With the increase of age, most people are troubled by light sleep. These 5 methods are recommended, which may improve

With the increase of age, people are prone to various problems after getting old, and the initial performance is light sleep, but this is also a normal reaction.

However, this sleep quality may have an impact on physical and psychological states. After all, sleep quality is clinically divided into three types, deep sleep, light sleep and Insomnia, if there is already light sleep, it is very likely to develop into insomnia without conditioning.

Therefore, the problem that people sleep lightly when they are old, should choose 5 methods to improve, in order to sleep until dawn.

First, self-conditioning

Many people with poor sleep quality choose sleeping pills, but after a long time, it is likely to form a dependence reaction. After all, it is a three-point poison, and if you eat too much, it will easily affect your health.

Therefore, people who sleep lightly, it is necessary to massage acupuncture points frequently, dredge the meridians, regulate qi and blood to improve sleep quality, and adjust work and rest time.

There are many methods of self-conditioning, but in the selection process, you should choose according to your own situation, so as to avoid incorrect methods and induce insomnia.

Second, reasonable diet

people Don’t eat too much or too little before going to bed and dinner. If you eat too much, the gastrointestinal organs will not be able to rest during sleep, and they will continue to work to digest the food in the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in decreased sleep quality and symptoms of insomnia. .

If you eat too little, people will feel hungry, affect the human brain nervous system, cause the nervous system to be excited, and cause insomnia.

Therefore, in terms of eating at night, you need to pay attention to a light diet and avoid spicy, greasy, fried and other spicy foods.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause irritating effects on the human intestinal tract and stomach, resulting in an excited state of the intestinal tract and stomach, reducing the quality of sleep at night.

Third, eat suitable food

Some foods are better for sleep quality than others,such as hot milk, chrysanthemum tea, bananas, potatoes, oatmeal and whole grain bread.

If you really can’t sleep at night, you can eat some of these foods, which are important for entering deep sleep.

Of course, when choosing food, it also needs to be determined according to your own situation, after all, people’s physical conditions are different.

Fourth, exercise

Appropriate exercise It can increase the fatigue of the human body, which is more conducive to people entering deep sleep. It is generally recommended to take a walk after get off workGo home, or do deep sit-ups at home. As long as the body is tired, it can be better at night. Get into sleep quality fast.

But remember not to exercise too much, otherwise it will affect the nerves and be very bad for sleep, so proper exercise is of great significance.

Fifth, listen to music

If Often light sleep, it is recommended to listen to music before going to bed to improve sleep quality, because music can reduce the excitability of the human nervous system, to relax the body and mind and relieve stress.

But it should be noted that when listening to music before going to bed, must choose some light music, not dynamic rock, rap and heavy metal music, This kind of music affects the human brain and nervous system, exacerbating light sleep symptoms.

Many people suffer from light sleep, no matter their age, some are elderly and some are teenagers , so it is necessary to find a cure, For example, when sleeping, you should breathe rhythmically and regularly, which is helpful for hypnosis and can quickly enter deep sleep.

This method is useful to many people, so it is worth adopting, I hope it can help everyone, improve the quality of sleep, and let yourself sleep well.