Why does “leukemia” specifically choose children? The doctor advises: 3 kinds of fruits should be eaten less for children

When it comes to leukemia, I believe many people are familiar with it. In recent years, the number of leukemia patients has gradually increased, and it is also scary. Nowadays, some of the leukemia people are children. With the elderly, the probability of getting sick is on the high line, and once sick, it basically represents a terminal illness, which is difficult to treat. Of course, some of it can be cured, but we cannot put all our hopes on a complete cure, but try to avoid leukemia. appears, leaving the disease with no chance of survival.


Why does leukemia “pick” children?

1. Children with low immunity

The weak and strong immunity of the human body is related to many reasons, among which there is a certain relationship with age, < strong>Before the age of 10, children’s immune ability is not fully developed, and many immune abilities are not perfect, which is why children at this age are prone to leukemia.

2. Cheap sex toys< /span>

Nowadays, there are all kinds of toys in supermarkets and shopping malls.Many parents are more fond of their children , so they will buy it for them, but the prices of such toys are uneven, and the raw materials are different. Many children like to chew on toys. Unqualified toys contain heavy metals and chemical components. Long-term exposure will cause poisoning and increase leukemia. .

3. Chemical factor p>

After the house is renovated and moved in immediately, leukemia will occur due to eating too many harmful ingredients, such as formaldehyde. Unfavorable components of the body, once these substances are inhaled into the body, will inhibit the normal hematopoietic ability of the body’s bone marrow, affect the hematopoietic function, reduce the body’s white blood cells, slow down the growth rate, and risk leukemia.

4. Genetic factors

According to modern clinical findings, leukemia with a family history of infecting the next generation has a higher clinical risk and probability of disease than ordinary people. According to clinical medicine, although the genetics of leukemia has reached the lowest point, according to relevant researches, children with leukemia have about 2 to 4 times the risk of their siblings being affected, which makes the body pathogenic The main reason why the reaction and the degree of invasion cannot be ignored.

People with a family history of leukemia need to use new clinical electronic equipment, as well as blood routine The examination is carried out to determine whether there are abnormalities in the body and to prevent the damage caused by such diseases to the body.

5. Pregnant mothers neglected pregnancy examinations

There are both internal and external causes of leukemia, and heredity cannot be ignored. Many pregnant mothers do not do physical examinations on time during pregnancy.< span>The chance of a child suffering from Down syndrome increases, and the child born is unhealthy and will suffer from leukemia. If the pregnant mother is more beautiful, she often applies nail polish or dyes her hair, which contains chemical ingredients, such as The harmful substance benzene, an important cause of leukemia, affects the development of children, and also increases leukemia.


The doctor recommends: these 3 kinds of fruits, advise parents to eat less for their children

Type One: Rotten Fruit

Many parents save and will rot if the fruit is found to be rottenCut off the part of the fruit, and then give the good part to the child to eat. This practice is wrong. If the fruit is rotten, it means that the fruit has rot bacteria, and if the whole fruit is polluted, Aspergillus flavus will appear, and regular consumption is harmful to the organs. adverse effects, and even cancer.

Second: Ripe Fruit

With the continuous development of the economy, in life, in order to ensure transportation, many fruits are picked before they are ripe, and many businesses will use industrial ripening It contains chemical substances. Children often eat such fruits, which will become premature and cause other diseases. Leukemia is a very common type. It is necessary to choose seasonal fruits for children, not mature fruits.

Third: Waxed Fruit

When people go to the supermarket to buy fruits, they will choose good-looking fruits. These fruits look fresh, but they are actually waxed by unscrupulous merchants. Fruits look crystal clear when opened. Such waxed fruits are difficult to clean. They contain harmful ingredients. Frequent eating of waxed fruits will have adverse effects on the body. Therefore, parents are not recommended to eat such fruits for their children. They need to be cleaned before eating. , to avoid residues of pesticides, so that health is affected.

Conclusion: In addition to not eating the above types of fruits, everyone should do a good job of exercising in life, and exercise can increase physical fitness , so that the body can effectively resist the invasion of foreign bacteria, strengthen the physique, and a good barrier against the invasion of diseases, but it must be adhered to to be effective.