Why is Houttuynia cordata a “harmful grass”? What happens if you eat Houttuynia cordata often? tell you

In rural areas, in addition to the most common mountain roads, there are common weeds and wild vegetables. Wild vegetables are everywhere on the mountains. These wild vegetables are enduring, as the saying goes. Says “Wildfires don’t quench, spring breezes regenerate”, but as their numbers increase, their value gradually decreases.

Houttuynia cordata is a kind of herbal medicine included in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, alias Zheergen, has a fishy smell, It is a kind of herb, which mainly grows in the southwest of China, such as Sichuan, Yunnan and other places.

Houttuynia cordata was actually discovered during the famine years. At that time, people found that eating Houttuynia cordata could not only enhance satiety Abdominal sensation, and it also has a certain role in medicinal value, which can help the human body to regulate the body.

What is the “medicinal value” of Houttuynia cordata?

—Diuresis to reduce swelling

After people usually take Houttuynia cordata, it can expand the capillaries in the body, accelerate the metabolism of water in the body, and play an obvious diuretic effect. In addition, Houttuynia cordata is rich in trace elements potassium, and potassium is also An important component of urine, therefore, people usually take Houttuynia cordata when the body is swollen and the urine is short and red, and the symptoms can be improved as soon as possible.


Houttuynia cordata. Known as antibiotics in plants, after being used as medicine, this plant has a good antiviral effect. It can inhibit the activities of various viruses in the human body, and has a good preventive effect on viral diseases such as influenza, epidemic meningitis, pneumonia, and nephritis. In addition, moderate consumption of Houttuynia cordata can also prevent urinary and reproductive systems. Infect.

-improving immunity

Houttuynia cordata has a significant impact on the human immune system. After taking this Chinese herbal medicine, it can improve the activity of human phagocytes and accelerate its resistance to Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus It can reduce the damage to human immune cells and significantly improve the immunity of the body.

—Preventing and Treating Disease p>

Houttuynia cordata has many functions. It can relieve cough, stop bleeding, and promote tissue cell regeneration. It can usually be used to prevent common diseases such as bronchitis, pharyngitis, and skin. , In addition, when people have psoriasis, erythroderma, high blood pressure and high blood lipids, eating more Houttuynia cordata can make their state better, which is of great benefit to maintaining human health.

Why is Houttuynia cordata a harmful grass?

Houttuynia cordata mainly grows in the south, and people in Fang also like to eat Houttuynia cordata as a wild vegetable. When they feel unwell, they Will eat Houttuynia cordata to relieve, many families will specially store some Houttuynia cordata.

With the increasing popularity of Houttuynia cordata, there are more and more rumors about Houttuynia cordata, many people Is it correct to say that Houttuynia cordata is a “pest weed”?

In fact, the reason for such a statement is that Houttuynia cordata contains a certain amount of aristolochic acid . Ammonium phosphate is listed as a first-class carcinogen by the International Center for Research on Cancer. If it is ingested into the human body, it will bring certain harm to human health.

So many people think that Houttuynia cordata is harmful to the body, and even think that Houttuynia cordata is harmful to people. There are many kinds of aristololactam in Houttuynia cordata, and the species contained in Houttuynia cordata do not have a huge impact on the human body, and the content is low enough to cause harm to the human body.

What will happen to Houttuynia cordata? This article tells you that

Houttuynia cordata is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine and has three toxic components. If there is no discomfort, it is not recommended to take it for a long time.

Moreover, Houttuynia cordata is cold in nature, which does not mean that everyone can eat it. It should be used in moderation and not excessively used.

For people with deficiency of the spleen and stomach, they should eat less, otherwise stomach pain and bloating may occur, leading to discomfort.

If your body is allergic, eating Houttuynia cordata may have some adverse reactions, such as nausea and vomiting, so , for people with allergies, should be used with caution.

When the seasons change, many people have weakened immunity, they are prone to cold and sick symptoms, can Taking some Houttuynia cordata properly can help improve the body’s immunity and avoid infection.

If you eat Houttuynia cordata properly, it will help to expel the garbage toxins from the body in time, which can reduce the burden on the liver. Improve liver function, effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi, and play a very good antiviral ability.

Who is Houttuynia cordata not suitable for?

First, people with allergies

According to different skin types, it can be divided into allergic, dry, oily, etc. Many people always think that this classification is limited to facial skin, but it is not. People’s physique is cultivated since childhood. If the face is allergic, it means that the skin of the body is also allergic. It is not suitable for people who have eczema when the weather is wet and cold, and people whose skin turns red when exposed to sunlight should not eat.

Second, cold people

Houttuynia cordata should not be ingested by people with problems such as palace cold and body cold. After all, it will directly lead to aggravation of colds, especially female friends, and even May cause infertility.

Third, people with poor liver function span>

The so-called medicine has three poisons. Although Houttuynia cordata is a Chinese herbal medicine and edible food, it still has certain toxicity. The liver is the main detoxifier. The function is not good, it is best not to take it in large quantities for a long time.