Why does tuberculosis “prefer” students? On World Tuberculosis Day, attention should be paid to prevention and control in schools

Some people are born white, which is enviable. If you are not white enough, what should you do? Of course, try to make yourself white. What are some ways to get whiter? Let’s take a look at the recommended method.

1. Sunscreen

Try to avoid going out from 10am to 2pm in summer, because During this time, the sun is the strongest, the ultraviolet rays are the most powerful, and the damage to the skin is the most. When going out, try to wear hats, sunglasses, umbrellas, and long-sleeved clothes.

Use sunscreen when you go out. Wrinkles and spots are mostly caused by photo-stimulated aging. Ultraviolet rays will activate melanocytes to form tyrosinase. With the continuous renewal of new cells to the surface of the skin, pigmentation will form spots over time.

2. Moisturizing

The face, especially the cheeks, is most likely to lose moisture, so it is necessary to carry out targeted moisturizing to lock in moisture. Facing the very cold weather in winter, office workers can put a basin of water in the office to humidify the air. The best way is to place a humidifier next to the desk.

3. Diet

Usually addicted to spicy and meaty foods, excessive alcohol consumption or food adulterated with pigment, the skin may appear pigmentation, if you stay up late , lack of sleep, but also easy to cause dull skin. Foods that are harmful to our body also include carbonated beverages, biscuits, desserts, and fried foods. It is best to finish dinner before 8 o’clock. After 10 o’clock, the liver, lungs and kidneys are starting to detoxify, so it is not suitable to eat.

4. Exercise

Appropriate amount of exercise can make the waste in the body excreted with sweat. The skin is the largest organ of the body, which is responsible for breathing and excretion. function to expel toxins from the body. Urine and sweat are the best detoxification processes. Today’s office workers are in a hurry every day and have to take care of their families and children. Be sure to use your normal spare time for simple exercise, or make time for exercise during vacations to promote health.

5Cleaning Habits

It is important to keep your skin clean at all times. If you go out to work or engage in outdoor activities, regardless of the degree of sun exposure, you should take a shower after returning home, gently wipe your body with a massage, rinse with warm water and then cold water, and apply skin care products all over your body. Many daily necessities in daily life can damage the skin and should be used with caution.