human body normally needs to take in about 2500-2700ml of water every day to ensure that the intake and theThe balance of excretion, removing the water produced through food intake and metabolic processes in the body, should ensure at least 1500-1700ml (7-8 cups) of water every day. If you exercise a lot or consume too much sodium, you need to drink an extra amount of water to maintain electrolyte balance in your body. For patients with angle-closure glaucoma, while daily drinking water meets the body’s required water intake, it is necessary to do a small amount of time, Avoid drinking a lot of water in a short period of time to avoid sudden increase in intraocular pressure and acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma. In life, you also need to pay attention to try your bestKeep your emotions stable and avoid staring at screens such as mobile phones and computers for a long time in a dark environment. In addition, people with a history of angle-closure glaucoma need to strictly follow the doctor’s advice when using the drug, so as to avoid some components of the drug to induce acute angle-closure glaucoma

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