Wolfberry is the source of youth? The post-90s favorite “insulation cup with wolfberry” has side effects!

Have you learned about the health benefits of wolfberry and wolfberry juice? Some people say that wolfberry is the fountain of youth. But is this claim really true? Are there any side effects of wolfberry?

Lycium barbarum, also known as wolfberry, is a translucent orange-red berry that originates from the Chinese bush. In Asia, people have eaten wolfberry fruit for generations in hopes of longevity.

Goji berries are used to treat many common ailments, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, fever, and age-related eye disorders. Goji berries can be eaten raw, cooked, or dried (like raisins), and are also used in herbal teas, juices, wine, and medicine.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Goji berries are rich in nutrients. Goji berry juice has been used in some studies and found to provide benefits such as: happiness and calm, enhanced exercise and sleep quality, weight loss, and more. But these are just preliminary studies, and further research is needed before final conclusions can be drawn.

Many berries are beneficial, and it is unclear whether goji berries are better than others, or whether goji berry supplements offer the same health benefits as goji fruit.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Goji berries may interact with some medications. Goji berries should be avoided if blood thinners (warfarin) are taken.

Goji berries can also interact with diabetes and blood pressure medications, so talk to your doctor before consuming them.

Other than that, goji berries are probably safe to consume in moderation.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

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