Will resection of skull base tumors “disrupt”? This operation saves the handsome face for the boy

[Source: Hangzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission_Work News]

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“I thought it would be disfigured, but I didn’t expect it to have any effect!” Xiao Zheng (pseudonym) thanked the chief knife with a smile doctor. He originally thought he was going to face a major operation, but he did not expect to be discharged from the hospital a few days later.

The skull base tumor was found, and the operation is very difficult

Xiao Zheng, who is in his 20s this year, is a bright and handsome young man, and he pays more attention to his personal image on weekdays. During this period of time, he always felt paroxysmal pain in the right side of his head and face.

Considering that he has been busy at work recently, he often stayed up late and worked overtime. He felt that he was tired and would be fine to rest. At first, he didn’t care. But later the symptoms became more and more obvious, affecting their work and life.

In desperation, Xiao Zheng came to the Department of Neurology, Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University for treatment. MRI of the head revealed abnormal signal shadows behind his right maxillary sinus.

On the advice of the doctor, Xiao Zheng came to ENT Throat department to do one-step diagnosis and treatment. At this time, he has been relying on three painkillers a day to relieve his pain.

Ding Jinv, deputy director of the Department of Otolaryngology, after receiving the consultation, further improved the enhanced CT and MRI examinations and found that there was a 2.8*2.3cm size in Xiao Zheng’s right pterygopalatine fossa and infratemporal fossa. of tumor.

This area is located at the bottom of the middle cranial fossa, with abundant peripheral blood vessels and nerves, and is closely related to the middle cranial fossa, orbit, and oral cavity, so the operation is very difficult. With traditional surgery, the tumor can only be removed by making an incision on the side of the patient’s face. Postoperative scars will seriously affect the appearance of the face, and it is easy to damage the branches of the facial nerve, resulting in limited facial muscle activity.

Knives in the face! The tumor can be removed without “breaking the appearance”

Xiao Zheng was shocked when he heard that he was going to use a knife on his face, and it would leave a scar, and he couldn’t accept anything. But tumor resection is imperative, and the patient does not want to affect his face, what should we do?

After multiple comprehensive evaluations and preoperative discussions in the otolaryngology department, the final decision was made to perform minimally invasive surgery under nasal endoscopy. After perfect preoperative preparation, Jiang Jianhua, deputy director of the nasal skull base team of the Department of Otolaryngology, and Ding Jinu, deputy director of the team, opened the posterior and lateral wall of the maxillary sinus without damaging the patient’s face. tumor area.

At the same time, a tumor with a size of about 2.7*2.1cm resembling ginger was very smoothly removed under the condition of plasma and hemostasis. During the operation, it was found that the tumor encapsulated some nerves and blood vessels, and they were gradually separated.

The operation lasted 90 minutes, and the blood loss was less than 10ml. After the operation, Xiao Zheng felt good about himself and had no obvious serious surgical complications. Postoperative follow-up MRI showed that the tumor in the original tumor growth area was completely removed. Five days after the operation, the patient was discharged from the hospital after dressing change under nasal endoscope.

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