Why is it better to sleep in socks? Japanese people live the longest, is it related to their love to wear socks?

When it comes to the world’s favorite country to wear socks, Japan is definitely on the list. Many Japanese wear socks almost all year round, and don’t even take them off when they sleep. As the country with the longest life expectancy in the world for more than 20 years, the average life expectancy of Japan has reached 84.6 years. Is the longevity of Japanese people related to the love of sleeping in socks?

1. Research: Sleeping with socks may improve sleep quality and fall asleep faster

A study published in the international Journal of Physiological Anthropology pointed out that wearing socks while sleeping can not only make people fall asleep 15 minutes earlier, but also improve sleep quality. Wearing socks to sleep can increase an average of 32 total sleep time in minutes.

Why does wearing socks improve sleep quality? Because when wearing socks to sleep, the heat of the feet is protected, the blood circulation will be more active, and a relatively stable sleep temperature will be maintained, making it easier for people to fall asleep.

Just from the perspective of sleep quality, how much does poor sleep quality often affect people’s lifespan?

Looking at the relationship between sleep quality and life expectancy from the University of Surrey in the south of England and Northwestern University in the United States, regular poor sleep quality may reduce life expectancy by 10%.

Actually, for people who often have difficulty falling asleep, due to lack of adequate rest, the body’s immunity will naturally increase, which will naturally increase the risk of diabetes, neurological diseases, etc. If the personal living habits are poor , which may eventually lead to a shortened lifespan.

Second, What are the benefits of wearing socks to bed?

Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining brain, body function, and more. For some people who have difficulty falling asleep, wearing socks to sleep can not only help to quickly enter light sleep, but also have other benefits.

1. Help improve menopausal flushing symptoms

Many menopausal women may experience hot flushes, such as sudden body heat, night sweats, palpitations, and flushing Wait. This may be related to hormonal imbalance during menopause, which affects temperature regulation. Sleeping with socks on can lower core body temperature at night and help improve hot flashes.

2. Help relieve cold hands and feet

People who often have cold hands and feet, mainly due to excessive constriction of terminal blood vessels, resulting in reduced blood flow to hands and feet

2. strong>, so the fingers and toes will feel cold and numb. Wearing socks while sleeping can help reduce symptoms and keep your feet warm.

Third, explore the mystery of Japanese longevity

Of course, to say that Japanese live long It is because it is too far-fetched to wear socks to sleep. In fact, longevity is determined by multiple factors, and it is not an overnight success.

1. No Overeating

An article in the European Journal of Nutrition surveyed the diets of 92,000 Japanese It was found that the average Japanese calorie intake was 2719 calories, which was lower than the calorie intake of other countries. With less calorie intake, the burden of digestion is small, and the risk of obesity, high blood sugar, hypertension and other diseases is also reduced.

2. Light diet

Japanese cuisine is also known as “water cuisine” – less salt, less oil, and less condiments. Compared with the Chinese people who like to use braised, fried, and spicy stir-frying methods, the Japanese prefer an “authentic” diet, adopt the simplest cooking method, and try not to destroy the nutrition of the food.

3. Like to use their brains

Many elderly people in Japan like to play some brain games. The more seniors there are, the more seniors even form teams to participate in e-sports. Regular brain exercise can help fight brain aging and improve cognitive performance.

4. Pay attention to hygiene

Japanese love cleanliness very much, even the things that many people tend to ignore Oral, especially in Japan. Reducing oral periodontal bacteria can slow down and prevent cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis.

5. Combination of work and rest

Japanese work is very stressful, but they know how to combine work and rest. When taking a break, many people pack up their bags and walk away, look around, relax, and benefit their physical and mental health.

Fourth, what should I pay attention to when wearing socks to sleep?

The longevity of the Japanese seems to have nothing to do with the love of socks. But it is undeniable that wearing socks to sleep can indeed improve cold hands and feet, help blood circulation, and thus improve health. However, Dr. Zhang Lanfeng from the Prevalence Center of Xiyuan Hospital reminded that not everyone is suitable for sleeping in socks.

For people with older age, edema of lower limbs and feet, and insensitive nerve perception, wearing socks to sleep may affect blood circulation, which may have adverse effects. In addition, if the socks are too tight, the feet and feet will feel restrained during sleep, which will affect the blood circulation and also affect the sleep.

If you often have trouble falling asleep in your daily life, tryWearing socks to sleep, of course, it is still very unreliable to sleep in socks to live a long life. The key is to develop a healthy lifestyle.


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