Why the more you rest, the more tired you are?|[Jingwei low-key sharing]

During the holidays, many people have a question – why the more you rest, the more tired you are?

Everyone knows the importance of rest. It is also known that the brain can only process work more efficiently when it is rested. But what is depressing is that many times, despite eating well, sleeping well, and resting, I am still exhausted and disconnected. What is the origin of this “feeling of exhaustion” from the bottom of my heart?

Actually, people’s fatigue is caused by multiple reasons, and the way of rest will be different. Without proper rest, there is no real rest.

This article shared today analyzes 7 types of rest: physical rest, mental rest, emotional rest, sensory rest, social rest, Creative rest, soul rest. Below, Enjoy:

Editor-in-Chief: Daniel | ID: MRDANIEL777Editor: La rose | Photo: Google

Everyone knows the importance of rest. It is also known that the brain can only process work more efficiently when it is rested. But what is depressing is that, many times I eat well, sleep well, and rest, but I am still exhausted and disconnected. Because many people don’t realize that sleep and rest are not the same thing at all. Most of us focus on sleep when we’re tired, butThere are multiple causes of fatigue, and the way we rest will vary. Psychologist Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, in the long-term process of facing patients, found: The environment and stress we face are caused by people different. To deal with people’s fatigue, there are seven corresponding rest methods: physical rest, mental rest, emotional rest, sensory rest, social rest, creative rest, and soul rest. Everyone can only get real replenishment by taking the right medicineresting the right way1

Body Rest

< span>Physical Rest

What is body rest? Many people understand that when the body rests, it is sleep. But in fact, there are two types of physical rest, passive and active. Sleep and naps, the most common passive rests, help us recover quickly and stay healthy. Because when you are overworked or sleep deprived, you face physical and mental harm, such as decreased thinking ability, impaired alertness and judgment, immune dysfunction, and increased depression, obesity, and aging , increased blood pressure, diabetes and other risks. Enough sleep can effectively protect your health, but If you have the following symptoms, you need some active rest in addition to passive rest. For example, often feeling aches and pains in the body; feeling exhausted at the end of the day but unable to sleep well; often getting sick and having a weak immune system; relying on alcohol and drugs to release stress ;Emotions are easily irritable, and always get angry at every turn…At this time, you need to take time to calm down and do some active and active rest, including stretching, walking, jogging, and progressive muscle relaxation , hot bath and massage. The type of rest of the body depends on the stress, some stress cannot be eliminated by sleep, and additional active rest is needed to reduce this part of chronic fatigue. 2

Mind Rest< /h2>

Mental Rest

It seems that you have no real rest. and? Even when you finally have time to rest, your mind won’t stop;Even when you’re in bed, your mind is still thinking. If you’re exhausted and still can’t let go of what’s worrying you, maybe you’re stuck in your mindfatigue. Like our body’s burnout when it’s overworked, if the brain is involved in too much thinking, reasoning, and memory, or is under extremely high mental stress, it becomes trapped in the mind. fatigue. The most common symptoms include mental disturbance, lack of motivation, irritability, overeating, loss of appetite, or insomnia. If left unchecked, it can lead to serious health problems, including anxiety, depression, and even neuroticism. Research shows that persistent mental exhaustion can also affect a person’s physical endurance. So, what causes mental fatigue? Decision: Keep making decisions, keep making decisions. This keeps people’s brains full of options lists, also known as “decision leeches.” These pending options, like blood-sucking leeches, suck your attention and energy. Clutter: Clutter triggers the production of cortisol (or the stress hormone). So the more cluttered your physical or mental space, the more stress you have. Prolonged stress can lead to brain fatigue and mental exhaustion. In the Internet age of information explosion, it means that the brain receives too much information every day, which naturally increases mental fatigue. Overcommitting:Overcommitting too many tasks when you don’t have that much energy. This drains the brain and creates a constant cognitive load that can lead to burnout before you even start work, further fueling mental fatigue. Avoidance and procrastination: Avoiding and procrastinating work because of stress. It takes more brainpower and energy than focusing on your work. Because avoidance will increase mental anxiety and self-blame, which will continuously consume people’s mental energy. Perfectionism:As with any extreme, perfectionism is a double-edged sword. It can easily turn into a self-sabotaging habit if you’re not paying attention. Perfectionism pursues the best decision-making, and is likely to fall into excessive worry and fall into a vicious circle due to difficult decision-making. To overcome mental fatigue and ensure adequate mental rest requires us to keep our lives as organized and orderly as possible. At the same time, make sound decisions to ensure that the brain processes tasks in batches and concentrates the work, rather than being constantly running. Reducing self-aggression, self-criticism, self-sabotage and internal friction is a top priority in ensuring that the mind is rested. If you have a personality that is always dissatisfied inside you, you can never take a break. 3

