Why does ancient Chinese medicine say “it is better to treat ten men, but not one woman”? How to break?

The pathology and treatment of common diseases in women are the same as in men.

Therefore, regardless of typhoid fever or miscellaneous diseases, as long as there is no special indication of men and women, they are all unisex.

But women have their own characteristics, which leads to some diseases that belong to women in addition to common diseases. There are also some prescriptions for women.

First of all, physiological On the one hand, due to the different physiological structures of women, there are problems such as menstruation, vaginal delivery, and childbirth, which are all very knowledgeable and will be discussed in the female textbooks of all dynasties.

And in psychology, women also have many characteristics, which we also need to pay attention to.

Women are feminine and forbear, and their thoughts and concepts are easily changed.

In the era of “starvation to death is a small thing and a big disobedience”, she kept her tact, in fact, this Not necessarily of their own accord;

In the age of feminism, she agreed with feminist views, As a result, I found myself very tired.

Especially in today’s pluralistic society, the mind is pluralistic, and as a woman, I am at a loss:

When you take children at home, you will have The point of view is in your ears, women must have their own salary, must go to work, must have their own career, otherwise you will have no status at home, and you will be out of touch with society;

You work hard, and there will be a point of view in your ear, look at you inside and out, how hard it is, someone married Rich husbands can stay at home as a full-time wife without having to work.

As time goes on, women are often easily moved by it and have ideas.

In the past, men farmed and women weaved, women were in charge, husbands and children, and it was enough to fix the house, but now you can’t, you got it.

We tend to disguise our backwardness by imagining the past badly.

In fact, the ancient and the modern are the same.

The way of life of ancient women may be more suitable for women’s characteristics.

With the penetration of feminist ideas, women in modern society may not be more comfortable than in the past.

Feminism, we have done systematic study and research before.

It is the belief that in all dynasties, male discourse hegemony dominates, and women are in a passive position. Now, they pursue Equality requires equality with men.

It seems reasonable, but in fact, if a man can pick a hundred pounds, do you want to pick too?

After research, you will find that there are too many paradoxes.

Some feminists attempt to challenge male-dominated discourse through sexual liberation and sexual exposure.

As everyone knows, it is satisfying the instincts of men’s indulgence and voyeurism, and is still playing within the patriarchal discourse system. Turn around.

Therefore, any doctrine hides conspiracy, enslaves people, and It will not be far away, and we must be especially vigilant.

Many women pursue fashion In fact, fashion is also a strange circle. On the one hand, it pursues novelty, and on the other hand, it is a kind of old-fashioned and conformist psychology at work.

You have to be like everyone, and you have to be different, it’s hard to decide.

In essence, fashion is in the hands of merchants, whose The ultimate goal is to make you consume.

Then you are not fashionable nor fashionable.

What to do?

Jump out.

Everything, everything Vanity, all preconceived notions, all foreign admiration, all beliefs, all concepts, may all be bound and misleading.

Only by advocating nature and abandoning the shackles of these things as much as possible can you become a real person.

This is true for both men and women.

especially women, Because she is the easiest to be influenced and shaped, she must be more vigilant about all kinds of doctrines and ideas.

Fundamentally speaking, the more natural and simple a woman is, the happier she is.

Some people say, “I’m studying Buddhism, Taoism, and advocating traditional culture, isn’t it enough?” This is certainly good, Because traditional Chinese culture advocates nature.

But be careful not to go astray.

“The road is one foot high, the magic is one foot high.”

What this means is that where there is a Tao that is one foot high, there is a demon that is ten feet high.

Taoism and Buddhism themselves are good, and Chinese traditional culture is even more exquisite, so in this In this field, there are bound to be many liars.

There are demons in Taoism, there are vicious monks in monks, and there are Confucians in Confucianism. What do you say?

Have to guard!

So the ancients ruled the family , there is a principle “not to make wives and concubines close to the monk’s way”, which is to prevent the female relatives in the family from being difficult to control in case they encounter a liar.

You can study Buddhism or Taoism, but you cannot get too close to monks and Taoists.

Study Buddhism, study Taoism is the study of introspection, focusing on self-comprehension and reflection.

Of course it’s okay for you to listen to their sermons. If you have any questions, it’s okay to ask them in public, but you can’t follow monks and Taoists all day long. People also need to practice, so you can’t disturb them too much.

Nowadays, many laymen, The female bodhisattva has brought the monk to her home to make offerings, so we have so many “living Buddhas” in Chaoyang District, Beijing, which is a bit bad.

The French playwright Molière wrote a play called “The Hypocrite”, which is about this, everyone Check it out if you’re interested.

In addition, women’s emotions are complex and worrying.

Once you get sick, it is often related to menstruation, belt, fetus, and childbirth. Therefore, the ancient physicians said: “It is better to treat ten men, but not one woman.”

This sentence seems to be very narrow, and it guides doctors to choose the best.

But the deeper meaning is to remind doctors to be more careful when encountering female patients, not only to pay attention to meridians , belt, fetus, delivery, but also pay attention to soothe their emotions. This is exactly what the former virtuous people worked hard at, and the latter study cannot be ignored.

Share: Don Lue

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