With thyroid nodules, you must pay attention to 3 points in life. Unfortunately, many people do not know about it, causing lesions

Author: Wei Tao (West China Hospital, Sichuan University)

Thyroid nodules are a relatively common endocrine disease, especially in middle-aged women, and can be divided into benign and malignant.

Once a thyroid nodule is diagnosed, the patient not only needs to choose the appropriate treatment method, but also needs to take care of himself in daily life.

Below, let’s talk about the life precautions of thyroid nodules with everyone.

First, observe the symptoms and be alert to the progress of the disease

First of all, the patient should dynamically observe whether there are symptoms of compression, and whether the symptoms are aggravated, especially to pay attention to whether there is difficulty in breathing, swallowing, hoarseness, etc.

Of course, the early compression symptoms of thyroid nodules are not typical, and can only be manifested as poor breathing, shortness of breath after exercise, feeling of “choking” when swallowing, and voice changes.

Secondly, patients should also pay attention to whether there are symptoms related to hyperthyroidism, such as overeating, hunger, fear of heat and sweating, weight loss, irritability, tremors, exophthalmos, rapid heart rate, etc., or Symptoms related to hypothyroidism, such as intolerance to cold, lack of speech, poor response, memory loss, bradycardia, non-pitting edema, etc.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

If these symptoms occur, it is recommended to go to a specialist outpatient clinic as soon as possible to conduct a physical examination and complete necessary examinations (such as thyroid function, color Doppler ultrasound, CT, etc.).

Second, healthy diet, control iodine intake

In addition, in terms of diet, high-quality protein, high vitamins, moderate carbohydrates and trace elements, and iodine in the diet have a greater impact on the thyroid gland. Insufficient or excessive iodine intake will cause thyroid disease. disease.

A low-iodine diet is generally recommended in non-iodine-deficient areas. The iodine content of different foods is different. The iodine content of seafood is relatively high. It is recommended to eat less wakame, kelp, seaweed, etc.), seafood In moderation, iodized salt has little effect.

Avoid stimulating foods such as strong tea and coffee, and avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Three, combine work and rest, maintain regular work and rest

Also, keep enough sleep, stay up late, do not overwork, keep a happy mood, and generally avoid depression, anger, impatience, etc.;

Patients with thyroid nodules who have normal thyroid function and no obvious symptoms will not interfere with normal work or study.

General advice is to combine work and rest and maintain a healthy lifestyle and work style.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Thanks to Dr. Xiuhe Zou, Department of Thyroid and Breast Surgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University


[1] Endocrinology Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Surgery Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Head and Neck Cancer Professional Committee of Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, Nuclear Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Association. Thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer[J]. China Oncology Clinic, 2012, 39(17): 1249-1272.

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