Emotional Rest

Emotional Rest

Do you have irritability? Do you get angry at negative events online? If you’re raising kids or pets, do you often get tired of their endless distractions? Do you ever feel like you’re constantly out of control and hysterical over the little things? If you’re constantly in a state of anxiety, it’s easy to get distracted, often disappointed and angry over the little things, emotional roller coaster or emotional numbness. Then, you are likely to fall into emotional exhaustion in the constant emotional exhaustion. Dr. Dalton Smith: Each of us has an inherent ability to manage our emotions. We poured emotional energy as we offered our sympathy to a friend who had just lost a husband and comforted a crying child in our arms. Every positive interaction is giving oneself, and when over giving one’s emotions outweighs the emotional replenishment, one experiences emotional fatigue. Because we often forget to monitor our emotions, we also fail to pay attention to where we expend our emotional energy. As a result, they often realize their emotional problems only after they are completely exhausted. What should I do to relieve emotional fatigue and get real emotional rest?First, build emotional awareness. Emotional awareness is the key to identifying emotional loss and emotional recovery. For example, when you are with certain friends who are overly negative, you quickly feel exhausted or irritable. This is your body reminding you that you are facing emotional drain. And when you’re playing with a cat and you’re happy, it’s emotional recovery. Emotional awareness is important because emotions are contagious and fluid. So we need to identify both our emotional flow and where the emotions that affect us come from. Second, create boundary awarenessawareness. A person is not mature enough to be an adult. But understanding the sense of boundaries is truly mature. Whether it is a parent-child relationship or an intimate relationship, it is more about individual independence. If we do not have a sense of boundaries, we will be constantly disturbed by external emotions and controlled by the will of others, so that our emotions will be constantly in a state of being sucked. Boundary awareness means we understand that news is news and others are others. We can close our emotional gates appropriately so that we don’t end up in a state of emotional drain. Kindness and empathy are good qualities, but should not come at the expense of oneself. What’s more, when you are still in deficit, it is actually difficult to have a positive impact on others. It is better to adjust your emotions and rest, so that you can face life and others with full of emotions. 4

Sensory Rest

Sensory Rest

Living in modern timesSociety means living in an age of sensory stimulation. The city is full of traffic, all kinds of noise, crowds and all kinds of smells in the city, which overload our senses at any time. Even back home, you are still faced with all kinds of electronics, endless screens and lights. There are also a variety of irritating products such as heavy flavors and alcohol that you are used to. It becomes very difficult to really rest the senses. There is a cure for sensory deprivation in psychology: Restrictive Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST) ​​via isolation tanks or flotation tanks. Patients usually lie in a dark, soundproof tank filled with salt water that makes people float. In the shielding of external interference, you can completely get sensory rest and release your body and mind. A psychologist says: Getting rid of all sensory input can calm the nervous and anxious parts of your brain. Because the brain detects that there is no sustained stress, it lowers cortisol levels. In life, simple sensory deprivation and perceptual isolation, such as reducing visual input and isolating noise, can also achieve the purpose of sensory rest. So, when you feel oppressed around you, tired from looking at things, or even have blurry vision, ringing in your ears, tinnitus, etc., try to stop using all electronic devices. product. Keeping the room quiet, taking a hot shower, wearing a silk eye mask, lying on a comfy bed, etc. can all help to rest your senses. 5

