Why does China insist on “dynamic clearing”?

On the CCTV news program, Liang Wannian, the leader of the expert group, answered this question systematically.

In the context of the gradual cancellation of epidemic prevention and control measures in many countries in the world, China still adheres to the general policy of “dynamic clearing” epidemic prevention and control-

Just today (March 22), Shenyang issued a notice [1]: From now on, the city’s residential quarters and villages will be under closed management, and residents must take nucleic acid tests within 48 hours to enter and leave. Negative certificate and Resident Entry Permit.

Why can’t China relax its prevention and control measures?

How long should we insist on “dynamic clearing”?

In a CCTV news program on March 21, Bai Yansong raised the above question to Liang Wannian, head of the expert group of the National Health Commission’s Epidemic Response and Disposal Leading Group.

Liang Wannian clearly stated that at this stage, it should be the best choice to adhere to the general strategy of “foreign input, internal rebound” and the general policy of “dynamic clearing”, which is also in line with China’s Anti-epidemic reality.

Different prevention and control strategies stem from different concepts

Liang Wannian pointed out that the prevention and control strategies and specific measures adopted by various countries are based on different prevention and control concepts in different countries-

China’s prevention and control concept is people first and life first. Under this premise, my country adopts general strategies and general policies such as external defense against import, internal defense against rebound, including dynamic reset, etc. The core purpose is to effectively balance people’s life safety, physical health, epidemic prevention and control and social and economic development. The so-called “flattening” and “complete cancellation” in some other countries are different in the concept of prevention and control, which is very important.

The actual situation varies from country to country

Liang Wannian introduced that since the emergence of the new crown epidemic, China has been insisting on dynamic clearing and continuously optimizing prevention and control measures, “It can be said that we have protected the people from the so-called ‘herd immunity’ , ‘natural immunity’ is a natural infection method to suffer from diseases. We mainly build an immune barrier through active vaccine immunization to enhance resistance. However, from an international point of view, some countries choose to lie down, and there are two types of immunization. Coexistence: one is through natural immunity, that is, group infection, it can be said that a considerable proportion of the public has been infected with the new crown virus; the other is active vaccine immunity. In this case, if we in China also choose to lie down instead of Adhere to ‘dynamic clearing’, then some of our populations, especially the elderly, the current vaccination rate, especially the full course and booster vaccination, is not completely high enough to form a solid immune barrier, which will inevitably lead to Our large population of elderly, vulnerable and vulnerable are susceptible to infection.”

Liang Wannian reminded that under the above actual circumstances, China must adhere to the policy of dynamic clearing, and adhere to the prevention and control strategies and measures.

Waiting time window

Liang Wannian also mentioned that it is currently a time window in China.

“If we say that we strengthen vaccination and speed up technology including drug research and development, vaccine research and development, I think we will also wait for an opportunity – wait for Omicron to change again and become mild Therefore, at this stage, we stick to the general strategy and general policy, which should be our best choice, and it is also in line with China’s actual anti-epidemic situation.”

[1] “Notice on Further Strengthening the Prevention and Control of the City’s Residential Quarters, Villages, Party and Government Organs, Enterprises and Institutions during the Epidemic Period”

Source: Compiled from CCTV news

Editor: Tian Dongliang

Editor in charge: Zheng Huaju

Proofreading: Zang Hengjia

Plate making: Xue Jiao