Why does vaginitis recur and why?

Three common types


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1. Bacterial vaginosis (BV)

Mostly manifested as vaginal discharge Increased, homogeneous, thin with foul smell, no obvious hyperemia and inflammatory reaction of vulvovaginal mucosa.

2. Trichomonas vaginitis (TV)

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Mostly manifested as a large amount of vaginal discharge, foul-smelling, yellow-green, and some are accompanied by vulvar irritation symptoms. Untreated infection can last for several months to several years.

3. Vulvovaginal Candida (VVC)

It is mostly manifested as genital itching, vaginal pain, dyspareunia, abnormal vaginal secretions, and urine stimulates the vulva and vestibule to cause pain during urination.

Why does vaginitis recur?

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1. No resistance improvement

Repeated vaginitis may be due to resistance Caused by too weak. Because the continuous development of vaginal inflammation is related to the weak resistance, if the resistance is not actively improved during the illness, staying up late and lack of exercise may cause the patient’s resistance to become weak.

This reduces the body’s ability to fight pathogenic bacteria, which may lead to repeated illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the resistance and maintain good health in a reasonable way to find the recurrence of vaginitis.

2, no timely treatment

< Recurrence of vaginitis in women may be caused by delayed disease. Some people have no obvious early symptoms after the onset of the disease. Therefore, treatment is not emphasized, and symptoms may recur as the disease progresses. Therefore, after the occurrence of the disease, it cannot be ignored, and it should be treated in time, otherwise the recurrence or delay of the disease may cause physical harm, so that the local symptoms will be more obvious.

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Many women do not pay attention to personal hygiene after vaginitis occurs, which will also lead to repeated illness. When there are problems with local hygiene, bacteria are more likely to breed, and pathogens will invade. In this way, the condition may be difficult to improve.

Therefore, it is found that vaginitis occurs repeatedly, which may be caused by not paying attention to personal hygiene. At this time, you should pay attention to illness Partial care, keep it dry and hygienic, so as to prevent the disease from recurring.

4. Self-medication

Inflammation often recurs, which may be caused by blind treatment. Some people go to pharmacies to buy medicines for treatment after they develop vaginitis, but there are many types of vaginitis, and they need to take targeted medicines according to the test results. damage will be more pronounced. In order to prevent this from happening, it is best to go to the hospital after suffering from vaginitis.

5, no medication on time

Vaginitis often recurs and may be caused by blind treatment. Some people go to pharmacies to buy medicines for treatment after they develop vaginitis, but there are many types of vaginitis, and they need to take targeted medicines according to the test results. damage will be more pronounced. In order to prevent this from happening, it is best to go to the hospital after suffering from vaginitis.

How to prevent in life?

If vaginitis occurs, you should seek help from a doctor in time to determine the cause of vaginitis and then give appropriate treatment , but some of the usual personal habits play a very important role in preventing the recurrence of vaginitis, everyone must pay attention:

1. Adequate sleep: stay up lateIt will reduce the body’s resistance to disease and induce repeated vaginitis! So, don’t stay up late! Do not stay up all night! Do not stay up all night!

2. Master the correct cleaning and care of the vulva: Wear cotton loose underwear, change and wash frequently, and keep the vulva clean and dry Breathable, try not to use pads. Use special small towels when cleaning, pay attention to the order, wash the vulva first and then the anus, and do not do the opposite.

Also, especially important: only wash the vulva, not the inside of the vagina! (Avoid destroying the normal flora of the vagina)

3. Dietary conditioning: Try to avoid eating spicy and irritating food, eat less Eat sweets and drink plenty of water (boiled water). You can eat more yogurt rich in active Lactobacillus acidophilus, such as bifidobacteria yogurt.

4. Clothing cleaning: Underwear should be washed separately. If it is vaginitis caused by trichomoniasis infection, To be disinfected in a timely manner. Trichomonas vaginitis underwear can be sterilized by boiling method to avoid repeated infection. Candidal vaginitis should be washed with regular soap and dried in the sun to avoid getting wet.

5. Reasonable sexual arrangements and sexual partner hygiene: Pay attention to grasping The frequency of sex, 2 to 3 times a week is appropriate. Before and after sex, pay attention to cleaning the vulva in time, and sexual partners pay attention to personal hygiene. During an episode of vaginitis, it is necessary to suspend sexual life.

6. Improve self-resistance: Have a balanced diet and eat more fresh vegetables Fruits (not too sweet) can be properly exercised according to their own conditions.