Social Break< /h2>

Social Rest

Many people thought they would stop when they heard social breaksthe essence of social break is to relax by deeply connecting with others and building meaningful exchanges when you feel lonely and isolated and long to talk and interact with others Own. For example, have a meal with your parents, make a sweet date plan with your lover, or chat with your friends, etc. The people you choose and the things you plan to do together are the people and things that make you relax. Because social breaks are not to stop socializing, but to leave ineffective socialization. Get out of relationships that tire you out and get into relationships that you trust. Psychologists have found that when a person lacks social rest, including feeling alienated, lonely, or unable to enjoy true intimacy, it is easy to become attracted to toxic relationships. As a result, they cannot enjoy high-quality relationships, but psychologically reject social interaction, and passively accept exhausting relationships, thus falling into a vicious circle and feeling socially exhausted. So, if you haven’t experienced a comfortable conversation for a long time in your busy life; you haven’t had a meeting with your confidant for a long time, you might as well stop what you’re doing and plan a social event. Even if you don’t have the right people around, you can cultivate friendships and high-quality relationships by participating in book clubs, church services, or joining similar groups. 6

Creative Rest

Creative Rest

Einstein once said: “A man who cannot stop to marvel and awe is like dead, his eyes are closed .”For most of us, it’s easy to get caught up in the mechanical hectic, monotonous repetition. So much so that the surrounding scenery, the beauty of the four seasons, and the little luck in life are ignored. There is also a lack of time to appreciate a work of art, listen to the beautiful voice, baptize the soul, and soothe the soul. In the long run, we are constantly consuming our creativity and the original perception of our minds, but we have not replenished and supported them in time. So it’s easy to fall into creative fatigue without knowing it. This means losing the innate sense of wonder, curiosity about the unknown, and the drive and thrill of rediscovering the world. In other words, we are alive, but we are insensitive, like walking dead. Because our eyes are closed, our hearts are rough, and our emotions are cold. We have the social attributes of being human, but we lack the raw passion and energy of being human. It makes us feel that work is just work, and living is just living, rather than work full of love, and living with vitality and contagion. If you often feel like your brain is blank, lacking inspiration and creativity, feeling like your heart is tied up and lacking the ability to think outside the box or innovate, it means a creative break is needed. Creative breaks can stimulate our imaginations, help us find joy, inspire gratitude, and rediscover the good in life. How to take a creative break? It’s actually very simple, maintain the ability to observe and feel nature. Visiting an art museum, listening to beautiful music, or doing some handicrafts, and sipping on a good pot of wine and tea, all keep us sensitive. No matter where you are or what resources you have, you can still look up to the sky with your child – admiring the beauty of dawn and dusk, the fluttering clouds, and the stars in the night sky.. .7

Spiritual Rest

Spiritual Rest

Maybe you feel lost and confused, your life lacks purpose and meaning, and you get caught up in the trivialities of everyday life. Or choose to live a life of numbness because you have been hurt, these experiences will make you feel mentally injured and your soul damaged. Dalton Smith says, You need a soul break if you have the following signs: loss of hope, feeling that life is meaningless; lack of motivation, feeling that everything is boring; no Any sense of accomplishment, but also lack of satisfaction; experiencing depression and despair, falling into numbness and indifference; not feeling love, as if abandoned by everyone… So, how can we let the soul rest? ? Soul rest refers to spiritual rest, a sense of belonging in the soul. If you are not religious, can choose to read comforting books, do things that make you feel at ease, like nature walks, and participate in community activities And so on, to rediscover your sense of purpose and belonging. About the comfort of the soul, Oxford University professor CS Lewis once said a classic saying: If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.The translation of this sentence is:Look for the truth and you will eventually or Consolation can be found; look for consolation, and you get neither consolation nor truth, but only some bubbles and unrealistic thoughts in the beginning, and ultimately complete disappointment.

Finally, I wish you all to find the truth and have a real rest. References:1. Quick and Dirty Tips | 7> Types of Rest You’ve Been Missing . Guardian | The seven types of rest: I spent a week trying them all. Could they help end my exhaustion?3. SKIPPINC STONES | ARE YOU IN NEED OF SPIRITUAL REST? Maybe you also want to see: Jingwei 2021-2022 annual inventory: those most memorable moments span>Jingwei Zhang Ying: 9 Suggestions for Founders with Scientific Research/Technical Background13 Years of Jingwei: Hot Metal and TeenagersDuan Yongping: Sometimes loneliness is really worth a fortune Looking forward to working with you across the mountains and the sea, the recruitment of Hundred Millions 5th Phase has officially started