Why do you get ovarian cysts at a young age? Doctor: It is mostly related to 5 factors!

When it comes to short video creator “papi sauce” (real name Jiang Yilei), many people like her humorous short videos.

Recently, Jiang Yilei revealed in a variety show interview , When he was in his 20s, he suffered from ovarian cysts. ①

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After the operation, the doctor also advised her to get pregnant as soon as possible to avoid subsequent recurrence! In addition to “papi sauce”, we often hear in our daily life that many women are diagnosed with ovarian cysts at a young age. Why do they suffer from ovarian cysts at a young age?

20-50 years old is the ovary High incidence of cysts

Wang Xuefeng, director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University, introduced in his WeChat account “Changxiao Health” in August 2021 that ovarian cysts cover a wide range of physiological, Tumors are either benign or malignant. Ovarian cysts are more common in women of childbearing age and perimenopausal, and are common in women between the ages of 20 and 50.

Most ovarian cysts are benign and small Some of them are malignant tumors, which mostly occur in women over the age of 50, so postmenopausal cysts should be paid special attention. ②

1. Physiological ovarian cyst< /strong>

Women of childbearing age have monthly Ovulation, follicle development, will make the ovary exceed the normal size, it is considered an ovarian cyst. Such a physiological cyst does not require medication, and it will slowly disappear after a physiological cycle.

So, for young people who first discovered ovarian cysts Women, don’t be too anxious, do a review on the fourth or fifth day of your next menstrual cramp.

2. Non-neoplastic ovarian cyst< /strong>

Non-neoplastic cysts are more representative Meaning a chocolate cyst, medically speaking, is endometriosis. Such patients usually suffer from pain and infertility, and timely drug treatment, surgery, and postoperative drug therapy are required.

There is also a type of non-neoplastic cyst that is caused by inflammation , Inflammation will stick the ovaries and fallopian tubes together, thus forming ovarian and fallopian tube cysts, so those with gynecological inflammation should be treated in time.

3. Neoplastic ovarian cyst strong>

Not all ovarian cysts are malignant. There are also benign tumors, such as serous cystadenoma and mucinous cystadenoma, but early surgery is still recommended.

But if unfortunately it is a malignant ovarian tumor, The degree of malignancy is often very high. Because the disease is insidious and there are no obvious symptoms, 70% of ovarian cancers are diagnosed at an advanced stage. ②

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Why do I get ill at a young age? Upper ovarian cyst?

According to Wang Xuefeng, director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University, the occurrence of ovarian cysts at a young age is mainly related to these five factors.

1. Endocrine factors

The ovary is an important organ for ovulation and secretion of gonadal hormones. Clinically, many ovarian cysts and polycystic ovary syndrome patients are caused by excessive androgen production by the ovaries and endocrine factors.

2. Genetic and familial factors strong>

With research statistics, 20%~25% of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer have a family history.

3. Lifestyle

Women in generally developed areas have a high incidence, which may be related to High cholesterol in the diet. In addition, disordered life and rest, excessive psychological pressure, and unstable mental state are all risk factors for ovarian cysts.

4. Environmental factors

Ionizing radiation, asbestos and talc can affect oocytes Smoking and lack of vitamin A, C, E may also be related to the pathogenesis.

5. Misuse of supplements

Some women abuse health products such as breast augmentation, Hormone drugs and tonics, such as weight loss and slowing down aging, have also become the incentives for the high incidence of ovarian tumors. ②

Source: ①2022-03-30 Sohu video “Send 100 Girls Home Season 5”, ②2021-08-09 Changxiao Health “Young Young” Ovarian cyst was found, what happened? “, Health Times

Editor: Zhuhai Market Supervision Team

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