Will reheating of rice cause “cancer”? Doctor’s advice: these 5 kinds of food, try not to reheat

As a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, diligence and thrift, whether in the era of scarcity of economic materials or in the advanced era of diversification of diets, have always run through the subtle thinking of the people. middle.

According to the food science big data statistical survey, more than 98.5% of the households focus on the meals that cannot be eaten at night, and the staple food is usually I will choose to put it in the refrigerator for cold storage, and then eat it again by reheating it.

Influenced by today’s health and wellness concepts, a small number of people believe that eating leftovers and leftovers can lead to cancer , For the formation of this statement, is there a certain correct view of scientific cognition? #Xiafang Health Guide#


Can reheating rice cause cancer?

According to clinical medical data, statistics show that there are as many as 936,300 people in my country suffering from organ epithelial tissue necrosis and cancer diseases. Cancer accounted for 26.8% of the total, and the incentives were closely related to dietary factors and environmental factors.

Adults and middle-aged and elderly people have different dietary ideas, especially in the secondary use of food, which has a certain impact on food consumption. The mentality of split support is as follows:

——Mom, why are you eating the leftover rice from last night? Didn’t I tell you that the second heating of rice will produce harmful substances, which will lead to the induction of cancer diseases.

– Oops, I’ve been eating for so many years, isn’t that okay? Don’t just listen to rumours on the internet.

Whether there is a certain scientific principle for the statement of whether the reheating of rice will cause cancer, the Chinese functional food team and the disease data team , confirmed by multiple studies:

The correlation between the induction of cancer disease and the direct dietary factors in the human body is 25.9%. When stored in cold storage and eaten by secondary heating, the bacterial components grown on the surface will effectively disappear, and it will not cause certain irritating effects after being ingested into the human body again.

In view of the formation of this statement, it is suggested that everyone must be scientifically clear, and it is best to use correct and reasonable viewpoints to deal with rumors choose.

However, when storing rice that cannot be eaten at night, you should also pay attention to the choice of environment and temperature, and wait until it is completely cooled. , placed in the upper environment of the refrigerator, covered with plastic wrap, to avoid odor turbid reaction with other meat products.

When reheating, it is also necessary to control the temperature and time to avoid uneven heating, resulting in persistent abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other foods A poisoning reaction occurs.


Doctor’s advice: these 5 kinds of food, it is best not to reheat

1. Mushrooms strong>

The average price of mushrooms sold in the market is controlled at about 3.5~4.5 yuan per pound. Because of its common price and delicious taste, it is very popular. The favorite of most families, they usually choose the method of cooking mushrooms and meat products together to satisfy their appetite.

For mushrooms that cannot be eaten, it is recommended that you throw them away in time to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort caused by secondary heating. It is refrigerated at low temperature, and it is difficult to avoid the occurrence of cold bacteria.

Fungus components grown on the surface are converted into nitrate components during the heating process at 65~75°C. After ingesting the human body, the balance of sodium and salt is disturbed, and it also leads to indirect abdominal pain. Poisoning reactions such as pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting occur.

2. Spinach

< span>The vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin B12 components contained in spinach can help supplement the micronutrients that the body lacks after ingesting it, promote the peristaltic vitality of the gastrointestinal tract, and also help improve the symptoms of constipation.

But for spinach that can’t be eaten, it is not recommended to reheat it, so as not to cause a sharp increase in nitrite and aggravate the stomach The stress on the intestines can lead to food poisoning.

For green leafy vegetables such as spinach greens that cannot be eaten, it is necessary to avoid frequent frying, and make appropriate choices according to natural needs and family needs.

3. Seafood

< span>The common types of seafood sold on the market are fresh shrimp, abalone, crab, clams, oysters, etc. The high-quality protein, oil and calorie substances contained in the seafood can help improve the self-operating state of the overall sexual organs and supplement the lack of the body. energy.

But it is not recommended that you reheat seafood food, and the best storage time should be controlled for about 3 to 4 hours. Pay attention to the choice of temperature and environment, so as to avoid direct contact with the outside air, resulting in overnight spoilage. After being ingested into the human body again, it is prone to diarrhea and pain.

4, scattered eggs

according to Affected by the increasing economic demand of today’s population, the eggs sold on the market are also divided into various types. Influenced by the temptation of sterile advertising slogans, most families have a large demand for loose eggs and purchase psychology.

You can eat bibimbap raw, heat properly and keep the yellow heart to achieve a delicious taste. It is not recommended to perform secondary heating, so as to avoid the loss of nutrients and the growth of bacterial components.

5. Milk

< span>The iron, zinc, and calcium contained in milk can help supplement the energy substances that the body lacks, promote growth and development, and also benefit their own bone health. It is suitable for adolescents and middle-aged and elderly people in the growth and development period to drink.

For drinks such as milk, it must be consumed in time after unpacking, or it can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 to 12 days. Avoid direct contact between milk and outside air for 5-6 hours to avoid volatilization reaction.

Although the method of secondary heating cannot fundamentally achieve the elimination of bacterial substances, it is easy to cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc. after drinking it again. reaction occurs.


Science extension – the best way to deal with leftovers and leftovers

[Separation in advance]

For the staple food, meat products and green vegetables that cannot be eaten, try to choose the method of evenly packaging for refrigeration. The family needs to select the appropriate amount of dishes, and place the dishes that cannot be eaten after cooking in advance, and divide them into two parts.

[Save time]

The best advice given by the food functional nutrition team is: control the storage time of meat products for about 5 to 6 hours, control the storage time of green vegetables for about 4 to 5 hours, and control the staple food for about 5 hours, and also pay attention to temperature. And the refrigerator compartment environment.
