Why is the liver function normal during the physical examination, but the result is that advanced liver cancer is found? Doctor: Don’t miss 3 tests

It is normal to judge whether there is a disease in the body, and blood routine tests can be used to observe the changes in the body. When the liver function is abnormal, it is necessary to pass the liver function test.

Through liver CT and liver function tests, it can be determined whether the patient has liver disease, but want to check It is difficult to find out whether there is a tumor in the human body. It is found that the liver is an organ with strong metabolism. About 20% to 30% of normal cells can make people have normal vital signs.

But in fact abnormal liver function, or abnormal indicators, have no direct relationship with liver cancer, we can observe that some liver functions are normal However, he was diagnosed with liver cancer, which is related to bad habits in daily life, smoking and drinking, which induce a large number of carcinogens in the body.

These carcinogens will continue to accumulate through blood clotting substances, causing mutations in the epithelial surface cells of the liver, and eventually causing people get cancer.

[Case Study]

Brother Wang, who is 42 years old this year, is engaged in a sales job. His daily job is to accompany customers to drink. Although Brother Wang is very resistant to drinking, in order to support his family There is no way to make a living, so I can only do liver function tests every year.

Although the liver function tests are done every year, the results are all normal, but in the past three months, Brother Wang often felt abdominal pain, bloating, and sometimes dull pain in the liver area, but he thought that the medical report was always true, so he didn’t take these problems seriously.

Just a few days ago, Big Brother Wang’s complexion became worse and worse, his complexion began to turn yellow, and his body gradually lost weight , looked like he was malnourished and unhealthy, and he always felt bloated and uncomfortable, so he went to the hospital.

After routine blood tests and abdominal CT examinations by doctors, it was found that Brother Wang had a tumor of more than ten centimeters on his liver. , The tumor has invaded the liver and metastasized to the portal vein, resulting in the appearance of ascites and jaundice. Brother Wang was diagnosed with liver cancer in the middle and late stages.

For this reason, Brother Wang’s family is in a desperate situation, and Brother Wang is also very puzzled, why the liver function during the annual liver examination is All showed normal, why was suddenly diagnosed with advanced liver cancer?

Why was the liver function normal during the physical examination, but was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer?

Liver CT liver function test is an indispensable test when performing liver examination. In the eyes of most people, liver function Normal also means that the liver is healthy, and abnormal liver function means that the liver is unhealthy. In fact, this is a big cognitive misunderstanding.

First of all, normal liver function does not mean that the liver is healthy. The liver function is only when blood is drawn. , there is no inflammation and no necrosis of the liver, but at this time it is possible that the liver has hardened or has inflammation, but it has stopped during the blood test.

In the early and middle stages of liver cancer with abnormal liver function, the liver changes, and the transaminase in the liver tends to increase. It may even be normal, because when liver cancer develops, only the liver tissue surrounding the liver cells is compressed and damaged.

In addition, routine liver function tests cannot detect cancer cells in the liver. Cancer is known to everyone, the liver is dumb, the stomach is a horn, and the pain nerves and sensory nerves in the liver are between 20% and 40%.

Even if the liver is damaged by cellular inflammation and cancer cells, even if 1/3 of the liver cells remain, It will operate normally and will not affect the body’s metabolism, so the liver function test will not show any abnormality, and the patient will not experience obvious discomfort.

Nowadays, many patients with liver cancer go for examination only when they have obvious abdominal pain, distension and unbearable pain in the liver area, and most of the patients have already reached the middle and advanced stage when they are found.

Learn about liver health, try to avoid the 3 tests

The first One: Alpha-fetoprotein test

Alpha-fetoprotein refers to the main sugar in the human body. Protein is composed of yolk sac and is one of the inspection indicators for malignant tumors. At the same time, it can also detect whether the human body has primary liver cancer through alpha-fetoprotein inspection.

The alpha-fetoprotein index of normal people is maintained at 25mol/ml. If the number table has exceeded this index during the inspection, liver cancer should be prevented in time. It is worth noting that this inspection is being performed. Do not eat high-calorie, high-fat foods for the first 12 hours.

Second: Liver B-ultrasound

This is also a simple and clear examination, which can be checked by liver B-ultrasound Examination, to determine the part of the liver, whether there is cancer can also be clearly determined The general location of liver cancer lesions and the connections between them and other blood vessels.

Usually there is no radiation and interference during liver B-ultrasound examination, and multiple examinations can be carried out in a short period of time. To understand liver health, you may wish to do a liver B-ultrasound every six months to every year.

Third: Liver CT scan< /p>

This is a common project to check liver health. Through a clear liver CT, it can be judged whether a person has cancer, which is also a part of imaging examination. First, not only can you observe, but also see the dry form in the gaps of various tissues and organs.

Usually the resolution of liver CT examination is relatively high, and B-ultrasound is done. If you are worried, you can perform liver CT again. Check to see the changes on the surface of the liver in your own body, as well as the rate of visualization of the internal structure of the liver.

In daily life, which bad behaviors cause liver cancer?

[Long-term drinking of unclean water]

Contaminated water and unclean water sources are one of the main reasons for people to suffer from cancer. Usually, we must do safety inspections on drinking water to avoid substandard drinking water. water sources and unpurified water sources.

[Long-term consumption of moldy food]

Moldy food contains a lot of aflatoxin, which is also the main cause of cancer. In our daily life, we must avoid it Eat moldy foods such as soybeans, peanuts, soybeans, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, etc.

[Long-term smoking]

It is well known that the liver is an organ for detoxification, detoxification and self-repair, and the inhaled smoke needs to be metabolized in the liver, but the liver is also toxic in the fragile and sensitive tobaccoSubstances and toxic gases can cause certain damage to the liver, threatening the normal metabolism of the liver system.

[Long stay up late]

The time for liver detoxification is between 1:00 and 3:00 in the evening. If there is no rest during this time, it will cause liver cells Injured, people who often stay up late will have endocrine disorders and metabolic disorders, and the risk of liver cancer will continue to increase for a long time.

#Xiafang Health Guide#
