Why is running the first choice for cancer friends? What happens to patients who run for a long time?

Cancer is considered a “terminal illness” by many people, and most people talk about cancer discoloration, but with the development of medical technology, the improvement of cancer treatment options, and the With the development of new drugs, early screening, etc., the mortality rate of various cancers has been significantly reduced, and the life expectancy of cancer patients has been extended.

If you are unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with cancer, in addition to active treatment, you must fight against cancer in a reasonable way span>, most people will fight cancer through exercise, and running has become the first choice, many cancer patients continue to run every day after being discharged from the hospital, so running really helps Is that great?

As the so-called life lies in exercise, for cancer patients, as long as the condition allows, the exercise that maintains the scientific law is indeed It can improve immunity, prolong survival period and improve quality of life. Doctors will also recommend patients to enhance their physical fitness through appropriate exercise.


Why is running the first choice for cancer patients?

Among the many sports, running is the simplest and easiest to achieve. It is not restricted by the venue, and does not require any equipment. As long as there is time, wearing a set of comfortable clothes, you can run directly.

During running, the brain releases dopamine to make you happy strong>, and most cancer patients experience emotional anxiety and depression.

Running can make the mood more comfortable and distract the patient’s attention, thereby eliminating trouble and anxiety. The negative effects of sadness, will, and negative emotions on the immune system are of great help to the survival of cancer patients in the Yuan Dynasty.

Studies have found that:Running can stimulate the secretion of hormones and stimulate the production of a large number of bone marrow White blood cells, increase the number of white blood cells and enhance the ability of phagocytic cells. At this time, if a small amount of cancer cells appear in the body, the white blood cells will directly eliminate them, thereby enhancing the body’s ability to resist cancer.

In addition, a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute of the United States revealed that if middle-aged adults Adhere to regular and have a certain intensity of exercise, can effectively prevent the occurrence of colon cancer.

Professor Aken, a well-known German sports medicine expert, conducted a study on 450 people over 40 who insist on exercising and After 8 years of follow-up survey of 450 people who did not exercise, it was found that long-term exercisers, , had a 90% lower risk of cancer than those who did not exercise, and the mortality rate of cancer patients who persisted in exercise, Also much smaller than inactive.

It is precisely because of this that many cancer patients use running to boost their immunity enhance the body’s ability to resist cancer.


What happens to patients who run for a long time?

Does anyone know? Reactive oxygen species is the nemesis of cancer cellsThe reason why running can fight cancer is because during running, the breathing rate increases, which will Inhale a lot of oxygen to kill cancer cells.

There are many patients who fight cancer through running, such as He Ming, a well-known inspirational anti-cancer person in my country. In 2016, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. At that time, he was told that his survival period might be only three months, but he did not succumb to the cancer. In 2017, He Ming signed up for the first half marathon and successfully completed the race.

He Ming completely fell in love with running marathons from then on. the meaning of life, The body has also changed, blood pressure and blood sugar have dropped, and the cancer cells in the lungs have also temporarily stabilized. He Ming now understands that he must learn to live peacefully with death.

Although he was diagnosed by the doctor and only survived for three months, he persisted for four years through unremitting efforts, a total of Completing 61 marathons has become a miracle in the anti-cancer world and brought hope to many cancer patients, so many cancer patients began to fight against cancer by running.

Do you have any other views on exercise against cancer? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.