Why premature amenorrhea? These are the culprits…

Premature amenorrhea will accelerate women’s aging, which is very detrimental to their health.

abnormal amenorrhea is often It has a great relationship with the secretion of hormones in the body. According to research, there are many reasons for premature amenorrhea. The common reasons are as follows.

1. Environmental factors< /span>

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After entering a special living environment in a short period of time, the body will experience a temporary endocrine disorder in response to stress. Generally, it will recover on its own within about 6 months.

2, pituitary amenorrhea

Pituitary dysfunction, leading to abnormal amenorrhea in the signal transmission between the pituitary and the ovary. Such patients are usually accompanied by pubic hair loss, vulvar atrophy, and breast discharge.

3. Ovarian amenorrhea

It is mainly caused by abnormal ovulation caused by diseases such as premature ovarian failure, ovarian cyst, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc. amenorrhea.

4. Abortion surgery< /strong>

Multiple abortions in a short period of time can cause serious damage to the endometrium. It takes a long time to repair and can cause amenorrhea if the endometrial basal layer is permanently damaged, or temporary amenorrhea if it is only partially damaged.

5. Excessive mental stress

Long-term mental stress and excessive stress will seriously hinder the endocrine balance, which may cause amenorrhea symptoms.

Some signs often appear before amenorrhea, such as changes in menstrual cycle and menstrual volume 2 to 3 months in advance. Body skin may experience flushing and body heat. A large decrease in estrogen can also affect bone metabolism, resulting in osteoporosis. In life, the temper is easy to be irritable, and there may be unreasonable anger, low mood, and even depression.

Premature amenorrhea is not a good thing, and it is necessary to seek medical attention in time to clarify the cause of early amenorrhea , and then carry out targeted treatment to avoid affecting health.

Note: This article is a health science popularization article, which involves drugs, technologies, Products, etc. are only required for expression, and do not have any treatment suggestions. For specific treatment methods, please go to a regular hospital for professional examination and treatment.

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